The merchant and his members boarded a boat and sailed to the sea.

“I will definitely be back!”

The businessman turned his head and looked at the direction of Pegasus Town, with a deep resentment and unwillingness on his face.

Then he saw the sea water roll up, and the few merchant ships that had been left behind were rolled up by the sea water and lifted into the sky.

The nearby people followed the boss’s words and shouted at the opposite coast: “We will definitely come back!”


Businessman fiercely Give him a head.

The holding head of the aggrieved man, “Boss, am I wrong, why hit me?”

Are you blind?

I can’t see those ships all flying up into the sky. Among those Marines, someone can easily destroy them.

This is the sea. If the ship is really going to capsize, I don’t know if he will survive!

But this cannot be said.

Even if he fails, he has to maintain the majesty of a caravan leader and a boss.

“Start the ship, let’s go back first. I will let him know the terrifying that offends the person with the network. When he is demoted, I will tell Joker. I will let this Marine understand, Underworld’s Really terrifying!” said the businessman gnashing teeth.

“Heavy artillery is reserved for coastal defense. You divide the guns and lead bullets. If you use the sword, I will laugh at it.”

Kulo just lifted the ship into the sky and hit it. Snapping his fingers, a mass of soil rises on the ground, with the weapons piled up, rising together.

“Hey, don’t you need to touch it now?” Leda said suspiciously.

This guy, as if he didn’t touch the weapon, he was sent directly to the sky, although he borrowed the medium of soil.

“It seems…not needed anymore.”

Kulo shook his hand, felt it, and confirmed: “I really don’t need it anymore.”

With points and faces, although he still uses physical strength to control, his fine manipulation can already infect other objects through the medium.

This is all experience gained through manipulating sea water.

“Hentai again…”

Leda couldn’t help but said: “Hey, Kulo, can you converge a little bit, if you become stronger, I can’t keep up I’m strong.”

“I’m strong, but I’m strong.”

Kulo is a bit uncomfortable. Why do people always think that he is strong? In this big navigation world, Powerhouse means FLAG, don’t you know?

Those who are powerful are the ones that were beaten and defeated.

See how Doflamingo, be strong, push the grid to a huge height, and it hasn’t been defeated by Pirate who has just made his debut for a few years.

Look at Whitebeard, the strongest in the world, isn’t it still dead?


The law of this world is that powerhouse is dying.

Lida looked at Kulo disgustingly and said something like “I’m not strong”, “I didn’t cut down the Red Line mainland with a single blow,” and “I can’t beat Yonko.”

This person has never been composing, just listen to it.

It’s Cass, I don’t know where to find a notebook. While listening to Kulo’s speech, he is nodded. It seems that he understands something. He is struggling to write and write something in the notebook.

Kuro leaned over and took a curious look. It was full of quotations from Kulo.

From the previous justice speeches to the current “not strong” speeches, there are all, including his own comments, all in it.

“Why do you remember this?” Kuro asked curiously.

“This is Kulo Captain’s words. From his words, you can understand his aspirations. I want Kulo Captain to become an Admiral man. There are some things I have to do!”

Cass put away his notebook, and put it in his arms as a baby cutiously.

Kuro: “…”

You are so fucking, does Mr. Kulo know?

“You remind me of a word? Mr. Kulo often says.” Kuro said.

“What, Mr. Kuro, please tell me.” Cass said seriously.

“Lick the dog to the end, everything you need.” Kuro pushed down his glasses.

He didn’t understand what that meant before, but now looking at Cass’ behavior, he feels that he understands a bit.

“Lick the dog?”

Cass was stunned for a moment, and wondered: “Is it a kind of canine? It has everything? That is really envy, is it a legendary creature? ?”

“It seems to be…I am not quite clear either. It may be a legendary creature. Mr. Kulo has always known a lot.”

Kuro seems to understand. Speaking understandably.

“What are you two talking about, hurry up and straighten up and divide the weapons.”

Kulo said to Kuro and Kas, turned around and walked towards the Marine base.

If Lieutenant Commander is there, he doesn’t need to take care of these things, Kuro will help to deal with them, not to mention Cass who used to be next to him as Lieutenant Commander, two people are enough.

“Leda, the land of flowers and the land of insects, do you have any impressions?”

Back to the base, arrived at the office, Kulo bit his cigar and looked at the snack preparation Asked Leda who was eating.

Leda shook her head, found a bag of potato chips, tore it apart and ate a slice, and said: “No impression.”

“Then you want to go?”

“Well… it’s okay, I don’t care.” Leda ate the potato chips, her expression indifferent.

She really doesn’t care.

A person struggling to survive for ten years, family or something, in her mind has long lost weight.

She is not the kind of person who remembers pain. Unlike Robin’s life that would be shrouded in childhood, she is more heartless, or in other words, her previous life did not allow her to have it.

After meeting Kulo, this kind of life will improve.

As for what bitterness and enmity has a dark history, or you can’t forget your parents…


Even if there is, she will not easily say it, because she knows that there is one thing that troubles Kulo, which is to make herself uncomfortable.

“Forget it, let’s just go together. If you don’t solve this matter, you will always come to the door when the time comes. The solution is the solution, and the solution is now. The “Luo” family, always It feels the same as’Vinsmok’.” Kulo spit out the smoke and said.


Leda tilted her head: “The Great Family that has a history of three hundred years and controls North Blue, isn’t that a legend?”

In the eyes of ordinary people, Vinsmok represents a legend.

But Kulo knows that this is real. The comic of “Hero Sola” that is popular in the world is about the Vinsmok family.

Moreover, their three men are at Straw Hat.

But this has nothing to do with Kulo.

“That doesn’t matter, wait a while, we go to the country of flowers.”

Kulo touched the chin, talking.

Speaking of which, the legendary Pirate,’Chinjao the Drill’, seems to have a big treasure house.

Now he has no taxation and no development. The civilians are poor and don’t even see. Do you want to inject some funds to make Feima Town prosperous?

Somewhere in West Blue.

Above the sea, the merchant ship is swaying with the waves.

The round merchant was lying on the deck covered with blood, and there were corpses all around him.

On the bow, a white-haired youngster in Kung Fu clothes was slowly peeling oranges, eating them petals by petals.

“My lord.”

A man came out of the cabin and cup one fist in the other hand said: “There is nothing but food.”


The youngster pushed aside the white strips on the orange and stuffed the orange into his mouth, “So poor?”

“You…you Guy, is the Marine here to kill?”

The chubby businessman lifting his head, said very laboriously.


The youngster tilted his head, revealing a puzzled look. He played with the white strips on his fingers, and when he flicked it, the thing was straight like a needle thorn.

He laughed: “It seems very interesting, let’s talk about it, what has happened to your merchant ship?”

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