However, while his fist was about to fall, a chill pierced his neck, which made Hernando eyes shrank and his fist subconsciously stretched upward.

Dang! ! !

A huge force drove Hernando out and hit the rock wall below the hillside, causing a depression.


Hernando coughed, gritted his teeth, stood still, pulled out from the rock wall, looked towards the one in Zephyr The young man who appeared beside him.

The man, holding a black blade, with a golden lightning glow glowing on the blade, with a cigar in his mouth, looked up at him, “Premium Busoshoku? I didn’t play well, only a punch. Is it?”

His arm has an extra gap, even with Haki’s blessing, it still bleeds down.

Hernando glanced at his arm, flicked his hand, throwing away the blood, frowning and staring at the person in front of him, quite jealous: “Lucifer · Kulo? Why are you here.”


He recognized the person, the new generation Marine who shined in the war on top.

“This is about…”

Kulo carried the knife on his shoulder, spit out the smoke, and said: “I am Marine Captain, this is the base of Lao Zi. , Not here, where else can I go?”

“It’s you, you did a good job. The former Vice Admiral became Pirate? For what? Pirate King? It’s really chasing dreams until I feel sick! “

“Master Hernando!”

Pirate, who was about to take a step earlier, jumped down and said, worried: “It’s okay, Master Hernando.”


Hernand took a deep look at Kulo and shook his head, “It doesn’t matter, if he is there…it looks like I can’t get along with Sensei anymore, Sutica, get ready.”


Then Pirate touched Hernando

“Sutica? Are you Sutica?!”

At this time, Ain who helped Binz suddenly exclaimed: “Why did you become Pirate too, Xiutica!”

Pirate shook his whole body and put down the hood on his head. A delicate and pretty face was revealed, it was a woman.

“Long time no see, Ain.” She said softly.


Zephyr was shaking all over, “Why, why do you believe in justice…”

“Zephyr -sensei, I also have the path I want to take. Everything is already a foregone conclusion.” Xiutica shook her head and said:

“You still want to solve the current situation, Sensei.”


“you two!”

Zephyr’s green veins are exposed, stepping forward, his body bursts with charge ahead, his left hand is wrapped in Busoshoku, and he roars: “I want to take you back to stand trial! “

“Old man, don’t lose your calm, it’s too late.” Kulo said suddenly.


Zephyr’s punch passed through the bodies of the two, and a punch made a hole in the back rock wall.

Go through!

The bodies of Hernando and Xiutica are stuck on Zephyr’s fist and gradually become an illusory shadow.

“Sutika!” Zephyr’s eyes widened and said angrily.

Sutika’s eyes curled, she didn’t dare to look at Zephyr’s eyes, and said, “Sensei, I have eaten fruits in the past few years. I am the “reflection man” of “reflection fruits”. We are now , The real body is already not in here, this is just an illusory shadow.”

“Sensei, remember…”

Hernand opened the mouth and said: “Before you taught us to take Pirate seriously, because Pirate is cunning and vicious, and a little carelessness will cause heavy losses. As a protection of civilians, Marine, if civilians are injured or killed, it is also Marine’s failure.”

“Then, let’s play a game…”

He extended the hand and snapped his fingers.


Then he paused for a while, and said: “In the past few years, I have also found a fruit. I am a’parasitic’ who ate this fruit. I have the ability to plant seeds for people. Once a person dies, the seed will germinate and become the same shape as me.”

“Well, although the strength is limited, it is definitely enough as Pirate. These parasites will listen to me. In other words, let them do whatever I want them to do.”

“For example, I ordered…”

His voice sank, “Kill all People who saw it!”

These words made Zephyr eyes shrank, what he thought of, and said in surprise: “Pirate who died in Pegasus Town!”

Hernand opened up With both hands, he said intoxicated: “Ah…yes, it is Pirate who died in Pegasus Town. They have my seeds on them, and they have sprouted. They have turned into my Avatars.”

“Sensei, I always want you to admit that you are a failed Marine. Sensei, stop me, if you can’t, no one on Pegasus Island can survive!”

“What Avatar did Everything, I will get feedback, you can’t see the town of Pegasus, there is already an Avatar starting to swing a knife, there happened to be a civilian in front of me, it was a wonderful expression of fear, wave it down, take his head away, that’s it Jane…single?”

At the last word, he was confused.

I can’t sense it.

All his Avatars in Pegasus Town couldn’t be sensed and disappeared completely.

Although Avatar’s strength is very weak, fierce and unafraid of death, whether facing Marine or civilians, killing one is earning, this thing is the most annoying thing for Marine.

But now, there is nothing left.

The most intuitive feeling is that something falls from the sky, and then there is no more.

“Sir Hernando?” Xiutica asked when seeing Hernando stop.


Hernand looked towards Kulo not far away, and saw him biting his cigar with his face relaxed.

“Lucifer ·Kulo…”

Hernando said solemnly: “I advise you not to get in the way.”

Kulo spit out smoke, slow leisurely said: “You, as Pirate, don’t let me, the Marine base, get in the way on my site? Why, the former Vice Admiral has such a big face?”

The town of Pegasus is not far from here, play with precision Don’t be too simple to operate or something.

Avatar? As long as he could die once, he would dare to kill again.

The weapon that’s all descended from the sky again.

He held the limpid autumn water and swung it away.


The huge golden slash suddenly rushed over and flattened everything in front of you. Those Pirates gathered around the hillside, under this slash, were chopped. It was divided into two sections, and the hillside was dumbly plowed by slash into flat ground, arousing a mass of smoke and dust.

“It’s decided, I will kill you by myself!” He smirked.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the bodies of Hernando and Xiutica continued to appear, but they had begun to drift like reflections in the water.

“It’s useless anymore. This is not our real body.”

Hernando said, glanced at Zephyr and said, “Sensei, let’s find it quickly Me, otherwise, not only Pegasus Town, but other places will become hell.”

The wandering reflection completely dissipated and disappeared.


Zephyr hit the ground with another punch, igniting a pothole.

“Hernando! Don’t run, fight with me!” Zephyr roared, “You degenerate Marine who has completely lost honor!!!”

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