The mayor’s residence.

Looking at Cass, who looked excited, Kulo opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

What can he say?

Say you guy soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed?

Isn’t this discouraging people’s enthusiasm?

He is lazy and doesn’t want to cause trouble, but he doesn’t ask others to be like him. The entire world’s Marine is like him, and the world is not saved.

But if you want him to praise Cass, it would be even more impossible.

Just kidding, just the bloody nature of this guy, and one more compliment, maybe what heaven-shaking, earth-shattering can be done for him.

“It’s pretty destined, Cass, I’ll show you more in the future.”

After holding back for a long time, Kulo gave Cass a slightly stiff smile.


Cass saluted and roared: “It is the honor of my life to work with Kulo Captain!”

“OK! OK! …”

Kulo waved his hand helplessly, “You, lead Marine to settle the residents, and then come to me to report.”

“Understood, Kulo Captain, I Do it now!”

Cass saluted again and went out respectfully.

Seeing Cass leaving, Kulo relaxed.

Fortunately, Kuro had wiped out Pirate on the island before that.

And he also wiped out the Pirate Alliance, otherwise, this matter will be broken.

With Cass’ temperament, it is estimated that he will be fully credited and promoted directly.

“Absolutely can’t give him a chance, you heard that, but if there is a chance, I will go to New World.”

Kulo fiercely stared at Lida and Kuro, “I’m going to New World, don’t try to be safe.”

Kuro: “…”

You dignified a powerhouse of quasi-Admiral strength, in order not to be promoted as a threat Subordinates?

“I’ll be optimistic about Cass, Mr. Kulo.” Kuro pushed down his glasses.

After all, this is the goal of his boss, and Kuro won’t let him down.

Kuro’s own purpose has been achieved.

Kulo is Captain. This level is enough. He is also a major himself. He is still at the base where he is stationed. As long as the town is developed, he can enjoy a peaceful life.

In fact, you can enjoy it now.

The long-cherished wish has already been fulfilled, and he does not want to move unless it is necessary.

This time, Cass brought nearly 500 Marines as the base Marine stationed on the island. This number is enough, and there are a lot of materials and weapons. Their addition represents Pegasus Island. This place is officially included in the Marine system.

Kulo, Sir, the Marine stationed base on Pegasus Island, officially took office.

But before taking office, there was a problem, that is the base and shore defense…


“Captain, it’s better to put my house Let’s use the mansion as a base. This place is big enough and it should be refurbished.”

After spending a day and setting up all the residents, Kas and the mayor came to Kulo’s temporary residence. Mansion.

The mayor is called Jagul. After two days of rectification, the whole body has exuded a good spirit, and he is not as dead as he looked before.

“You can’t do it here.”

Kulo directly vetoed it. He pointed to the map of Pegasus Town and moved his finger to the center. “Of course the base should be here, not just casually. Just do it, you have to ensure safety, and it’s better to put a few guns on the base.”

With that, he pointed to the port again, “This place needs to be renovated and a coastal defense is built. Don’t let Pirate land easily.”

The coastal defense of Pegasus Town’s port was destroyed during the war. It can’t be used as a coastal defense with a few cannons. It’s very unsafe. .

“If you simply do this, some townspeople are construction workers and can organize people to build the base.” Mayor Jagul said.

The general Marine base is basically like this.

The branch station, which is slightly better, such as the 153 branch of East Blue, is a small fortress, and the ordinary one, like Loguetown, has found a house as the Marine station.

But no matter what, Jagul believes that the residents under him can do it.

“no no no, Mayor Jia, what I want is not the kind of ordinary.” Kulo waved his hand again and again.

“My name is Jagul, Bashas Jagul, not Mayor Jia… Mr. Kulo, I am not from the country of flowers.” Jagul silently corrected.

“Okay, Mayor Jia, what I want is the kind of steel fortress located in the center that can fire cannons, and then shore defense, do you know Marineford? Transform the port into The kind of location with deep coastal defense, so Pirate can’t get in.”

If you want to be a stationed base, then naturally you need to be the safest, and the general Kulo does not need it.

If Marineford’s defensive rank is made, no, as long as it is half of it, then Pirate can’t think about it. If Pirate is not worried about it, wouldn’t it be safe here? Wouldn’t it be impossible?

Otherwise, wait for him to develop Pegasus Town, and Pirate who is not long-eyed will come over and attack, wouldn’t it be for Kulo to give credit for nothing?

What? Overturned?

He is in West Blue, can he still roll over?

What kind of monster in West Blue can make him roll over.


When Jagurh heard Kulo’s condition, he was in a daze. He looked at Kulo’s expression, not as if he was pretending, but as if he was serious of.

In West Blue, is it really good to build that kind of fortress?

“Isn’t there a craftsman who can build that kind of fortress in the town?” Kulo asked.

Jagur shook his head frantically.

“Where’s the cook? Cass doesn’t seem to have brought any good cooks. I want a spoon.” Lida also asked.

The cook brought by Cass is the ordinary standard equipment. After all, Kulo is a Captain, not a Vice Admiral, and cannot be equipped with a good cook. Although the average cook can also eat happily, But there are good ones, of course I want to find a good one.

After all, if nothing happens, Kulo will stay here for a long time.

“Artisans and chefs…”

Jagul thought for a moment and said: “There may have been in Pegasus Town before, but during the war, he either died or fled. Now, Mr. Kulo, if you really want to find someone that satisfies you, the nearby Flower Country is a good choice.”

“Flower Country…”

Kulo froze for a moment, this place was mentioned once again.

The more powerful country in West Blue, and the unique customs, always make Kulo feel a little cordial.

“Speaking of speaking, this place is really going to be visited once, just to find artisans and cooks.”

The’Luo’ family mentioned by Zephyr always makes him a little concerned. You can take this opportunity to go to the country of flowers to find out.

“But before that, let’s build the model. Just this center. Let’s make a temporary Marine base. Cass, leave this to you. Also, if you’re on the coast, set the cannon. There, make a temporary shelf.” Kulo pointed to two places on the map and said.

“Yes, Kulo Captain, you must live up to your trust!” Cass saluted.

“Mayor Jia, I leave it to you about the hot springs. First, check if there are hot springs on this island. If not, I will come to think of a solution.” Kulo said.

“My name is Jagul…Ok, I see, I will do it, Mr. Kulo.” Jagul said helplessly.

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