Donald frowned, who saw Kuro staying there and finished reporting his name, said, “It’s basic politeness to say your name after listening to other people’s names.”

hearing this, Kuro pushed his glasses and said indifferently: “I have no patience with people who find fault.”


Donald dances long Spear, carried from shoulder to neck and then to the other shoulder, looking at the spear, use the opportunity to point long spear obliquely at Kuro.

“I hate impolite people. Before I deal with Kulo, I will warm up with you.”


He tone barely fell, and the ten-word gun fired There was a splitting the air sound, and the tip of the gun had reached Kuro.

This speed…

Kuro eyes shrank, subconsciously crossed his arms, his arms exploded with black hairs, swelled rapidly, and turned into a human-beast form.



Kuro’s feet stood on the ground, and he moved a few meters back, plowing a shallow gully, staring at the ten-character gun in amazement.

The end of the gun was also connected to a chain. When Donald pulled the chain, the long spear was pulled back, and the handle of the gun was surrounded by the chain.

“you guy…” Kuro’s eyes darkened.

Only by throwing, he can actually beat the beastly him, and what the power is, it’s just being hit, and he feels his arms are a little numb.

Not only is the speed fast, but the power is also impotent.

Where did such a thing pop out?

The country of flowers, isn’t that the country of West Blue? Fen

Donald held the handle of the long spear, lifted it flat, and stepped on, making a muffled sound on the ground with a thud.



The long spear swung horizontally at Kuro, its posture was fierce, its speed was so fast, the tip of the gun flashed a curved cold glow in the air, and it came to Kuro’s head almost instantly.

“roar! ”

In this brief moment, Kuro’s figure skyrocketed, his knees folded in half, showing a beast-like recurve state, and the whole body is more than five meters high. The werewolf of, grasped the rays of light with a big hand, and held the spear blade in his hand.

“The rare Zoan.”

Donald was surprised, but he didn’t seem to be afraid.

After Kuro grabbed the ten-character gun, the other paw quickly leaned towards the person in front of him. The nails were sharp and cold glow appeared. This time I must grasp it firmly. This robust man has five more large bodies. Blood hole.

Donald’s wrist flicked, Kuro only felt a tremor of the gun blade in his palm. The trembling made him barely grasp it, and his fingers loosened a bit, and it was this loosening that the gun blade was pulled out. , From an extremely tricky angle, slammed his claws that attacked the past.


Kuro’s claws were flicked away, and Donald bullied him close at this time, the handle of the gun was lifted, and the end was stained with pitch black, hitting Kuro’s abdomen directly, and knocking him back a few steps.

After kicking off Kuro, Donald pulled a gun, re-positioned, and exhaled.

“Hey, No way…”

Now, even Lida was shocked.

This guy, spear skills are a bit strong!

What I just played was a big opening and closing, and Kuro’s shackles were released. At very close range, using a polearm to make such a tricky and fast operation, it is not the same style.

Two completely different styles were perfectly used by one person.

Moreover, the breath at the end of the gun handle just now was Haki.

Where did such a person pop out?

“Who the hell are you?”

Kuro touched his abdomen and said solemnly.

This person is not Pirate.

Kuro recently remembered all the Pirates of the Shiki generation, down to the Supernova era like Straw Hat, no matter what is famous or not, he will remember more than 20 million.

The man in front of him, in terms of strength, must be more than 20 million, but he has not seen this man’s bounty order, then he is not Pirate.

It’s not Pirate, what are you doing on Moe Island…

When Donald heard of Kuro and asked his own name, Cup one fist in the other hand said:

” My name is Donald, I am from the land of flowers. I am surnamed Tang. Nader means I hope I can accommodate good morals. Please advise!”

Kuro: “…”

No, I didn’t mean to ask your name.

“What are you doing here.” Kuro asked.

“After asking someone’s name, it’s basically polite to report your name. If you don’t report your name, I won’t answer.” Donald said.

“My name is Ke…”

“I am here to find Kulo for revenge!”


Kuro’s forehead burst into blue veins, “Believe it or not!”

“You can’t help me, it has been determined just now, and I am not looking for you, it is Kulo.” Donald loudly said.

“What revenge are you looking for Kulo?” Leda questioned.

“Oh, Lida little girl.”

Donald looked towards her and said: “His Master killed my Master before, and my Master still missed this before he died. It’s something, so I came here. The Master generation is definitely incomparable, but if it’s better than dísciple, I don’t think I will lose to him. That person is called Kulo.”

Kulo’s Master?

Leda tilted her head.

Kulo…is there a Master?

I haven’t heard him mention it.

Aren’t he all his own cultivation?

Lida didn’t believe it originally, that kind of sword technique is obviously systematic. If there is no inheritance, then Kulo would be too enchanting.

However, it turns out that he is so enchanting, so hentai.

Donald’s words made Sazier on the side shivered suddenly. He thought this man’s spear skills were familiar, and he was even more sure now.

Old Guy once said that he has one of the most admirable enemies in his life. It is a person from the country of flowers. He uses a ten-character gun. In the duel that year, he lost half of his moves, and Old Guy also paid the price for this.

Now, the Land of Flowers and Ten Character Guns are all available.

This powerful man is here to find himself? !

Sazil couldn’t help but shudder, his body shrank back, let him fight this powerhouse? I am afraid that the scalp will be shaved off.

“In short, where is Kulo? He has powerful subordinates like you. It shouldn’t be weak. Isn’t it too timid to stay behind?”

Donald glanced at the group of Marines, loudly said: “Kulo, if you are a man, come out to me, don’t be a rat, so you are still a man, you are simply embarrassed for your Master!”

“How can it be repaired!”

Sazil gritted his teeth. He was about to shrink his head, but this is unbearable. No one is allowed to insult that Old Guy!

“I am Kulo!”

Sazil pushed Marine away, stood up, and said, “Donald, if he comes to challenge, I will not refuse, even if it is Death, I will defend his honor!”

He is ready to die!

Donald glanced at him, then looked around, “Kulo! You little demon, you are still ready for a stand-in. Are you afraid of me when you get the news in advance? Why don’t you come out!”


“I’m here!” Sazier yelled.

“You are not.”

Sazil said resolutely: “You are so weak, you are not the Kulo I think.”

He pointed Kuro said: “That guy named Kulo, with such a strong subordinate, how could he be as weak as you! Step down, I am not interested in the weak.”

Sazir:” ……”

But I really am Kulo!

And it’s the Kulo you were looking for!

What’s wrong with the weak? Can this world be better for the weak? When can the weak stand up!

Sazil was trembling and cold.

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