West Blue, a small island, there is a river in the island, connecting the sea, the river extends to the center of the island, is a natural hidden port, many Pirate Ships, right in Hidden in the estuary.

Somewhere on the island, in a cave with a lot of debris, two figures slowly emerged from the deepest part of the cave.

As soon as he appeared, Hernando turned pale and sat on the ground.

“Master Hernando!” Xiutica said in surprise.

“You don’t need to call me your lord.”

Hernando waved his hand, “When no one is there, just call me Hernando.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Sutika’s face was solemn, and she wanted to raise her hand subconsciously, but at that moment, she realized something and put her hand down, her expression a little bitter.

“Hernando, how are you?”


He was holding his arms, his face a little pale.

“Sir Hernando? Sutica Young Lady? Are you back?”

A surprise voice came from outside.

Hearing the sound, Hernando got up immediately and stood there proudly.

As soon as Hernando was back, a group of Pirate rushed to him.

“Leader, you are finally back, but we are waiting to die.”

A Pirate rubbed his hands in excitement, “Pegasus Island is almost nothing to plunder. , Should we change to another island? I recently found an island with my friends. The town there is very rich. Let鈥檚 go there and looting.”

“Yes, yeah, Pegasus Island is already I鈥檓 almost evacuated. There is nothing but people. Let鈥檚 change a place.”

“Yes, I called Brother on the island two days ago and I鈥檓 tired of it.”


“Yes, change to an island, accumulate strength, and then rush to the Grand Line!”

Pirates gathered together and courageously.


One hand pinched Pirate, who was the first to speak, and was surprised to lift him up. In the Pirate鈥檚 surprised eyes, there was a’click’, Pirate’s head crooked.


Hernando threw Pirate onto the rock like a rag. As the corpse fell, a mass of white granulation grew from the corpse. The granulation grew rapidly and turned into one A human figure exactly like him, standing there blankly.

This scene makes everyone absolutely silence.

“Lian, leader of the league…” A Pirate swallowed.

Hernand glanced at the group of Pirates, his voice low as if he had been pulled up from hell, with a chill in the hoarse.

“You are not allowed to go anywhere except Pegasus Island. If I hear someone from the Pirate Alliance looting other places, I will make him a sacrifice to my Avatar.”

After Hernando’s glance, Pirates bowed their heads one after another, not daring to breathe.

Xutica also looked towards this group of Pirate, with a cold tone, “Didn’t you hear it?”

“Yes! I heard it! I will definitely not violate the command of the leader of the alliance!”

A Pirate who was watched by Sutika couldn’t bear the pressure, and his feet were brought together and shouted loudly.

His cold sweat has been flowing all over his body.

“Very well, let’s get loose, ready to refurbish, Pegasus Island has come to a difficult Marine, this time all of them are dispatched to kill them.”

Hernando nodded, said to the Pirates.

Pirates, such as the amnesty, ran out very quickly one by one.

Looking at the Pirates running away, Sutica sighed, faintly said: “Can it really be done, Hernando.”

Beside, there was no sound. For a long time, A firm voice sounded.

“I will never forget that scene, so we will do it!”


Kulo has returned in Pegasus Town.

He failed to sense the breath of Hernando from this island, which means that they are not on this island.

Fortunately, he came back, and the rest of Pirate on the island, led by Kuro, took Ain and Binz and the rest of Marine, went to encircle and suppress.

There is no tyrannical information on the island, it is enough to leave it to Kuro.

Of course, it is customary to give credit to Ain. Now Kulo does not need credit.

Kuro thinks the same way. He already has a stationed base, and then he will be able to live peacefully here after he wipes out the harmful insect.

For this, Kuro and Kulo have something in common.

The residents of Pegasus Town were frightened before. Those Pirate corpses actually grew granulation, and then became exactly the same people. Fortunately, the sky has lowered their weapons again, otherwise, The remaining residents of them are probably also down here.

“I said Mr. Zephyr, that Hernando, your student?”

Kulo sat on a boulder, lit a cigar, and asked the opposite side into his mouth. Zephyr sprayed with spray.

This old man, like Whitebeard, is physically ill. If he doesn’t take medicine, he won’t be able to hold it.

After spraying the spray, Zephyr was silent for a while, and said: “Hernando and Xutica are my former students. Especially Hernando, I always think that he will pick me up Class.”

The evaluation is so high?

Kulo is a little surprised.

But when I think about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong. As soon as the golden retriever made a move, he knew that he was good at physique and also advanced Busoshoku. After a few more years, he might really be able to do it.

“‘Hernando’, Marine Vice Admiral, but seven years ago, he told me that he had the path he wanted to take and left Marine, hey…I should If you try to dissuade you, how can you fix it!”

Zephyr slammed down a fist and beat a rock next to it to powder, “Why did he become what he is now?! So did Sutika,” Obviously believes in justice and regards Marine as such a sacred profession, why…”

Seven years ago…

This day is a bit far away. Kulo only joined Marine at that time. For three years, I was still nesting in the 153 branch of East Blue, and I was slashing the mountains every day.

However, seven years ago.

Kulo touched the chin, looked towards Zephyr’s robotic arm, and had a little exploration.

At that time, it seems that this old man was cut off his arm.

“Marine fell to become Pirate, but it鈥檚 not without it. Doesn鈥檛 Grand Line have a Marine鈥檚 鈥淕aspadi鈥? It鈥檚 all the same. There are always some scum, Mr. Zephyr, don鈥檛 be too much. Care.”

Kulo comforted: “At least in my opinion, my Old Master was thankful for your care when he was young.”


Zephyr smiled: “You are different from him. Borsalino pays too much attention to fruit ability.”

If I had Pika Pika no Mi, I also pay attention to fruit ability.

Is it not incense to light?


Zephyr thought of something and looked at Kulo and said, “You learned the slash from Shiji, right? I heard You killed Shiji.”

“Steal two tricks to perfect your sword technique.”

In front of this big Sensei who can see through human abilities, Kulo has nothing to do. Hidden, this kind of Old Fox who taught countless people can see his true level at a glance.

“Haki’s accomplishments are pretty good, depending on the situation, you seem to be thinking about body art recently?” Zephyr asked.

These words made Kulo frown.


He can’t figure out the release of advanced Busoshoku’s physical skills, but there is one in front of him. Although he is old and sick, his strength has regressed, but the experience is there.

If you find him, maybe you can do it!

Kulo said with burning eyes: “Mr. Zephyr, I want to ask you some knowledge about physical skills.”

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