“If you don’t have any comments, let’s set it up.”

Kulo sat back, arrogantly dangling his cigar, “The Sea Territory around Moe Island and the back and forth The channel does not allow any war. Of course, you are willing to go around a big circle and continue to fight me. I’m Marine, and I’m not the minister of your kingdom. I can’t control that many.”

” Say, but Mr. Kulo…”

Salor organized a language and said: “You said this is the Marine base. I have no objection, but the high level of the kingdom may not agree to it. After all, you There is not even a base. If you just say that this is a base, there is no evidence, right?”

“That’s right!”

Enok gu lu crawling on the ground twitching I got up and slapped on the table, “You said this is the Marine base. What about the approval? The base? A Battleship can’t represent anything. You can stop us. Can you stop the power of all our kingdom? You can stop the power at any time. Can you transform into Pirate’s armed merchants, let alone the evil Pirate!”

“If you can stop it, you can’t stop it. That’s our Marine business. As for the base…”


Kulo left his seat and walked out, “Who said there is no base? Look at that, isn’t that the base?”

He walked outside and pointed to the empty upper city. The hillside of the thing, said the truth.

A few people went out together, Salor was silent, Enoch paused for a while, clutching his swollen cheeks and gritted his teeth: “You are an insult to me, even if you die, I I will never admit that you have a base here!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Kulo lifted his hands.

Enoch screamed and hid behind Salor with his head.

“Why, I won’t hit you.”

Kulo glanced at him, clenched his five fingers, and said: “I said it has it, it has it!”



The ruins floating in the sky suddenly landed on the hillside. The ruins began to arrange and group as they landed, and they built a Marine base fortress. Hanging a huge lion head, there are two large stone lions on both sides of the door, and at the top, there is the Marine peace seagull logo.

“Look, there is no such thing.”

Kulo came, and his captain said without a little conscious: “I will send a report later, just say I We negotiated with Jorman and the nobles of Sukhnai in a cordial and friendly atmosphere. The two countries initially decided to designate Moe Island as a base for Marine. The specific details will be finalized.”

He bit the words’kind and friendly’ very hard.

Salor: “…”

Enoch: “…”

So, where is this kindness?

“I will react to the World Government!”

Enoch took a deep look at Kulo and led away.

You can’t fight anymore. Under the strong pressure of this Marine, there will be no mistakes on this island, and there will be no point in staying.

“I also retired. Wait for your superiors to punish you. It is so capricious, the World Government will not indulge you.”

Salol said, and paused again. After a while, watching Enok take people away, he said in a low voice: “To be honest, I am very grateful to you. Whether it is Joelman or Sukhnai, I don’t want to fight anymore, but this is our tradition. Nothing can change. If you really have the ability to make peace between the two countries, that’s a great thing. If you can’t do it…you better do it, and no one wants to waste their lives wantonly.”

He took the people and also left.

The fleets of the two countries, one after the other, sail into the sea.

Before they left, the nearby residents dared to come out.

Several people of the older generation trembled and looked at the direction they were leaving, tears in tears, “How come, why did they come? Will Moe Island suffer from war again?”

Twenty years of peace, the younger generation has forgotten the tragedy of Moe Island, but they still remember that there are corpses everywhere, without any production, only the chaotic Pirate and those who took the opportunity to capture the slaves. The businessman is here.

Fire, coke, dead bodies, that kind of environment, the older generation still vividly remembers, they don’t want to experience this kind of hell-like scene on earth anymore.

“Why is this happening!”

An old man yelled: “Obviously, I have already contributed to Lord Popa, my son and my daughter, give it to him. Lord Ropa, it is good to bring us peace, why the fleets of the two countries will come over! So what is the purpose of what we have done, if they are destined to come, then return my child to me. !!!”

“My child is also… Back then Master Popa recruited my child, and then I will never see it again, but now there is peace, where is the peace!”

A group of old men shouted one after another. Several middle-aged women hugged each other and wept silently. Their children, or their husbands, were also recruited by Popa and never returned.

These are all for peace, they are willing to endure and’tribute’, but if peace does not exist now, then what is the meaning of everything before!

The crowd became noisy, and a look of grief and anger appeared on everyone’s face.

Kulo glanced, and silently exhaled a puff of smoke. He held the handle of the limpid autumn water knife, and a gap was revealed with a bang.


murderous aura turned into substance, oppressing everyone’s nerves, and this sudden powerful imposing manner made these people quiet.


Kulo took the limpid autumn water back, loudly said: “Polopa, your jazz here, fell to death because of an accident. It was washed away by the sea, and even the body was not found. This means that you don’t need to’tribute’ anything to him from now on, because this place is taken over by our Marine. From now on, this place will become the Marine base. .”

“This place will be more peaceful than before. You don’t have to pay anything except your taxes. We will protect your personal safety!”

“Polo Master Pa is dead?”

“Marine will protect our safety?!”

“In that case, will no one force us to escape…”

The crowd was hustling and hustling, whispering to each other.

Some are happy, some are worried.

The joy is that you don’t have to deal with the ruler, and the worry is that you are worried about whether Marine can have the prestige of Popa and whether it can maintain the peace here.

“Is it really dead, that Bonaparte Popa…”

An old man walked out, trembling, and repeatedly confirmed: “That Guy, no, that dwarf is really dead?”

Seeing Kulo nodded, the old man immediately thumped his chest and stomped his feet and danced for a while before he hid his face and started crying.

He is the old man who had been recruited by Popa just now, his son and daughter.

“Master Marine, can you really protect our safety?”

He is lifting his head, and his face is already submerged in water.

Kulo looked around, looking at their worried and scared expressions, and slowly said: “I guarantee with Marine’s honor that you will be fine.”

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