Behind, Lida and Kuro led Marine rushing over quickly. Marines held their guns and aimed at a crowd of Pirates to silence the situation.

Dogworth swallowed his saliva. If it was just a normal Marine, he would admit it, but this is not a normal Marine. He is the kind that can fly in the sky, very special.

He is not the kind of question of whether he is strong or not. After all, this person is very strong at first sight, mainly because Dougworth always feels that if he speaks out, he might be lying here.

The other Pirates kept their heads down without saying a word.

The cold sweat on Monk Yuantong’s forehead went down, and the killing intent exuded from this man made people tremble from the bottom of my heart.

If you export it boldly, you will die!

“I’ll ask again, who did it.”

Kulo held the rudder and shook them at them.

He didn’t get rid of his anger at first. This unfathomable mystery came with a rudder in his hand, and he became even more angry.

Among the annoying things, the rudder is Ranked 1st.

No one dared to make a sound, especially when so many Marines pointed their guns at them.


Kulo looked towards that youngster.

The youngster was yelled violently. He trembled and walked over tremblingly. He glanced at Kulo and the Marine not to be trifled with behind him, and said weakly, “Big brother, My own…”

Dogworth looked at what he was saying, then pointed to this side, the terrifying Marine, his gaze looked over here.

Too bad!

Kulo took the rudder and walked to Dougworth, “Did you?”


Doug Voss was taller than Kulo, but when he got closer, his back and head were obviously retracted, making him appear short.

He watched Kulo grasp the hilt of the knife around his waist, not daring to say anything behind.

“You have to be brave to admit when you do things. You make me look down on you. As Pirate, you don’t even have this backbone?”

Kulo’s tone is very soft, “rest assured, Speak out bravely, I won’t do anything to you.”

There was a glimmer of hope in Dougworth’s eyes.

is it possible that this person is a hero?

If he said it, maybe he would appreciate himself?

In that case…

“Yes, I threw it. You smashed my boat. I just vented my anger.” Dougworth nodded admitted.


Black glow flashed by, and Dougworth’s head rushed up, spinning a few times in the air, and falling down with the body.

“It’s just going to kill you.”

Kulo put the limpid autumn water into the scabbard, threw the rudder on him, and took a bite.

“Throw the rudder in front of me, don’t you know I hate this thing the most?”

After that, he glanced at the shiver coldly Pirate.

“Forget it, if you catch you, you might be able to make a contribution, so just kill it as if it’s okay.”

He stretched out his hand and pressed it.

This remark caused Pirate to fall into a collective panic.

“Wait, Marine, wait!”

A bright bald head stood up and brace oneself said: “Mr. Marine, I said to put down the butcher knife and stand on the ground. To become a Buddha, you have killed so many people now, and you will never meet the Buddha in the future.”


Kulo paused with his palm and looked towards the eyes widening. A monk like a copper bell.

Monk Yuantong put his hands together in a salute, and said: “Mr. Marine, my Buddha once said that killing is wrong. Whether we are opposed or not, don’t kill people indiscriminately. The little monk has a mission to go out to sea, yes. In order to make people cherish the hard-won peace, you rashly killed the little monk, and you undermined the mission that my Buddha set for the little monk, so that after you die, the Buddha will blame you and you will go to hell.”


A mass of ruins smashed straight over, swallowing Monk Yuantong and the surrounding Pirate. Under the huge object, only some blood flowed out, indicating their death.

“I didn’t understand a word of what I said.”

Kulo bit his cigar and looked towards the remaining wave of Pirate, “Here you are.”

“Hold on!”

Betero suddenly extended the hand, his expression was very serious, he breathes deeply, and said: “I’ll come by myself, please be sure to leave me a whole body. “

He pointed the pistol at his forehead and squeezed the trigger directly. The lead bullet pierced his temple, and as a cloud of blood flew out, the corpse fell.

No one thought they could resist the objects that covered the sky floating on that day.

If you can’t live anyway, it’s better to choose a decent way to die for yourself.

Being Pirate is also decent.

“I, I don’t want to die!”

Among the remaining Pirate, one of Pirate tremblingly pulled out the knife, weeping bitter tears.

“Fight! The left and right are dead, it is better to fight!”

A figure who seems to be the captain drew his gun and shouted, “Kill me, Spell out a way to escape!”

“Oh!!!” A group of Pirates broke out a strong fighting spirit under the threat of death.

“Commander, there is a ship ahead, it is the flag of the Kingdom of Joelman!”

At this time, I got off from the Battleship and prepared to take people around Captain Pirate and looked towards the side. The surface of the sea, surprised.

There, a fleet of five ships came.

“There are also here!”

The ensign on the land pointed to the other side of the sea, and the same number of ships appeared from there. That sign should be the Kingdom of Sukhna Of it.

“The fleets of the two kingdoms are coming?”

The pirate captain was overjoyed and said: “They must have discovered the tricks here. We have a chance to counterattack this island! It will eventually be in chaos, young ones, rush over with me and drag it to the fleet!”


He tone barely fell, a mass of ruins fell, Turn it into mashed meat.

bang bang bang!

The ruins group crushed all the remaining Pirate, then rose with blood-red flesh mud, and suddenly a large amount of seawater fell from in the sky Tuan, washed away the adhering flesh and blood of the ruins, and rushed to the sea together to make the harbor clean.

“Commander, what shall we do?”

The captain took Marine to Kulo’s side and asked.

The Battleship of the two countries comes here, that is, the balance cannot be maintained. Once they find that the dwarf is dead, then Moe Island will suffer war.

Kulo spit out smoke and said: “Isn’t it just right to come, save me one by one.”

The Battleship of the two countries is driving fast, but it takes a long time. When we arrived at the port, a large number of soldiers came down from the ship, and as soon as they saw the other person, they immediately set up their posture.

“Salor, we haven’t seen it for a long time.”

An aristocratic general on Sukhnai’s side coldly snorted and said to the young aristocrat of the Joelman Kingdom.

“It’s been a long time…”

The Jorman noble named Salor looked towards them, “It seems that your problem is not small.”

“Everyone is the same, your losses are even greater. After all, you have bought a lot of war units. If you are dealt with here, your Jorman Kingdom will probably strengthen great injury.” That person said with a sneer.

“Where do you think you can get better?”

Salor’s said with a sneer: “I also want to get rid of you here, so that we can also complete us The strategic goal of the two parties.”

Both sides with swords drawn and bows bent, the atmosphere suddenly sticks.

In this case, as long as someone fires a shot, it can immediately become a shopping mall.

Salor squinted his eyes and slowly raised his hand, and the other nobles did the same. When they were about to issue an attack command, a huge object suddenly fell from the sky and hit two waves. Among the people

“I said, pay a little attention to the environment. With so many of us here, you fight as soon as you say, have you asked me your opinion?”

Kulo bites Cigar, said slowly to them.

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