Who is the overlord of the sea.

World Government? Marine? Revolutionary Army? Pirate?


These are the Sea Kings that inhabit the ocean!

Small Sea King class, can make those who sail in the sea can no longer sail.

Large Sea King type can make an island threatened by its survival.

The super-large Sea King class means that the island no longer exists.

This is the super-large Sea King type, even if it is the largest Oars Kulo has seen, there is a gap between the teeth.

How on earth did such a big lantern fish appear…

A slash shot is at most one more Sea King class enough to swallow the island The wound, on the side of the lantern fish’s mouth, opened a trace of blood that had been minced into meat.

The lantern fish’s eyes clearly showed pain, but the pain made it more violent. The mouth was obviously a little bigger and the suction power was stronger. The whole cute island was shaking, and the buildings were rumbling. There was a sound, and a lot of debris fell from the top.

The surrounding residents, looking at the huge lantern fish, fell into a panic.

This kind of body type, most people can’t deal with it, even if it is Lida, maybe she can do it if she has enough energy, but now it is impossible to give her time.

Kulo is floating in the sky, and the smoke rising from the cigar at the corner of his mouth makes people unable to see his expression. He holds the handle of the knife and inserts it back into the sheath, putting on a proper posture.

“Ittoryu · Hundred Shadows Slash!”

One slash, one hundred slash.

I saw him slash it out, and hundreds of black golden slash went straight to the lantern fish, bombarding it wildly, opening its skin, revealing its scars.

Hundreds of slashes make the lantern fish’s mouth a little stagnant.

“I see, when you are Laozi, you are turning a knife!”

Kulo gritted his teeth.

This is just an ordinary slash with Haki. If he makes hundreds of slashes with high-level Haki in one go, he can’t hold it anymore.


After the stagnation, the lantern fish suddenly turned from sucking to spraying, and a large amount of seawater formed a tsunami wave, which rushed down from above.

With this content, the island can be flooded back and forth three or four times.

“God of my…!”

Sazil in the distance opened his mouth wide and stared at this scene blankly. Such waves could not be stopped at all, it was not Manpower can stop it!

Even Mr. Kulo, he is also an Ability User. If he is overturned by the waves, it will not work.

“Run away!”

The residents yelled and fled in a panic.

But where can this kind of waves go?

“Lion Power…”

Kulo was swept up against the waves, his arms stretched out, his palm touched the sea, and the other seawater was almost sticking to his body. In an instant, the ability was activated.

“Yisho Dijuan!”

The sea water hiding the sky and covering the earth rolled in at this moment and turned into a huge lion head with The roar suddenly hit the lantern fish.

The sea water ball hits the lantern fish. Since its body parted, its impulse caused the lantern fish to move a certain distance. The water ball entered the sea and rolled up waves, making the sea surface like a rainstorm. The weather is generally rough.

If it’s just a dead thing, Kulo is confident that he is also at the forefront in terms of the degree of use.

There may be a more peculiar Devil Fruit, but this lantern fish is impossible.

Rao Kulo tried his best to control, but the movement caused by the water mass entering the sea still caused the beach and the port to be submerged, and the water level began to spread in the vicinity. Kulo grinned.

“Why do you come to fight with me in the sea, I will not kill you, I will not be called Kulo!”

If this is on the sea, he has something Time was spent with this lantern fish, but now this is his territory, if he spends it casually, he will be fine, but something will happen on the island.

Because it is too close to the island, no matter what style is used, it will spread to the island if it is a little larger, and if it is too small, it will be useless for the size of the lantern fish.


The lantern fish continued to open its mouth, making a dull drum-like sound, which made the scalp numb.

It seems that it still wants to continue to suck, as if it really wants to suck the island in.

However, its gaze was not placed on the island. Those huge eyeballs, the direction they were staring at, were always Kulo above.

That kind of desire was keenly noticed in front of the Kulo that Kenbunshoku turned on.


Kulo pointed to himself with a strange expression: “I won’t be so lucky, I really don’t cheat people.”

Is it true that God couldn’t understand myself, and sent only a super large Sea King class to teach myself?

Not so unreliable.

Kulo moved aside without believing in evil, and sure enough, the eyeball of the lantern fish turned slightly.

It’s really him…

“Is it possible that he still likes which part of Laozi’s body is not good, hey, fish, I cloak, do you want it, Marine cloak, a symbol of glory , You can’t buy it if you have money.” He shouted to the lantern fish.

It goes without saying that the lantern fish, and Kulo does not have the’voice of all things’, so it will naturally not be able to understand it, so its mouth opens wider, ready to repeat the same trick.

This scene makes Lida feel a little familiar.

I seem to have heard such rumors somewhere.

She stared at the huge eyeball of the lantern fish. As its eyeballs turned, Leda looked towards Kulo, who was moving in the air. As he moved, the earrings were more dazzling in the sun. .

Subconsciously, Lida had an inspiration.

“Kulo! Pure gold! It’s pure gold!” Leda yelled.

“What the hell?”

Kulo looked back towards Leda, and was taken aback.

Pure gold, of course, he knows that the legendary magical gold that can make people stay young forever, possessing it, can realize the true sense of agelessness.

But he doesn’t have that thing.

Is this earring made of pure gold?

Stop kidding.

World Government has this thing for itself? He is not Eames.


“Pure gold? Lantern fish?”

He touched his chin and fell into contemplation. In his memory, there seemed to be Come out like this.

“That’s Lord Lantern! As long as there is pure gold in the legend, there will be it! The light of your earrings may have misunderstood Lord Lantern, it longs for that kind of rays of light, lead it away!” Leda roared.

Lantern fish and pure gold?

I’m getting more and more familiar…

“Forget it, don’t care, you can just leave me alone, okay!”

Kulo moves forward quickly Fei Kai appeared on the side of the lantern fish and stabbed it under the eye.

“Why are you a giant who can turn into light? If you want light, then come on!”

chi!! !

Kulo appeared under the lantern fish’s eyes to make sure he could see his earrings rays of light, and then swiped straight forward. The black blade turned into a straight line of rays of light, breaking the lantern. The fish’s skin, carrying Kulo’s body back.


The lantern fish made a painful cry, but its eyes kept moving towards Kulo. With his actions, its huge body slowly Of steering.

I really followed Kulo.

Kulo flew straight ahead, far away from the range of Moe Island, and stopped when he could only see the outline of Moe Island.

And the huge lantern fish also slowly swam over, his head raised slightly, as if he wanted to swallow Kulo.

He looked down at the lantern fish from a high altitude, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth: “When I get to this place, I won’t keep my hands.”

He lifted his arms high, and then heavily. Go down.

“Look if you are big or Lao Tzu’s treasure house is big!”

The sky suddenly turned black.

It didn’t turn into the night, but something covered the sky nearby. Above Kulo’s head, countless islands, factories, and weapons formed a black screen that shrouded the sky and suppressed the darkness. Bring a sense of heaviness.

It’s like the sky is falling.

“Sink the sea to Laozi, beast!”

The shady fell very quickly, and objects larger than the lantern fish all hit the lantern fish.

The impact of things that fall from a high altitude is naturally incomparable.

The rocks, islands, and weapons all hit the lantern fish’s body, as if to squeeze it flat, and the whole body was sunken.

The pain made the lantern fish’s mouth bigger, and the sea water flowed back from the mouth into the sea.

That is its gastric juice.

Such a huge impact, it started to vomit.

A large number of fish rushed out along the sea. Those are things it usually swallows, including some huge Sea Kings.

And deep in the mouth, the outline of an island faintly emerged.


An island spit out from the mouth of the lantern fish, poured into the sea, and floated away on the sea.

In this scene, Kulo’s mouth twitched.

Fortunately, it was withdrawn in time, otherwise this thing came over and took a bite of Moe Island, and that Moe Island would be gone.

When I spit out the island, the body of the lantern fish was obviously flattened. It was not hungry, but was smashed by Kulo’s treasure house. It overturned on the surface of the sea, panting and exhaling. Like a strong wind, sweeping the sea.

“One more round!”

Kulo’s palm rises and falls, and the object rises to the sky again, ready to give it another shot.

However, at this moment, the lantern fish seemed to feel something. The eyeball that fell over on the surface of the sea looked at Kulo deeply, and then its body sank and entered the sea.


Kulo watched the huge shadow on the sea gradually shrink, obviously entering the deep sea.

This stunned him, and neither did he raise his arm, nor did he fall.

What is this?

Come over and show him an island show?

“It’s so big.”

Kulo looked towards the island below. When the lantern fish’s abdomen was rolled inward and spit out, the whole island was probably hit The squeezing and destruction made the island obvious signs of squeezing, making it messy.

But faintly, there are still some architectural outlines that can be seen.

And in the depths, he saw a group of extremely bright golden lights.

Kulo squinted his eyes, landed, swiped away, and the wind pressure brought him away from the nearby buildings, and at that moment, the rays of light were even bigger, shining on him.

“This is…”

At the moment of being illuminated by rays of light, Kulo felt something was wrong.

In this world, if you are not careful, you will die, so he is very careful with his body, and he can feel the slightest movement.

And now it is obvious that he feels that his growth has been stagnated.

No, to be precise, it is an extremely slow advance, and that kind of slowness can almost be counted as stagnation.

He peeled away the ruins around the rays of light, and took out a transparent jar. In that jar, a golden pebble was soaked, exuding brilliance.

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