
I was being beaten by Kuro, no, Sazier who was undergoing training sneezed, and then he slackened and was kicked by Kuro. Kicked in the cheek, flew out, whirled, and rubbed on the ground.

“Too lax!”

Kuro pushed his glasses and said: “You are getting useless, Kulo, if this continues, how can you be a Marine? !”

I think it’s easy for me to be a Marine, at least much better than those captains and ensigns…

“Kulo, you are too rubbish , More training is needed!” Kuro said.

Sazil opened his mouth and stood up laboriously. There was a trace of anger in his eyes. Kuro observed the color of anger, which made him show a look of interest.

Do you want to resist?

That very good!

Sazir moved his hands and feet, and slowly said: “Mr. Kuro, if you talk about me, I will be really angry.”

“Oh? You can be angry again. How is it?” Kuro said somewhat eagerly.

Sazir was silent for a while and said: “Do you know, Mr. Kuro, people and people have different physiques. I am angry…”

“En?” Kuro set his posture and waited for Sazier to attack.

“The anger will continue.”

Sazil didn’t move anymore after saying this, just standing there, when the usual’training’ was over Exactly the same.

“Then?” Question marks appeared on Kuro’s lenses.

“Then it’s gone…”

Just kidding.

What about his anger.

He couldn’t beat the person in front of him again. In addition to being very strong, this four-eyed boy also ate Devil Fruit. It is also a Zoan. I heard that it is a far ancient seed comparable to Mythical Type. .

Even if he wins his human form, there is still a human-beast form, and after a human-beast form, there is an orc form.

Even if he is forced to be angry and pushed to the limit, what can he do?

If you can’t beat it, you can’t.

He is now waiting for the “Old Master” in Kulo’s words, and Marine Headquarter Kizaru will come over, so that as a Marine who has not yet gone through the formalities, he will take this opportunity to go to the headquarters for training and completely get out of this Sea. of Bitterness.

When the time comes, take the opportunity to take revenge again.

He understands that he was beaten up here. Fortunately, there are not many people who beat him, only Mr. Kuro and Leda Young Lady, who come to experiment on a whim from time to time to experiment with the progress of’nail boxing’ Mr. Kulo.

Nail boxing…

Thinking about this, Sazier felt that he was about to commit angina.

Bullying people don’t take such bullying.

At the beach not far away, Kulo seemed to feel the same, and glanced in the direction of Sazier.

“Kulo, that Sazier, are you going to train him?” Leda asked at this time.

It’s been a while since I trained that brat, and sometimes Leda came to relieve her breath herself, no, let’s train.

But she never regarded Sazier as her real person.

“After all, he is also a Kulo, and he has a good talent. It is better to be a Marine than Pirate. It is better to bring someone who can stop Pirate than to let a scourge go out.”

This Sazier, after training, according to normal standards, it is not a big problem to be a Captain.

The most important thing is that he is also called Kulo. If he has the same name, he can sometimes be used.

If there is something to do in the future, if he shakes the pot, it will be fine.

What? My last name?

If you care about Lao Tzu, it would be nice to give you your name.

“What are you thinking about?” Lida asked, seeing the look in Kulo’s eyes.

“You think too much, my Kulo never cheats people.” Kulo said in a serious tone.

“I believe most people say this, you say this…”

Lida looked suspicious, “to be discussed.”

Kulo gave Lida a head, “What’s the matter with you now, why don’t you believe me more and more, when did I cheat others, there are some things I don’t want, it is a coincidence, coincidence, know? I am Marine, I Shameful, if I really take the initiative to cheat people, let the Sea King come and swallow me an arm!”

With his movements, the golden earrings on the earlobes are in the sun Shining brightly, sending out bright radiance.

The rays of light were very dazzling, causing Lida to cover her eyes involuntarily, “Well, Kulo, your one is too dazzling, don’t shake it.”

” Is this something?”

Kulo touched a handful of earrings, and this thing was changed once, but he didn’t dare to talk to Lida.

The one I bought before was chosen by Lida, but now this one was replaced in Mariejois after the fight with Kaido.

It seems to be higher grade than the one I bought before, but it is also more dazzling.


As he touched the earrings, the sea suddenly turned away, forming a huge vortex.


Kulo turned his head and looked strange, “What’s the situation?”

“Grand Line, isn’t it normal for a vortex to appear on the sea surface? “Lida said.

“You are so stupid, can that be the same?” Kulo rolled his eyes.

The vortex gradually expanded, and a huge shadow gradually emerged from the vortex, almost turning the sea in front of you into pitch black.

“Hey, No way…”

It seems that I have felt something, Kulo froze for a moment, and said weirdly: “I’m just for fun, you really came Ah.”

bang!! !

The vortex burst open and aroused a huge tsunami. The tsunami that rose like a cloud covering the sky, scattered all over the sky, turned into a torrential rain, and fell on the entire island.

In the rain curtain, two large floodlight bulbs were highlighted in it, and then, the whole face of that thing was revealed.

“Okay, okay, okay… so big!”

Lida’s eyes were about to stick out, and she looked at the giant in horror.

It is a Sea King. Its mouth is about the size of this island, and its eyes are just like small islands.

Lantern fish!

Lantern fish bigger than the island!

“Kulo, you said you don’t cheat people, God has heard it!” Lida pointed at Kulo and shouted.

“Stop talking nonsense, this thing…”

Kulo’s forehead shed cold sweat, holding the handle of the limpid autumn water in his backhand, “It’s not that easy to deal with!”


Sea King class!

It is still a Sea King that is large enough to swallow the island!

The threat of this kind of thing is not generally low. Kulo is not afraid, but the people on this island are afraid.

These residents, his subordinates, are all on this island.


The lantern fish opened its mouth, it didn’t make a sound, but the trembling of the vocal cords made the sound waves sway, and the ocean currents crazily entered its mouth Among them, Moe Island began to shake.

“It wants to suck in this island!” Leda called.

“I know…”

Kulo clenched the handle of the knife, a golden lightning glow appeared from his hand, full of the scabbard.

“Chop the wave!”

One cut, instant cut.

A huge golden slash glowing with lightning glow was cut out in an instant, and went straight to the lantern fish. The slash directly hit the lantern fish’s mouth, breaking open the flesh, and carrying the highest level. Haki, crush the skin around the meat.

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