Leaking on the ground for a while, Donald got up and stared at Kulo, his eyes as if he wanted to remember the appearance of Kulo forever.


Is this dissatisfied, want to come again?

If you come again, then Kulo will have no patience. It is enough to give one chance. Do you really want to attack Marine?


Suddenly, Donald fell to his knees and gave him a seat. He was convinced: “I am defeated. I am convinced. I really deserve to be the apprentice of the person who can defeat my Master. He inherited him perfectly. Everything. But I will not give up, I will challenge you again!” After that, he turned around and jumped into the sea, swimming in the distance.

Depending on the situation, it seems that you are going to wander…

Is this guy so awkward?

“Kulo, what’s the matter with your cut, isn’t it murderous aura?”

Wait for Donald to appear in the eyes of everyone, Lida walked over and poked her finger Kulo asked.

“You hit 10,000 punches with gratitude every day, and you can do it in a few years,” Kulo said to her.

“Huh? Feeling grateful?” Lida looked at him suspiciously, “You too?”

“Of course!”

Kulo is decisive, “I was very grateful during that time!”

Of course he was grateful.

Although he didn’t want to come to this world, but the power brought by the plug-in allows him to have the ability to protect himself. For this, Kulo is very grateful.

Thank you for the plug-in and for your good sword technique innate talent.

Otherwise, he won’t be able to practice such a quick knife. Although [Ignorance divine wind flow] is wind, if you don’t practice, wind is useless.

“Ten thousand times?” Lida was speechless. “Ten thousand times with all his strength?”

“Otherwise, generally swinging a knife won’t be effective.” Kulo nodded.

“You really are a hentai.”

This method is not something that ordinary people can tolerate. It hits 10,000 attacks every day. In addition to exhaustion, there is endless boredom. Not to mention any gratitude.

“Commander, Commander!”

The captain ran over, loudly said: “Commander, there is a Battleship here!”


Kulo froze for a moment, before asking a question, a cloud of yellow light flashed in the sky.

“Mosimosi, Mosimosi, it’s weird, Kulo, why didn’t you answer the phone.”

Looking like a stroll in the garden, look at that wretched old man The black Den Den Mushi on his wrist gradually showed a human form, and then he saw Kulo in the port.

“Oh~ so many people, terrifying, Kulo, are you here to greet the old man, but the call from the old man has not been connected yet.”

“That is Because you’re using Den Den Mushi who tapped!”

Kulo’s green veins were exposed, and then he watched Kizaru fall to the ground with a smile on his mouth: “Old Master, you are welcome to come.” “

“That is…Admiral Kizaru?!”

Marines stared wide-eyed.

One of the three highest battle strengths in World Government, Kizaru.

Admiral Kizaru came here in person? That means that World Government also admitted their actions on Moe Island, which made some Marine relaxed, because Kulo Commander was too capricious, and some smart people were worried about the subsequent impact, but now it seems that nothing is going on.

The onlookers also showed a happy look. Admiral came over, so their peace and stability are guaranteed.

“Oh~ I heard that you have a big trouble here, so I acted early. It looks like you have solved it.” Kizaru shrugged.

These words made Kulo scratch his head and said uncertainly: “It seems, probably, maybe, maybe… solved.”

Because he has no real feelings, but It is indeed solved.

In the distance, a Battleship slowly approached here and docked at the port.

“Hey, hello!”

On the deck, a man with love glasses moved towards there and waved in excitement.

“Zhan Gao?”

Kuro on the side saw the person coming and was taken aback for a moment. If the praise is high, it means that the Sir on this ship is Hina.

Sure enough, after the boat stopped, Hina took the people down from above.

“What a good thing you did, Kulo.”

She was smoking a cigarette, and this was the first sentence she saw Kulo.

“Mrs. Crane broke her mind because of you, and Fleet Admiral Sengoku, ask me to bring you a sentence, stop doing this silly thing!”

“The old man never heard Mr. Sengoku say that.” Kizaru said.

“Because he knows you won’t tell him, Admiral Kizaru.” Hina gave him a blank look.

“Do you think I want to do it? Didn’t this happen? If you come over, you will take over?” Kulo asked.

Hina nodded: “I was promoted to Commodore and came here to station. As for you, you have to report back to the headquarter. Also, are you going to talk about things here?”

… …

Marine temporary base, Kulo came here with Kizaru and Hina.

“This place, Kulo, you are too random, because the foundation is not hit.” Hina saw that the Marine base was built randomly, and frowned.

“It is temporary. If you come, you can rebuild it yourself.”

Kulo shrugged and took the two into the office. Kuro and Lida followed After that, they were majors and qualified to participate in such meetings.

Entering the office, Hina said directly: “Jorman and the Kingdom of Sukhna have sued you to the World Government, saying that as Marine, you intervened in the affairs of the two countries for no reason and killed both of them. The country’s common honorable knight, Bonaparte Polopa, didn’t know if it was a mistake. Did you really kill that guy?”

Kulo nodded: “Have you heard of it?”

“I heard that a hateful weapon dealer who likes to buy humans for experimentation, whether he is dead, Fleet Admiral Sengoku keeps admiring you, so he resisted the pressure and didn’t let you suffer Punishment. Should you converge, Kulo, Marine…after all, it is still a subsidiary of World Government.” Hina said.

“Well, just as Hina said, pay attention next time, Kulo.”

Kizaru laughed, sitting in the head of the office.

“Got it, Old Master.”

Kulo replied nonchalantly.

“you two…”

Hina is holding her forehead in black gloves, “I knew it would happen, Admiral Kizaru, you don’t worry about it. I’m on it.”

“Oh~ I can’t do anything about it, Kulo, Moe Island, you can’t stay anymore. I’ll talk to my husband and headquarter first to complete your promotion and awards, but this time, you may I can’t stay on the Grand Line. The World Government has opinions on you.”

Not on the Grand Line?

Kulo’s spirits startled, “That’s so good…ah, no, that’s so frustrating.”

He showed a frustrated look, “Can’t Finishing my Marine life on the Grand Line is really disappointing, he he he he!”

Looking at his involuntarily smirk, even Hina showed a look of contempt.

“Convergence point, convergence point Kulo, your expression betrays you.” Leda reminded in a low voice.

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