The sudden landing of a huge ruin group shocked them all. Only then did they discover that there was still Marine at the port.

And those huge ruins in the sky behind Marine, piled up into black clouds.


Salor frowned, “The struggle of our kingdom has nothing to do with your Marine. Don’t be nosy.”

They It is not Pirate, but the Kingdom Army, and it is also the Kingdom Army of the World Government participating countries. The internal affairs of the World Government are not even qualified to manage, let alone Marine.

“Yes, you just play Pirate obediently, and other things have nothing to do with you.” said the noble general of the Sukhnai Kingdom.

“You can’t say that. You fight like this and ignore the civilians?”

Kulo spit out the remaining cigar head, lit one more, and said : “Moe Island is such a prosperous place, don’t let him destroy it.”

“This is originally our territory. What we do has nothing to do with you, and it is not your turn to take care of it. “Salor said.

“This is our territory!”

The nobles of Nasukna retorted, “Moe Island is the territory of our Sukhnai Kingdom!”

“It seems that you have to fight before you know who it belongs to!”

Salor said coldly, “Listen to the order, prepare to shoot…”


A loud noise came from the sea.

A ship in the fleet of the Sukhnai Kingdom and the Jorman Kingdom was sunk by the abruptly descending ruins. The wreckage was flying everywhere, and a piece of wood was rubbed against Salor’s face. A trace of blood ran down his cheek.

Salor rubbed the blood from his face with his fingers, sweating from his forehead.

The nobleman opposite him has almost the same attitude.

“Be careful…”

Kulo took away the cigar and spit out a puff of smoke, indifferently said: “The ghost place of Grand Line, something fell from the sky, and the sea rolled up A tsunami, it couldn’t be more normal.”

As he said, he stretched out his hand and shook it, and a huge tsunami suddenly rolled up on the sea, and the huge shadow formed by the tsunami enveloped the people living here.

No doubt, if this tsunami is overwhelmed, let alone the nearby ships, this town probably won’t be able to escape.

The nobleman of Sukhnai glanced at the tsunami blankly, swallowed a spit, and said to Kulo: “What are you trying to do?”

“It’s very hard to fight and kill. It’s boring, find a place to sit down and talk.” As soon as Kulo opened his finger, the tsunami fell into the sea, causing a large wave to shake the surrounding ships.


In the tavern in Xiacheng District.

The drinker had already left when the armies of the two kingdoms appeared.

Outside the tavern, the army of the Jorman Kingdom and the army of the Sukhnai Kingdom have big eyes staring at small eyes with each other, and Marine is standing in the middle, acting as the mediator of the two groups of people. Fight.

In the tavern, the three parties found a table and sat down.

Kulo sits on the side facing the door, followed by Kuro and Leda.

On the other two sides, there are the nobles of Joelman and Sukhnai.

Jorman’s noble general, called Salor, is the son of a court minister, one of the very best real powers in the country.

Suknai’s noble general, called Enok, is also a real power faction.

Enoch drank a glass of ale in one breath to relieve the tension that was scared by Kulo before.

“Lucifer · Kulo Commander, right? What on earth do you want to do? You are just Marine. The territorial dispute has nothing to do with you.” He glared at Kulo, as if this would bring him courage.

Salor pushed the ale cup, and said to the waiter who was trembling with fear: “Give me a glass of white water, I will not drink.”

Speaking, he continued Said: “The dispute over Moe Island is a dispute between our two countries. This place was contested by us a long time ago. Now that dwarf is dead, we have all suffered a great loss. This Moe Island, which serves as a bridgehead between the two countries, must Take it down. Even if you stop us now, you won’t be able to stop it in the future.”

Captured Moe Island, no, even if it is not captured, this place is better than their own country as a battlefield.

Just like twenty years ago, everyone is here for a decisive battle, winning the bridgehead, looking at the enemy, taking the opportunity to attack, and retreating after losing, waiting for the next attack.

Hundred-year old enemies, how easy it is to understand each other.

Although Salol can’t understand the dwarf very much, he is really dead now, so some of the following things will be very troublesome.

The two countries maintain their balance by purchasing the arms that were experimented with by the Polapa. Fighting with that kind of thing will not feel distressed if you lose, and you won’t be able to win much if you win.

So they all need Moe Island, and continue to maintain such a scene and control the war on this island. Otherwise, once the war escalates, it will be really bad.

Moreover, the location of Moe Island is what they need. Located in the middle of the route, which route and ten or so shipping lanes you can lead to, mastering here is equivalent to mastering the initiative of those who come and go.

No one wants to give up.

Kulo bit the cigar, glanced at them, and said:

“You two countries say that Moe Island is your territory, but Moe Island has not been owned by you for so many years. Master, you, as a country located on two routes, don’t concentrate on development, thinking about fighting every day, and fighting for an island stuck in the middle of the route.”

“You don’t know where you are fighting. , Will give Pirate a chance. As Marine, let me make a suggestion here. From now on, this is the Marine base, which will be taken over by Marine.”

“We guarantee the passage of water , Let merchants go to any country they want to go through the waterway, and there will be no Pirate. You will go back to your route and no more war.”

“Who agrees, who opposes.”

Kulo leaned back in the chair.

These two countries don’t want to fight anymore. Kulo can see this. Now they’re fighting, it’s all about the current situation and tradition. The island is vying for competition, maybe it’s. Who, if this is the case, let him give this step,

“I object!” Enoch patted the table, loudly said: “Even Marine does not have the right to decide this island. Ownership!”


Kulo slapped Enok’s body with a slap, and fell heavily to the ground.

He stepped on the table, dangling his cigar, fiercely said: “I talk to you so nicely, so if you object to it, you will oppose it and give you a face? You old man Forced to kick, go to the World Government and sue me!”

Speaking, he looked towards Salor.

“Where are you, are you against it?”

Salor looked at Enok who was twitching on the ground, then looked at Kulo, who was unhappy, his head shaking like The same as a rattle.

“I have no objection at all.”

So you at first just say straight, why call people into the tavern for a negotiation.

Negotiating is about talking. If you don’t talk about how to get results, we just want to talk about it. You don’t have room to talk about. Your gameplay is wrong…

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