It’s as miserable as Bertra, but there are a few of them. Those more than 10 million Pirates are also dumbstruck’s empty ports, and I don’t know what to do for a while. How to do.

“Hey, Batero, if you want to get on my boat, you can let you be the deputy captain.”

On the side, “The Rabid Dog” Dogworth also ran with his men. When he came over, he had better luck. The ship was on the other side and was not affected by the previous tsunami.

“It’s almost the same for you to be my deputy captain!” Fiercely said.

“My bounty is higher than you, Bertro.”

Dougworth is a middle-aged man with a curly beard, looking at Kong Wu powerfully, Compared with Bertro’s thin body, he is an individualistic school at first glance.

“If you don’t get on my ship, no one will accept you.”

He pointed to a group of bright bald heads that appeared in the vicinity, “Unless you want to be Monk.”

“The little monk is willing to accept Beit Mister Luo, but you have to follow my rules when you get on my boat. You have to be a monk.”

‘Da “Eyeballs” Monk Yuantong wears a black monk uniform with thick rosary beads. His eyes are as big as bull’s eyes, hence the name “Big Eyeballs”.

Betro was speechless for a while, looked towards other Pirates, and those Pirates avoided Betro’s eyes.

These people were either the ship was swallowed by the tsunami and ended up with him, or they were impossible to invite him and his men to board the ship, so as to avoid even the people and the ship being received by Bertro.

The only two who have the strength to accept him.

Either be a monk or a deputy captain…

“I understand, please advise me!”

Bettrow told Doug As Voss said, he wisely chose to be the deputy captain.

The monk can be Pirate, but I have never heard of Pirate being a monk. That is an unimagined way.

Yuantong stretched out his hand and bowed, “It’s a pity, the little monk missed Beit Mister Luo.”

“Get on the boat first, leave here and talk.”

Dougworth glanced back at the ruined building that obscured the sky, and a cold sweat ran down his forehead. No matter who did it, he couldn’t provoke him.


Betero suddenly said: “Now is the opportunity, that kind of thing will not land in the city for no reason, whether it’s that short man or Marine, will not slaughter civilians at will. We can take the opportunity to attack this island, and robbing here will make us famous!”

A neutral zone where no one has dared to rob for several years If they were robbed, it would be another matter for peers to be jealous, but they would definitely make a name for themselves in this sea.

This is a good thing for Pirates like them.

Besides, if Bertro wins the big Daimyo, he will have a chance to make a comeback in the future.

Listening to Bertra, Dougworth and Monk Yuantong glanced at each other. He touched his curly beard and said, “Monk, what do you think?”

“The little monk thinks it’s okay.”

Yuantong looked towards the town, folded his hands together, closed his eyes slightly, revealing compassion: “People need to experience pain to cherish peace. People here have been peaceful for too long. Becoming more and more slack. So it’s my duty to make people suffer timely when I go to sea. This is the Buddha’s way that the little monk follows.”

Yuantong opened his eyes, and the big eyes began to be bloodshot. , Looks hideous on his face.

“Feel the pain, accept the pain, understand the pain. People who don’t know the pain don’t know what peace is!”

“Okay! Then we will Cooperate, grab this place first!”

Dougworth shook his fist boldly, and then said to the rest of Pirate: “You can also act together. I welcome you to board my ship. !”

The Pirates who had lost the boat glanced at each other, nodded one after another, raised their fists: “Snatch this place, and be famous for the sea!”

“Dougworth Long live the captain!!!”

Dougworth pressed his hand complacently, he looked around, nodded, and then looked towards a youngster in the corner.

“Let’s get him to be operated on first!”

The youngster seems to be a local resident. Seeing that the Pirates are in high spirits at this time, they are already shiver coldly.

“Don’t come here!”

The youngster saw that the leader came over, stepped back a few steps, reached out and touched his waist, “This is Moe Island, if you rob this place, Aren’t you afraid of being remembered by the Jazz?!”

“I don’t know if he is in this situation, brat, the neutral zone is a thing of the past.”

Bettrow sneered. He took out a pistol and pointed it at the youngster, “I’ll see blood first, it’s lively and lively.”

“Don’t underestimate me!”

The youngster gritted his teeth, from his waist. Then he took out a firecracker and said, “As long as I light this, there will be reinforcements. If you don’t run away now, you won’t be able to escape again!”

“Don’t worry, we have time to escape. It’s not too late to finish the robbery.” Bettrow smiled more and he was about to pull the trigger.

The youngster closed his eyes, lit the firecracker and threw it behind him, making an explosion.

bang!! !

A group of ruins suddenly descended from the sky and landed directly on the Pirate Ship docked on the sea. The ruins were bigger than the ship and crushed the Pirate Ship directly.

The violent wind pressure made the youngster open his mouth. He was just jumping off the wall, but the thing in the sky actually fell down!

The wreckage was flying around, and a curly dog ​​head sculpture fell in front of Dougworth, making the surroundings immediately quiet.

A gust of wind blows, and the dog head sculpture rolls away and disappears from Dougworth’s sight.

Dogworth stood there stiffly, without speaking for a long time. Upon closer inspection, his color was a little gray.

The ship… is gone.

Betro was silent for a while, put down the pistol he was holding, and suddenly asked Yuantong, “Master, is it too late for me to be a monk?”

Yuantong glanced at the sky above, Slowly said:

“Everything can become a Buddha, Beit Mister Luo, as long as there is a perception, you can do it anywhere. It’s no better than sticking to ships and land.”

“What about human words?” ?”

“I can’t do the stuff above, we can’t go anywhere.”

bang bang bang!

The ruins are like meteors It landed and smashed onto the sea, setting off waves like a tsunami. The Pirate Ship docked around here, none of which could escape, were all smashed into pieces and submerged into the sea along with the waves.

The wave rushed into the harbor, and its momentum made a part of Pirate unsteady, and fell there in all directions.

Dougworth was submerged by the waves, his hands clinging to something indiscriminately. As the waves ebb, he had an extra rudder in his hand. The pattern on the rudder made him convinced that this was his ship. Wreckage.

“My ship!”

Dougworth roared wildly and threw the rudder towards a silhouette that emerged in the sky.

His strength was great. The rudder that was thrown away gave out splitting the air sound, brought out a tail line, and went straight to the person in the sky.


Kulo stretched out his hand to catch the flying object, and when he saw that it was the rudder, his face went dark. .

He lowered his body suddenly, shot straight towards the port, and landed on the ground in front of Pirate, raising his hand on the rudder, said solemnly: “Who did it?”

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