The current Kulo, it is impossible to leave, he must ensure that the residents can support themselves.

However, this day will not take long.

Under the organization of the mayor, in the center of the town, a Marine base was renovated, and the nearby area was enclosed and used as Marine’s residence.

On the coast, two bunkers were built, and a few guns were placed nearby as a simple coastal defense.

In the new office, Kulo overlooks the entire Pegasus Town. Because the base is in the center, Kulo can see the entire Pegasus Town.

It’s already a small half a month since Cass arrived.

The residents of Feima Town have gradually stabilized.

From below, the townspeople began to act as merchants on the streets and began to sell things.

The resources of Pegasus Island are still there. Without the threat of Pirate, the townspeople will be active regardless of whether it is for their own survival or for others.

This island is gradually on track, so no one needs to worry about it.

“Really going to the country of flowers, Mr. Kulo.”

Kuro pushed down his glasses and said, “There is also an unknown powerhouse in that place, just the navy. I heard that there are nine troops. Among them, the leader of the “Eight Treasure Marine Army” was previously said to be a Great Pirate.”

“I’m not going to fight Pirate. I’m just looking for craftsmen and cooks. “Kulo said: “It’s such a troublesome person, whoever is ill will go to him.”

Green peppers are worth 500 million in the old generation, and there were back and forth with Garp back then. , But what does this have to do with Kulo.

This person is so reclusive, he is still sick to find such a thing.

“Mr. Kulo, if you are on this island, you don’t actually need to find a craftsman…” Kuro said.

“You are floating again.”

Kulo glanced at him and said: “What’s wrong with this island, can the cannon blow the house or the bullet can’t kill people? I can’t say that I’ve been watching these people. I’m not Guardian God. If you don’t do a good job in coastal defense, there’s a sense of peace of mind.”

This is the age of great voyages, and artillery is still threatening.

Without Busoshoku and Tekkai, even Whitebeard could be injured by a knife or gun, and Garp could be broken by an axe.

You say they are strong, that is so strong that you have no temper and can slap you.

You say they are weak, even a bullet can take them away.

Not to mention these ordinary people.

There must be a craftsman who can build a fortress, and a little cook is also necessary in order to enjoy the blessing.

Kulo called Old Master, but they are not bad. The famous craftsmen in Marine are not in the headquarters.

For example, under Kongming Vice Admiral, there is a Marine who is good at transforming ships and bases, but he is like a treasure, and Kizaru is not familiar with him, that is the faction of Granny Crane.

There will be favors for begging for someone like this, and favors represent trouble.

Anyway, the country of flowers is so close, it doesn’t matter if you walk around.

Cass is here, basically there is no trouble.

“Then I’ll go find Cass.”

With that, Kuro is about to go out.

“No need.”

Kulo waved his hand and called out: “Cass, Cass!”


tone barely fell, the door outside was suddenly knocked open, a group of strange objects with no idea what it was, appeared in front of the three of them.

Kath braved the visible heat of naked eye, and offered an unusually standard salute, “Kulo Captain, you call me!”

Kuro pursed his lips, little He said: “I remember you were training in the square below, why are you so fast?”

“Don’t underestimate a warm-blooded monster with a heart of worship. Kulo’s call is very spiritual. Leda murmured silently on the side.

Even Kulo himself is helpless with this scene.

He looked around and made sure he had no tentacles and no sugar on his body.

Although they all live on the sea, they are always different.

This Cass has been getting more and more wicked recently, and Kulo had once doubted whether he believed in Evil God or something in the past.

Just train in the square, and his group of Marines can do the same as sacrifice ceremony.

“Get ready to get off the boat, I will go to the country of flowers, you stay guarded, don’t let Pirate enter here.” Kulo moved towards him.

“Understood, Kulo Captain, I will fill up all the supplies. If the staff is rationed, will it be the same as before?” Cass asked.

As the old Lieutenant Commander before Kulo, he also understands Kulo’s habits.

As long as it is sailing, there will always be too many ships in the Marine. The maximum number of people to reach the Battleship, food and other materials are all full.

“The old way, go get ready.” Kulo waved his hand.


Cass saluted again, then turned into a cloud of steam, and left quickly.

Kuro said with some envy: “This ability is really clever.”

The ability to accelerate, if you don’t envy it, it’s fake.

But he missed it at the time, and there was no way.

Moreover, he is quite satisfied with his current ability.


At this moment, Lida moved her ears and looked towards the distant sea through the window, “Kulo, it seems that a boat is coming. “

On the sea, several ships gradually approached here.

The ship is getting closer and closer, so that the surrounding townspeople can see the appearance of the ship. It is just an ordinary merchant ship, but it is a bit surprisingly big.

“I finally saw the island.”

On the boat, a businessman smiled, “This is Pegasus Island. I heard that it was taken by Pirate.”


“Boss, Pirate, there is no need to stop here, right.” The next man said worriedly.

“What are you afraid of.”

The businessman disdainfully said: “Who are we, do you need to care about these Pirates? It’s just a refurbishment here. If you don’t have a long eye, then put this The island will be destroyed.”

He patted the cannon on the bow of the ship, confident, “Then if you are worried about Pirate, let’s start with a shot to cheer. Just so, try the formidable power of the cannon. Will be able to sell it.”


In the center, Kulo squinted and watched the ships approaching. At his distance, he could just see , The number of cannons on each ship far exceeds the number that a normal merchant ship should have.

“This draft is quite a lot of things, and finally a merchant will come to trade.” Kulo smiled relievedly.

Businessmen are all dog-nosed. Wherever there are business opportunities, there are them. The news that Marine is stationed here must have spread.

bang!! !

He just thought about it. On the approaching ship, a huge muzzle sparked from the muzzle. With a loud noise, a huge shell shot out of the muzzle and fell straight towards small town.

“en?” Kulo’s eyes widened, “Kuro!”



Kuro took a few steps on the spot and rushed directly out of the window. His body stomped on the air very quickly, stepped on several air ripples, and went straight to the cannonball.

“Tekkai boxing method, straight through nails!”

There is no need to get close to the cannonball. Kuro just throws a punch. As soon as it approaches the cannonball, an inexplicable force will blow the cannonball. To pierce through, peng sound, fire and smoke exploded in the air.

Kuro fell from the air, shook his fist, looked coldly towards the ship in front, “I am not afraid, attacking Marine is a felony.”

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