Where am I? What am i doing?

For the three ultimate propositions of mankind, Kulo immediately raised two questions.

It was clear that he had just left the port just now, and his hand had just touched the sea, ready to give the outline of the fleet ahead.

Then, there is no more.

The scene in front of me was obviously attacked by the tsunami.

Memories told him that it was correct that he did this, but he didn’t have any impression or actual feeling of operation.

That kind of feeling is like when you are watching a small video exploring the origin of life, you just took off your pants and picked up the paper towels. The next second the paper towels are in the waste basket, and the pants are also lifted. Got it, and your body tells you it’s healed.

But what about the process?

I’m so fast, only the speed of the knife!

Cang Tian testified, he was very slow in other aspects!


Kulo thought about it, and found that only ability was the only thing at work.

Depending on the situation, it should still be able to fast forward or accelerate the same ability in time, which is very BUG.

“I’m quite lucky…”

Kulo couldn’t help being afraid for a while.

If you use that ability well, you may suffer a loss. If Moe Island is gone, you will lose face, but Old Master will be here soon.

He stared at the surface of the sea, and snorted: “I didn’t feel the process just now, I will do it again.”

He landed, his toes touched the surface, and people squatted. After getting down, the palm of his hand reached into the sea water.

From the palm of the hand, the surrounding sea was completely shaken away, and the churning sea water continued to roll, forming a huge vortex, which engulfed the debris and corpses floating on the sea…

seabed, Elmos suddenly opened his eyes, and the huge scrolling sensation made his body activated.

Can’t die yet!

His dream has not yet come true!

The biggest dream of Elmos is to become the king of Underground World. The Six Heavenly Kings of Underground World must become the Seven Heavenly Kings!

For this dream, he must not die!

Unknown from where, his body suddenly gained strength, using his hands and feet together, he gradually moved from the seabed to the surface of the sea. Gradually, he slowly approached the sea surface, and he could see the sun shine through the sea surface. The light that shines.

Quickly, quickly, he will be able to go out soon, and he will be able to live on.

When his hand was about to touch the surface of the sea, a sound suddenly came from above.

“Lion Wei·Haijuan Jizo!”

The vibration around Hermos gradually expanded, like a seabed tornado, constantly agitated.

Those wreckage and corpses were all shredded and decomposed, turned into debris, including the things in the sea, under the control of Kulo, they were all crushed.

Elmos just stretched his hand up, and the tyrannical rolling pressure drove his body, instantly crushing one of his arms, followed by the lower body, without a trace of separation.


Elmos roared, but facing the sea, he could only make a series of beeps, and then the whole was crushed. Mixed with those things into the sea water.


Kulo let go of his hand, glanced at the sea inexplicably, and wondered: “I always think something was screaming just now, a living person? Impossible, that tsunami basically It’s all dead, it should be Sea Beast… Forget it, count it as bad luck.”

The usage of Fuwa Fuwa no Mi is not just to float an object, it can move freely and manipulate The sea water, let it agitate, and with the oppression force of the sea itself, it can become an existence that shatters everything.

Although Kulo is still in the 1st stage, it takes stamina to operate telekinesis, but stamina… barely enough.

The sea tornado that caused the extremely strong impact and destructive power, he was OK.

“Kuzan guy can freeze the sea, I can’t do it, but I can make the sea water within the range into a meat grinder, although the range is not as big as him, it doesn’t matter, just practice slowly.”

Kulo looked at his hand with satisfaction, at least the development of the ability is steadily rising.

“Okay, the big fleet is done, there is nothing to threaten the island anymore.”

Kulo glanced at the sea and was sure that he could not feel anything Life Aura, nodded .

On the sea, there was a bow of a pill and a bow of a clock, which made Kulo a little bit happy.

“Send the final pill, this attacker is quite interesting, does he know the implication?”

Shook his head and said, Kulo flew up into the sky and marched towards Moe Island.

At this time, at the port of Moe Island, a middle-aged man was washed ashore as a wave of waves washed away.

This man has a strong physique, more than two meters tall, wearing an open-chested clothes, and carrying a ten-character gun on his shoulder. At this time, he is looking at Mengdao blankly, a little dazed.


He just remembered that he was a little boring on the boat. He happened to see a Sea Beast and jumped down to kill it with a shot. Then swim to Moe Island.

See the blood warming up, so that you will have a state.

However, why did he come to Moe Island so soon? Didn’t you just go to the sea? I’m going ashore now?

But the memory seems right. He killed Sea Beast and then swam to this side, although it was a bit fast…

“Forget it, no matter!”

The middle-aged man shook his head, breathes deeply, and yelled: “Where are you Kulo! I, Donald, will avenge my Master today. Come and fight me to the death!!!”

The voice was very loud, it sounded unusually heroic, and the voice was so loud that it could be heard half an island.

Next, a large number of Marine rushed from a distance, either squatting or standing, and pointed their guns at him.

The man’s face was obviously stagnant, and he clenched the long spear, “You are too despicable. I’m just looking for Kulo to single out. If you have nothing to do with you, get out of the crowd!”

From behind, Leda walked over and looked at the man up and down.

“Who are you, there are still alive? Good luck.”

She saw it with her own eyes. After Kulo flew over, she rolled up the tsunami and took the entire fleet. Destroyed, and now there is still a living person left, that luck is extraordinary.

“My name is Donald, a person from the country of flowers, surnamed Tang. Nader means I hope I can accommodate good morals. Please advise!”

Donald cup one fist in the other hand said resolutely.

“Ah…no, I didn’t ask you what you meant, that, my name is Flo Lida, please give me some advice.”

Lida was a little confused and bowed quickly.

“Okay, I see.”

Donald solemnly nodded, and then continued to roar: “Kulo! Kulo where are you! Come and challenge me, I want revenge !”


Sazil, who just came from behind, was stunned. His first reaction was to call him, but when he thought about it, it seemed unlikely that he was a person with no reputation, strength and identity, who Look for him.

“Who are you? What can I do with Mr. Kulo?”

Kuro arrived with Sazier at this time, pushed Marine aside, and asked with a frown.

The breath of this man’s physique is not weak, even a little strong.

“My name is Donald, I am from the country of flowers. I am surnamed Tang. Nader means I hope I can accommodate good morals. Please advise!”

Donald cups again one fist in the other hand, bowing to Kuro.

Kuro: “…”

He heard it just now, so there is no need to repeat the second time.

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