“How can you defile people out of thin air…” Kulo said with his eyes wide open.

“What innocence, I saw you roll a batch of scrapped weapons into the sky the day before yesterday, you are greedy for other people’s weapons.”

Listening to Lida said this, Kulo went red. With his face, the blue stripes on his forehead burst out, and he argued:

“How can Marine’s matter be called a gluttonous weapon!”

There are some incomprehensible words one after another, such as What “contributing to the cause of justice” and what “fighting against evil” caused Lida to laugh again and again, and the office was filled with joyful air.

In Kulo’s defense, Marine has tied up all the people who fainted on the merchant ship and sent them down, and then began to search the ship.

In addition to the large-caliber heavy artillery, a large number of weapons were found in their cabins!

In other words, apart from the necessary supplies, the ships are all weapons!

In the office, Kulo picked up a saber and looked at it. The reflection on the blade reflected his eyes. It was a katana, with a saber and a broadsword next to it.

Kulo put the knife down, picked up the long musket on the side, raised it to the front, then put it down again, smacking his lips:

“What a special weapon dealer! …”

The ship is full of weapons, what else can it be if it is not a weapon dealer.

Moreover, the quality of this weapon can be said to be very good.

Kulo’s finger slid across the katana blade placed on the side, “It has a paralyzing effect. The ore used to create weapons seems to be very special and strange…”

This kind of mineral Kulo is a bit impression, but some can’t remember.

Kuro pushed down his glasses, and said, “80 heavy artillery, 5,000 swords, 3,000 firearms, and countless lead bullets. With this level of firepower, you can fight the country There is a war.”

“There are many countries in West Blue that are at war, including the former owner of the island, the “Double Horse Kingdom”, but the biggest war at the moment is the “Country of Flowers” and the “Kingdom of Two Horses”. The war of the Nation of Worms.”

“Mr. Kulo, this is very likely to be sold over there.”

As a West Blue power, the Nation of Flowers launched a war. The intensity of the war in the small country of’Double Horse Kingdom’ is comparable.

But in the same way, they will also need weapons.

“Are they awake?” Kulo thought for a while and asked.

“Woke up, now being watched by Cass and the others, it’s in the square.” Kuro replied.

Kulo nodded, stood up, “Then go and see…”

Speaking, he took out a cigar, lit one, and went down from the office to the base Walk towards the square.

In the square, a group of people were tied up with ropes, while Marine was standing around, holding guns, forming a round wall in the shape of a human.

“Hey, let me go, you Marines!”

Among the crowd, a round and luxuriously dressed businessman is struggling.

“We are law-abiding civilians. If we catch us, you are going to be punished! I have contact with senior officials of the World Government. We have a good personal relationship. If you arrest me, you will all be punished. !”

“Shut up!”

Cass stood in front of him, the brave and determined face on his beard made the businessman somewhat absent-minded, startled somehow to speak. .

“Marine, the justice, will not be coerced by you, chaos attacking the town!” Cass pointed at him with a look of justice.

“I didn’t mean it. I heard that Pirate was occupying this place. I just wanted to wipe them out. I’m a good person, a good person!” The businessman retorted.

“Come on, good people will not attack the Battleship. We found a lot of weapons from your ship. You must be a bad guy!” Cass said righteously.

“Hey! The World Government doesn’t stipulate that the sale of weapons is not allowed. Even if I collect weapons for sale, what about it!” The merchant shouted again.

This caused Cass to stagnate. It seems that it is true. The Government does not stipulate that the sale of weapons is not allowed, and Marine does not include cracking down on this kind of business.

“Do you have any reason to attack Marine?”

Suddenly, the wall opened a road, Kulo bit his cigar, and a big brother walked in in style. .

“Kulo Captain!”

When Cass saw the visitor, he subconsciously saluted.


The businessman was taken aback, and looked towards the somewhat arrogant person, “Hey, if you are Captain, you should understand, there is no reason for you to arrest me. , I did not cause any substantial harm to you Marine, be careful I let the World Government demote you!”

For the bearded man who looks righteous but looks at the low military position, the businessman has nothing to say , But in Captain’s words, it will definitely reveal something about this Bai.

They are definitely afraid of World Government. This person has become a Captain at such a young age and will definitely not let himself be demoted easily.

Kulo walked up to him, vomited a puff of smoke on his face, choking him coughing, “Assault Marine is not a threat to Marine, you are very capable.”

” Cough cough, don’t be too mad, Marine! You can’t judge my crime, as long as I go back, you will pay the price!”

The merchant was clamoring there, and then suddenly he stagnated,” Wait, give me a tenth? What did you do to my important merchandise, Marine!”


Kulo pulled out his ears, “Your Goods? How do I know about your goods, it’s that I purchased a new batch of weapons from the Marine base on Pegasus Island, but what does this have to do with you.”

Weapons, he won’t return them, let him I haven’t vomited the contents in my pocket.

“Hey, that is a special product of Wano Country. You World Government also has a deal with me. You have to think clearly, Marine!”

The businessman threatened: “That will You can’t even stay with Marine. You have to think about it clearly. Now let me go and return the merchandise to me. I will treat this as not happening.”

A specialty of Wano Country?

Kulo was stunned, thinking for a moment, and suddenly his fist hit the palm of his hand, and suddenly said: “Oh, so that’s how it is, it’s’Alcoholite’, I said why there is an impression.”

Wazhiguo’s special ore, would he feel a sense of numbness in the weapon?

But the right to sell weapons in the country of Wano…

“That’s right, it should be sold to the country of insects.”

The right to sell, It is in the hands of Joker, that is, the hands of Doflamingo.

And Doflamingo is one of the promoters of the defeat of the Flower Nation War, because he sold a large number of weapons to the hostile countries of the Flower Nation in Underground World.

“The people let them go, leave a boat for them, and all the others are used as a treasure house…no, confiscated.”

Kulo waved his hand, not looking at the merchant, and turned around Leave.

“Mr. Kulo…”

Kuro followed along, whispered: “Just let them go like this, why…”

Showing cruel color.

“What do you want to do, they are not Pirate, just keep things in my hands, besides, I have my ideas, just follow them.”

Kulo laughed , There is a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

Didn’t you hear what people say, you are going to the World Government to get through the relationship and demote him.


Such a good thing, he is eager, in case he becomes it.

Even if it doesn’t work, he will be unwilling to buy so many products on his own. When the time comes, he will definitely come and want a wave of revenge, that is, he will bring weapons over again.

Then he will have stock again.

Who would think he has too many cards?

When the time comes, catch it and let it go, let it go and catch it, so back and forth, the weapons are endless.

He doesn’t lose Kulo either.

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