Lowe’s mouth has a smile, “Look, it’s that simple. It’s not that you are not strong, it’s just that you met me. There is no need to blame yourself, I, Lowe will admit Yes, you are a powerful Marine.”

He raised his fist again, the red lightning glow wrapped around his arm, and punched down, “You can die with peace of mind!”

“Five times!”


As soon as the fist was shaken, a rising heat appeared from the side. Lowe was taken aback, and his steps turned away subconsciously, ready to dodge, but a group of white objects with an indescribable shape, like a giant beast , Came straight over.

In that area, Lowe couldn’t dodge and was hit.

peng peng dong dong!

Only an instant, a lot of holes appeared in his clothes, a series of sparks sprang up under his skin covered by Busoshoku, Lowe was caught by this Hit a dozen meters away.

“What is it?”

Lowe looked over in amazement.

The group of rising white steam is like a group of irregular White Grand Beast stuff. Upon closer inspection, I found that it was just a group of Marines, headed by a big beard.

It’s just their faces, at this time, under the rising of steam, they become abnormally distorted and hideous.


Lowe asked in confusion.

Marine, is it such a thing?

It’s a little different from the Marine he knows.

“Major Kuro, are you okay?” Cass stood beside Kuro and asked worriedly.

Kuro twitched for a while, stretched out his paws, and struggled: “Quickly, go and ask Mr. Kulo!”

“I have already called someone to go, before that…”

Cass faced Lowe, “We want to clear the criminals!”

“Clear the criminals!!!”

The Marines shouted in agreement.

His will is like iron, and its spirit is like steel. This kind of spirit willpower makes Lowe even slightly moved.

This group of Marines is difficult to entangle.

But it’s just difficult that’s all…

Lowe ripped off his shirt, revealing his sturdy fleshy body. He moved his arms and said with a smile: “It’s really Worry, my clothes are difficult to make to order.”


Cass rushed towards Lowe with his saber in one fell swoop.

“The speed is very abnormal. Is it also an ability? No wonder it can cause a quick blow to me at that moment.”

Luo Wei narrowed his eyes, “Although it can be solved Drop it, but it’s better to play something different…”

Cass and the others are very fast, almost the skill of Lowe’s speech has reached him.

“Fantastic Soru!”

With a single footstep, Lowe disappeared from the place, turned into an afterimage, and went straight to…into the sea.


A spray rose on the sea, and Lowe fell into it.

Under the shaking of the water, it fell into calm.

“Take Major Kuro away!”

Cass seized this opportunity, waved his hand violently, and let Marine under him support Kuro, and at this time, Kuro also turned back In the form of a human, just after being supported by a few Marines, waves on the sea surface.


The monstrous waves rise from the sea and separate into several waterspouts, just like hiding the sky and covering the earth, and rush to the shore in a flash.

“Fishman unarmed Dao Haiyu falls over the shoulder!”

Following Lowe’s voice, the waterspout poured straight down, heading straight for Kas and Kuro behind. .

Cass eyes shrank, “Sea water?!”

“Captain, we can avoid it!” Marine suggested behind him.

Although the range of this sea water is wide, but with the blessing of Cass’ five times the speed, they can retreat all over.


“Behind you is the town, there are innocent civilians, we can’t retreat!”

Cass shouted, standing still, facing Facing the surging waterspouts, “We are Marine, and our duty is to defend civilians and uphold justice! Friends, join me in blocking the water!”

“Captain Cass, You are so noble, I am willing to stick to justice with you!” A Marine cried out moved.

“Yes, for the civilians behind, for justice!”

“All for justice!!!”

Marine reorganizes his spirit, row by row They opened sideways and looked solemn one by one, and the rising white steam became more dense at this time, making it hard to see the details.

bang! ! !

The huge waterspouts rushed over and directly hit the human wall formed by Marine. In just a moment, Marine was rushed back under the huge momentum.

But that will keep them strong and not fall. The impulse of the sea caused Marine’s human wall to move back and forcibly back several tens of meters. Several waterspouts scattered into a ball, and the harbor The place became a shoal after high tide.

The human wall is still straight.

It was actually blocked!

“Ahhhhh, it seems that the estimation is wrong.”

In the sea, Lowe stuck out his head, jumped up, and fell into the shallow water, surprised: “That power of will, isn’t it ability?”

Sea water will make the Ability User powerless, and for this kind of super-powered Ability User, being washed by the sea water will definitely make the ability temporarily invalid.

But looking at it now, the only thing that fails is that weird speed, that will, still exists.

Although it is unremarkable now, it will inevitably be a trouble to grow up in the future.

In this case, it is better to kill it first, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with later!

Luo Wei squinted and shook his whole body, shaking off the water droplets on his body. He squeezed his steps and jumped into the sky suddenly, his figure in this brief moment seemed to freeze.

He opened his hands, and the Busoshoku on his hands became stronger.


The figure disappeared in the sky, turned into countless black shadows, and rushed to the many Marines such as Cass.

“Five times!”

Just after being washed away by the sea, Kas’s ability temporarily failed, but now that the sea has receded, he can continue to use this ability.

Cass clenched the teeth, slammed his chest, the light ball shrouded the nearby Marine, and shouted: “Gather toward me, kill the sin!”

“Mu Da Da !”

The countless black afterimages laughed in unison, “This speed can’t stop me!”

The Marines gathered towards Kasna very quickly , But at this time, countless black afterimages also rushed in.

“Shura Dao!”

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

Marine headed by Cass, in this brief moment unified groaned, a large number of shock waves formed by the blows on his body, just for a moment, the countless shadows penetrated behind Cass and aggregated into A person.

Lowe remained standing, his fists pressed against his waist, and he whispered softly: “The black rope is flashing in the sky.”

As his voice fell, Cass and the others rolled his eyes, all Fell down.

“Didn’t you die, this is really…”

Lowe didn’t look at Cass, but looked towards the front and smiled, “It turns out that there is a powerhouse.”

At the moment when he issued the style, he felt like he was being pierced by countless sharp blades, which caused his movement to slow down, and subconsciously withdrew his strength.

The strength that could kill Marine originally has become this level.

In front, two silhouettes of one big and one small came into his eyes.

They are all Marine.

The big one, wearing a cloak, with a saber hanging from his waist, and biting a cigar, looks a little gloomy.

As for the short one, at the moment when he saw the man, Lowe’s eyes shrank, his mouth slightly opened, full of disbelief, and subconsciously murmured: “Lita…”

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