Moe Island was taken over by Hina, and Kulo is meaningless to stay here. The big fleet is gone anyway. Hina’s strength is enough to defend Moe Island.

But before he leaves, he still has some things.



“I want…”

“What do I want.”


“I want you…”

Hina froze, looked at Kulo’s serious expression, hesitated for a while, gritted her teeth and said: “Hina will not be able to stand it.”

“Satisfy me, please.” Kulo folded his hands together.

“Hina will be very tired.”

“But I really need it. Without you, I really can’t stand it.”

“Okay Well, for the sake of you begging Hina, Hina will satisfy you.”


So, she made a black gun for two days and sent Kulo to the sky.

This thing is actually very useful.

Different from the sneaky last time, Kulo’s fruit has now been exposed, and it doesn’t matter to him anymore. His blatant use of abilities sent a large number of black guns into the sky.

After finishing all this, he bid farewell to Hina, and together with Kizaru, he sailed to the headquarters with his subordinates.

In the office in Battleship.

“Oh~ good terrifying, Monkey D. Luffy, ring the bell at Marineford, accompanied by Dark King Rayleigh, the Old Guy, can’t help but go out?”

Kizaru Leaning on the chair while cutting his nails, while looking at a newspaper on the table, “What is Marineford doing at this time, provocative? Kulo, what do you say they are going to do.”

Besides, Kulo slanted Lying on the sofa, shrugged of indifferent expression.

“Our main force is not there, it was good when we picked it.”

Akainu went to encircle and suppress the remaining Pirate, and the precognition went to the aftermath, Old Master…just like himself. In this stroke, the three Admiral were not there, and the other main players went to maintain the stability of the world. At this time, Straw Hat brat chose it.

“3D has been crossed out. 2Y is added…Day and Year? It will be cancelled after three days, and it will become two years later and gather somewhere.”

Kulo glanced at the newspaper, “Probably that’s what I mean.”

“Oh~ I feel that I am not strong enough. Do you want to lie down for a while? It’s really a good idea.” Kizaru was surprised and said, “You Where do you think they will be?”

“Where do I know where to go? Besides, with the Dark King, what can I do if I know it? Now is not the time.”

Except for Straw Hat He still remembers that besides Amazon Lily, he really forgot about the others.

And this kind of thing is nothing compared to Pirate, which is rampant nowadays. Marine’s energy is impossible in this kind of place, let alone Rayleigh that troublesome guy.

This kind of thing, just be surprised, no one cares.

At least the people of Kizaru faction don’t care much.

“I said Old Master, you have lost the Fleet Admiral qualification, don’t you really feel a pity?”

Kulo asked Kizaru.

He can’t figure it out. Where did that old man come to cut that many nails.

“It’s amazing that you would ask the old man this kind of question.”

Kizaru’s eyes opened slightly, thinking for a moment, and said: “Well, maybe it will be very It’s a pity, but the old man doesn’t want to compete with Sakazuki. He is full of confidence. Sengoku-san did not recommend him, but the Government seems to have ideas in this regard.”

Of course, Akainu is full of confidence, this His performance was the most outstanding in the second war, and he was naturally qualified in this regard.

“Old Master, I heard that the relationship between precognition Admiral and Akainu Admiral is not very good.” Kulo squinted his eyes and tried.

“It’s just that the opinions are different. From Marine’s point of view, they are still the same.”

Kizaru paused and laughed: “Well, if Sakazuki is in charge, Kuzan Brat may not agree so easily. The internal struggle in Marine is terrifying.”

Then it won’t be so easy to agree.

What Kulo knows is that in a year, there will be a battle between the two.

The winner is on top, and the loser retreats.

This is a big reshuffle.

After this shuffle, Kuzan will leave. Although Kulo dislikes this very much, he still likes the world to maintain the status quo. Only by maintaining the status quo will he feel safe, rising winds, scudding clouds, etc. Yes, that’s not an ordinary annoyance.

But powerhouse’s thinking, he is also impossible to control.

“In fact, the old man doesn’t like to fight, but if the old man is in charge…Kulo, what do you think.”

Kizaru suddenly asked Kulo.

“Are you in charge?”

Kulo sat up, lit a cigar, and was silent for a while. Suddenly Issho said, “Old Master, if you want to go, then I will be a bit busy. “

If Old Master really wants to be in position, Kulo will definitely have to help. For this, he will need position.

When the time comes New World, he has to go there anyway.

“Oh~ It’s really a subordinate that the old man is optimistic about, but unfortunately, the old man has been disqualified.” Kizaru laughed.

“You don’t have this idea, right? That position is not easy to do.” Kulo spit out the smoke and said.

“That’s right, it would be very troublesome for the old man to be Fleet Admiral, and…” Kizaru shrugged, poured himself a cup of tea, and took a sip.

Don’t need to say the rest, Kulo understands.

If Old Master becomes Fleet Admiral, then the precognition will not leave, but a problem will also arise. Marine’s power will become unheard of.

Precognition is inherently lazy, and Akainu may not necessarily listen to Kizaru’s words. If the three Admiral are in their own hands, Marine is not easy to handle.

Although Kulo likes the atmosphere of clocking in and going to work, Marine could have been relaxed within these rules, and there is no need to destroy the enthusiasm of those radicals.

You destroy your Pirate, I live my stable life, and I can help when I need to fight in a unified way. That’s enough.

“Can I go back to East Blue this time?” Kulo asked.

“Why do you want to go to East Blue so much, Kulo.”

Of course, to escape the dangerous place of the Grand Line and go back to my hometown to be happy.

But he can’t say that.

“Old Master, Pirate is rampant all over the world nowadays, and the headquarters is not strong enough. As Marine, I am in a suitable position. Isn’t it right to go stationed around the world to contain Pirate?”

Kulo said resolutely: “East Blue once produced Pirate King, and now it has Pirate of Straw Hat brat. You see, the incidents caused by Pirate of East Blue are not small. As Marine, yes I’m familiar with my hometown too, isn’t it just right to go back?”

Well, that’s it.

He is definitely not because of the weakness of East Blue’s Pirate. He is more difficult to get promoted than in Grand Line. It is definitely not the case.

“Well, the old man will report to Sengoku-san.” Kizaru said.

“Then it’s settled, Old Master, you continue to cut your nails and I will go fishing.”

Kulo stood up with a cigar in his mouth and walked out.


Kizaru finished cutting the last nails, put down the nail clippers, picked up the newspaper again, and read it again for a long time before making a sound.

What about very terrifying…”

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