“Sword technique can only be practiced every day as usual. If it can reach the level of Nitro, that’s okay. Put first on physical skills and ability development, or make advanced skills earlier. Busoshoku is practiced from the body so that my safety can be increased.”

Clenched his fists, Kulo turned his head and looked towards Leda and the others, “What are you doing?”

Leda reacted and shouted: “Ah! Yes! Kulo! Major event is bad, Kulo, too bad, Kulo!”

“Stop, stop.”

Kulo took out his ears and said indifferently: “What needs to be so anxious? The sky is falling down and there is a tall man against it. It’s up to us, speak slowly, don’t be so nervous.”


Leda paused, took out a bunch of candied fruit stick from her backpack, tore off the wrapping paper, ate one by herself, and then handed it to Olga.

“Yo! candied fruit stick!”

Orga’s mouth presents an’O’ shape, and he bit off one in a pleasant surprise. The whole mouth is squirming. Showed a happy smile.

This thing was when Kulo was idle a few days ago and told Lida how to make it, and then she found the chef to get it out.

The chef of this world, that is myriad, who is proficient in everything, but there is nothing red and white to order desserts. You have to learn and know, otherwise you are not a good chef.

This candied fruit stick is very popular with Leda and Olga recently.

Leda chewed a few mouthfuls, her eyes curled into crescents with a smile, sweet and sour taste, only after eating it can she discover her true self.

She swallowed, and said: “Kulo, that…ahh.”

Leda bit another one and continued: “It’s the sea, I found …Orga, do you want another one?”

“Yo! Good.” Olga was nodded.

After Olga bit another one, Lida continued: “It’s our scout ship, um, it’s delicious.”



Kulo showed blue veins on his forehead, gritted his teeth and said: “I’m asking you to say slowly, not to let you talk while eating here, and also, you either eat or talk, don’t talk halfway and eat. It’s annoying, you know?”

“You told me not to worry.”

Leda murmured, speaking faster, “It’s just that Pirate was found on the sea. The fleet is here.”



A question mark appeared above Kulo’s head, and then it became vertical.

“Big fleet?!”

“Yes, big fleet, many ships, the number of reconnaissance ships reported back is less than 20, and several of them have Many shots.” Lida nodded said.

Twenty ships? !

“Why don’t you just say this kind of thing?” Kulo only felt a bit of toothache.

“You told me not to worry and take my time.” Lida looked innocent.

“I…forget it, in which direction, I will sink them into the sea.”

Don’t be afraid when you encounter a ship on the sea, wrap the sinking sea with seawater , Promised to make Pirate on the ship cry.

In the sea, twenty ships crossed in parallel, and there was a strong sense of coercion.

The first ship is an incomparable gigantic. The bow is a sculpture with arms crossed by Beli. The’Toad Merchant’ embraces his hands with a confident expression. The whole is a high-spirited and vigorous.

“Boss, I’m going to Moe Island soon!”

A man in a striped formal suit walked over and said excitedly.

“Call me the governor!”

Elmos shouted without looking back, arrogantly: “Now I am the governor of the large fleet, even if it is temporary, I’m also the Governor! Let’s take a look, the one I came here!”

He extended the hand, moved towards the next fleet, “These are all famous characters!”

In On a ship near him, the bow was a sign of a medicine, and the Pirate flag was also crossed with bones on the pill. On the deck, a man wearing a pill-shaped hat was sitting there, grinning.

“The’pain man’ aspirin, bounty gold 135 million, Pirate just over 100 million this year, if he goes to the shampoo, then there will be more than eleven Supernova, I am a flower I invited him here for a big price.”

“And this one!”

His arm stretched out to the other side, the ship looked like a clock, Pirate. The flag is also the bone of the watch strap, and there is a hideous skull above it.

The person on the boat is like a cylinder as a whole, with a clock hanging on the surface of his body. He has rabbit teeth, which looks a little funny, but anyone who knows him knows that this person should not be underestimated.

“Samuel the’Watchman’, bounty gold is 65 million. Although it is not over 100 million, don’t underestimate him. This guy is very strong.”

Elmos laughed: “His ability is the key. Watches that eat the’fruit of the clock’ have the ability to control time, and he can make time fast or slow.”

For the others, half were his own ships, and the other half was Pirate, who had been invited over. None of them were less than 40 million, and they were all Pirates that were well-known in the first half.

In order to successfully seize the island this time, he has paid a lot of money.

After taking Moe Island, Moe Island will be taken over by these invited Pirates and completely turned into Pirate Town. As long as Moe Island has the right to sell weapons through the route, he can ignore the others.

Moreover, he was lucky and got a killing move.

After watching his boats, Elmos frowned, “Where’s Donald?”

“The lord said he would dive into the sea, and then he jumped into the sea.” Honestly.

“Hey, this knotty eye…Forget it, he is not Pirate, but I am in order to guard against the unexpected, the helper invited from the country of flowers, under the attack of so many fleets of mine , It’s enough.”

Elmos shook the head, looking at the outline of Moe Island that was gradually visible, his face became more excited.

“Hey, Samuel, let’s get to Moe Island faster!”

“Huhuhu, it’s okay, I think it’s too slow. This distance, let’s adjust it for ten minutes.”

Samuel let out a weird laugh, moved the clock hands on his chest, and placed the hands ten minutes later.

The ability of his’clock and watch fruit’ is to accelerate time quickly, which is almost equivalent to skipping, although what happens at these times will still happen and is uncontrollable, even he can’t jump. What to do in the elapsed time.

But at this level, they just arrived at Moe Island in ten minutes. With such a large firepower, it is said that Moe Island, who was only used by a Marine to make a Marine base here , It’s not too simple.

No one can stop them.

“Time, turn!”

With Samuel’s voice, the surrounding environment quickly turned into an afterimage. Under the power of time, everything was accelerating.

Elmos slowly closed his eyes and showed a grin. He could already foresee it. When he opened his eyes again, he could reach the port of Moe Island, and then use the huge ship heavy artillery, and This group of powerful Pirate and his subordinates completely occupy the island!

After controlling Moe Island, occupying the route, and selling weapons, his status will rise even more.

when the time comes …

“Joker, when the time comes, I am more than just selling weapons for you, you will face me!” Al Moss was excited.

Now, open your eyes!


I didn’t see the expected Moe Island. When Hermos opened his eyes, he saw a series of bubbles coming out of his mouth. Yes, it is a deep seabed.


He choked, feeling that his lungs were already burning and there was a serious lack of oxygen.

He wanted to struggle, but he didn’t feel the slightest strength in his body. His body was too heavy. In this case, he should have been sunk in the sea for a long time.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced to the side, and then stared wide-eyed, full of horror and disbelief.

Around him, the wreckage of ships was everywhere. Pirate and his men were calm in the sea one by one, and they were silent for a long time, and the two Great Pirates he relied on, the Painer and The’Watchman’ has long been like a corpse, sinking into the sea and gradually descending.

“This is…”

Elmos opened his mouth, but his body condition no longer allowed him to be conscious. He rolled his eyes and took another sip of water. , Sink into the seabed.

Above the sea, the position of the original fleet, Kulo scratched his head in the sky, he looked at the wreckage of ships floating on the sea and some floating bodies, making a very puzzled sound.


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