“Kulo, you little demon, despicable man, rat, why don’t you come to face me!”

In front of Sazier, Donald Roaring around, every sentence hit Sazier’s heart hard.

No matter how he explains it, Donald just doesn’t believe his name is Kulo, and arouses rebellious psychology. The more he admits, the more Donald feels that the real Kulo is a little demon.

Leda and Kuro looked at each other. Kuronodded, the lens is reflective.

He was looking for Sazier Kulo.

But this fool probably won’t believe it.

If he does not admit that Sazier is the Kulo he wants, then there is only one Kulo here, which can meet his requirements.

“What are you scolding me for?”

In the sky, a voice came.

As soon as Kulo flew back to Moe Island, I heard a man with a loud voice in the port scolding him, either, saying that he was a cowardly rat or he was mean.

Donald looked up and saw a man wearing Marine cloak in the sky, looking down at him.

“Are you Kulo?”

Donald was taken aback, looked at the Kulo in the sky, nodded satisfied: “That’s right, you should be Kulo! You guy, you Do you think you live in hiding?”

“Handsome, upright, sharp eyes, melancholic temperament, although there are no scumbags, you have already been exposed. A person like you is like a dark night The Fire Insect is so conspicuous, so outstanding!”


Kulo was silent for a while, sorry scratched his head, his cheeks were a little red.” Ah, no, I haven’t washed my face yet, you praise me so much, I am sorry…”

Everyone: “…”

Lida’s eyes are almost turned up. Oh my god, why didn’t she notice that this man who seemed to admit to death would actually take a flattery.

And Sazier fell to his knees and thumped the ground with his fists.

He is the real Kulo! The real Kulo you are looking for!

Kulo descended from the sky and landed in front of Marine, facing Donald.

“However, although you praised me, you were scolding me before, who are you and what are you doing?”

“My name is Donald, I… .”


Kuro quickly blocked his next introduction, and said very quickly: “Mr. Kulo, he is Donald, a native of the country of flowers, come to you for revenge Yes.”

He was really tired of listening to Donald’s self-introduction.


Kulo looked at Donald, “What do I have against you?”

“You have no hatred with me.”

Donald said truthfully: “But my Master has hatred with your Master. My Master has always been worried about losing to your Master. I was still talking about this before I died, so I know you are there. When I was on Moe Island, I found Elmos, just to challenge!”

His long spear pointed to Kulo, loudly said: “Come and fight with me, Master’s reputation, do The dísciple will come back!”

Master …

Kulo is a little at a loss.

Where did he come from Master?

Old Master?

Although the Old Master is good to him, he hasn’t taught him anything. Of course, Kulo doesn’t expect the old bastard to teach him anything. His main battle method is ability.

Kulo is not interested in kicking skills. With the sword technique, Old Master can’t teach himself much.

A plug-in?

What? There are two more plug-ins, besides the [Ignorance divine wind stream] he comes with it. It appears in this world for the first time. Impossible has a second one, so there will be no defeated.

Who else is coming…

Donald saw Kulo’s puzzled look, making him a little annoyed, “Don’t be kidding! Even if your Master is Rocks Pirates A member of, and Whitebeard, Baiju, Big·Mom used to be on the same boat, but that is not the reason for your pride. Didn’t he mention the knight-errant who used the ten-character gun in the country of flowers he encountered? ?!”


Sazl secretly said in one’s heart.

Of course I mentioned, that Old Guy, to the knight-errant of the flower country who made him disabled, but he never forgets, how could he not mention it.

But Donald’s words made Kulo misunderstood.

He pondered for a long while, hitting his right palm with his left hand, “Oh, you are talking about him, I am not his apprentice.”

He thought that Donald was talking about Shiji .

“You deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors!”

Donald is even more angry, holding the long spear tightly, and rushing over, “You inherited everything from him, unexpectedly Don’t you dare to admit it, are you so afraid of me? Or, as a Marine, you don’t recognize you as a Pirate Master?!”


“Point the star !”

He stomped heavily in front of Kulo, and the ten-character spear turned into an afterimage, sending out cold glow like twinkling stars in the sky, attacking Kulo.

“Spear technique?”

Kulo was stunned. He rarely encountered people who played ten-character guns, and there were no experts who played long poles in Marine. force.

The long pole is used well, Kulo knows Whitebeard at present.

But this Donald is obviously not. This move is very tricky, and there is a chain on the gun, which should be used for long-range attacks. If it can be thrown, the power is too weak to have no effect.

This guy looks pretty good.

He held the handle of the knife, the black glow flashed, and several black glows turned into afterimages, resisting the star-like brilliance, making the crisp sound of ding ding dong dong, all The attack was blocked at this moment.

Donald retracted the long spear, brought out a splitting the air sound, and stabbed it out again. This time, a layer of Haki was added to the tip of the gun.


Kulo just swings his knife to block Donald’s long spear.

“You are not Pirate.”

“Of course not!”

Donald took a few steps back, exhaled a few breaths, and said: “I am a flower Guardian of the Kingdom Captain, how could it be Pirate!”

Kulo thought for a while, sighed: “Forget it, for the sake of you complimenting me for being handsome and not Pirate…”

He backhanded the limpid autumn water into the sheath and stepped forward slightly, “If you lose, you can go back.”

“Ha! I admit that you are very strong, but you can win with a single stroke. I, you too underestimate…”

He didn’t finish his words. Kulo pulled out the limbid autumn water and swiped it slowly. The speed was very slow. It belonged to ordinary people. Swing the knife once, but for those who are used to seeing Kulo swinging the knife extremely fast, it is very slow.

However, after this blade was swung out, Donald suddenly stopped moving, his eyes were full of shock, and he stood there, letting the blade be slashed.

The tip of the knife stopped at the tip of Donald’s nose.

Kulo took the knife back, put it in the scabbard, and said: “Is this blade enough?”


Donald loosened his arm , The ten-character gun fell on the ground with a sound, and he didn’t care about it, and the whole person went limp, and began to gasp inexplicably, his eyes gradually lost.

But in the eyes of others, this is a very common cut.

Sazil was very puzzled. Mr. Kulo just swung a knife. So Donald, who could obviously slap him, fell?

Kuro didn’t understand it very well, nor did he understand it.

Only Leda saw a clue, “Similar to a style of’crushing’?” In Donald’s eyes, Kulo changed the world completely after Kulo swung a knife. Up.

The surrounding scenes are disappearing, and the black blade is infinitely magnified in his eyes.

Can’t escape!

Can’t escape!

No matter where you go, this blade will also hit him!

The imposing manner carried by this blade made him completely afraid to resist. The feeling was like the shock of a mountain pressing over, the sea rolling over, and the sky turning upside down.

Potential knife.

This is not the style used to slash people. In fact, this is the style that Kulo realized when he was performing the 2nd Stage sword technique cultivation.

It looks like a single version of murderous aura collapsed, but there is no murderous aura, it uses a natural panic.

However, it is not yet a Great Accomplishment.

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