headquarter, Marineford.

After several days of sailing, he finally ended his patrol mission and returned to the headquarters.

At this time, the headquarters is full of the sound of ding ding dong dong, and the one third building on top of the war was destroyed. At this time, this is still the headquarters, so it is natural to hurry up to renovate.

Fortunately, his own home is well protected.

But before he got home, a Marine ran over and said that Sengoku was looking for him.

“Well, I will be scolded.”

Kulo bit his cigar and said to Kuro behind him: “Take Sazier to report, I’ll be scolded. I’ll be back.”

“Understood, Mr. Kulo.” Kuronodded and said.

The Marine led the way and quickly took Kulo to a spacious office. After that, he stepped back. Kulo straightened his collar and knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

Sengoku’s voice sounded inside.

Kulo pushed the door in, and saw Sengoku lowering his head, as if he was dealing with files.

Aside, Crane was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, and seeing Kulo, said with a smile: “You little demon, it’s not a small thing.”

“Don’t Just kidding me, Granny Crane.” Kulo twitched at the corner of his mouth.

hearing this, when Sengoku was lifting his head, blue veins appeared on the forehead.

“Kulo!!! What a good thing you did!”

“Don’t be angry, Sengoku San.”

Kulo went to the other side of the sofa and sat down , Put the cigar in the ashtray and extinguish it, said with a smile: “That Bonaparte Popa has the ambition to replace our Marine. Isn’t this a precaution.”

” Come on, that guy can’t do that kind of thing at all, do you think we Marine is eating dry food! That guy Bolopa is not the point at all, the point is that you let the two countries go to the Government to sue you, do things? Can’t it be safer!” Sengoku roared.

“I think, but people came directly, I can’t help it, Sengoku San, you know me, I’m the safest person to do things, you can’t see me in dangerous things. “Kulo said innocently.

“Enough! You tired lazy fellow!”

Sengoku’s tone was slightly lowered: “This matter, the old man from the Government has saved it for you. This paragraph Don’t make trouble for me in time. The old man is about to retire, do you understand when he retires!”

Kulo cut out his ears, “Yes, yes… Don’t be so loud, I heard it.”


Do you still make trouble less?

He still wants not to cause trouble, did you give me a chance?

When you put me back to East Blue, nothing happened. Everyone is happy, do you know a win-win situation?

Sengoku stared at him for a while, “Let’s do it anyway, if it’s okay, go back and rest, stay in the headquarters, and finish your award.”

“Oh…I’ll retire first, Sengoku-san.”

He rolled his eyes and knew that he was here to be scolded.

Just as Kulo was going out, Sengoku suddenly said, “Wait.”


“About Fleet Admiral, You hope who will be on stage.”


Kulo turned around and said, “This kind of thing, you ask me this Commander?”

“What’s wrong with Commander? Isn’t Commander Marine? As long as it is Marine, you are qualified to discuss this matter. Don’t pretend to be garlic with me, Kulo.” Sengoku said.

“I like my Old Master, just like that, I withdrew.”

Kulo waved his hand and walked out the door.

“The cunning little fox, like Borsalino, is unwilling to get involved in this matter.” Sengoku gritted his teeth and looked at the closed door.

“Forget it, you are not a heaven knows what his temperament is, it’s the same. If you don’t want to mix it up, don’t mix it up. It’s not a good thing.”

Indifferently said: “You want Kulo to support Kuzan and influence Borsalino by the way. They will see this matter, and they are not fools.”

“Hey… forget it, let him Go ahead, the old man can’t control anything.”

Sengoku rubbed his head and sighed.


“This is the training ground. From now on, you will be an official Marine.”

Kuro finished it for Sazier After the formalities, he took him to the headquarter training ground and said: “Although you are directly under my subordinate, our department is somewhat different. When you are training for new recruits, I will not ask you to get good results. , Of course it’s not too bad. You need to get the most average result in many new recruit trainings. It can’t be too good or too bad.”

What do you mean?

Sazil was a little confused.

It’s understandable that he can’t get too bad grades. He became Marine, and of course he came to be excellent.

But not too good and what the hell is that.

“In short, take an average value. If you exceed one or lower one, you will receive a strict training from me.” Kuro pushed down his glasses, with a malicious tone in his tone.


He came to the training ground at that time. In order to ensure his doctrine, he deliberately controlled his power and suffered a lot, even more than fighting with all his strength.

This pain can’t come to an end for him.

This should become their’good tradition’ in this lineage.


Suddenly, a voice rang next to him.

Smoker bit two thick cigars and walked over with Da Siqi.

“Mr. Smoker.” Kuro said hello.

“If you are back, does it mean that Kulo is also back?” Smoker came to the front and glanced at Sazier behind him, “This is?”

“Yes, Mr. Kulo has just been called by Fleet Admiral Sengoku. This is the new recruit Sazir Kulo. We met a very aptitude person while sailing.” Kuro said.

“What is it called?” Smoker was taken aback.

“Report, my name is Sazier Kulo!” Sazier stood up and raised his head.

“No, take the last name.”

“My name is Kulo!”

“Tell me again who you are.”

“Um…My name is Kulo!”

After Sazier finished speaking, watching Smoker’s expression changed from surprise to a bad taste, he had seen that expression from Kuro and Li I’ve seen it there…

“Your name is Kulo, I want to kill you!”

Smoker grabbed Sazier’s hand and smiled: “My good friend is also called Kulo. He usually likes to practice with me when he is fine. No, you can learn from me. Since your name is Kulo, then this tradition can’t be lost.”

“My friend’s hand You are not a weak one. Since you want to be my friend’s subordinate, let me try, how good is your level!”

Speaking, he pulled Sazier and forcibly dragged Into the training ground.

“No, don’t!”

Sazir’s tone became sharper, struggling frantically, “I’m not going! I’m a new recruit, I won’t go anywhere Mr. Kuro, Mr. Kuro, save me!”

He looked towards Kuro imploringly, the look in his eyes was like a poor little girl.

Kuro smiled, “This is a good opportunity, Kulo, you can accompany Mr. Smoker, let him train you, I believe you will grow up. Mr. Smoker, please don’t leave your hand to Kulo. It’s better to let Kulo take a long lesson. He was still a trainee Pirate before.”

“Ah…then I have more reasons. Don’t worry, Kuro, I will let Kulo’s strange psychology. Correct it!”

Smoker smiled sternly.

Lesson Kulo or something, Marine’s younger generation of famous generals, half of them would like to do it.

Even if it is the same name.

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