“The situation is a bit serious…” Lida finished chewing the food in her mouth, swallowed with a gurgling sound, looked at Marine lying down near the port, and said.


Kulo complied, looked towards the person who stared at Lida with a bit of disbelief at this time, slightly frowned.

Where did this person come from? It’s a bit strong to be able to kill Kuro, who becomes completely body, and Cass, who has a large number of Marines by his side.

There is also this body that covers Busoshoku…

Isn’t this really the world, even if it’s West Blue near New World, but where can such a person come out? , Too strong, right?

The white-haired person in front of him has curly hair and a braid behind his head. The upper body of the kung fu suit is torn apart, revealing a fierce fleshy body.


Kulo raised his eyebrows, always feeling that this face seemed to be seen somewhere.


Lowe’s eyes were somewhat absent-minded, and the memory floated away, as if a familiar voice sounded in his mind.


“Big brother, don’t go, okay.”

The little white-haired girl, hugging a teenager’s leg tightly, He raised his head and said pitifully.

The young man touched the little girl’s head, with a trace of affection in his eyes, but soon this trace of affection was replaced by indifference.

He flicked his legs and feet, freed the little girl’s hand, and said coldly: “Don’t be kidding, no one can stop me from completing the trial. This is a trial of’Luo’, and only the winner can have it. Everything, I am the greatest genius of the’Luo’ family!”

“big brother…”

The little girl fell to the ground with tears in her eyes.


“big brother!”

The picture turned and arrived at the port, the little white-haired girl who had been several years old was struggling. , Extend the hand shouted at the young man standing in front of him who was watching all this indifferently.

The young man pursed his mouth, his fists were almost white behind him. Finally, he turned around, turned his back to the little girl, and let some people drag her onto the boat.

“This is a trial. Only if you survive, you are worthy of being my younger sister. Otherwise, the’Luo’ family doesn’t need waste.”


Lowe closed his eyes and muttered in a voice that he could only hear: “That’s not Rita, Rita is so small, she is already dead…”

He opened his eyes , Looked towards the Marine who was biting the cigar, and smiled again:

“I know you. I watched the live broadcast. You are Lucifer · Kulo. Why would a man like you come to West Blue? World Government It’s determined to remediate this island.”

“You did that feeling like being immersed by a knife? You did a good job, letting them escape the fatal blow. “

On top of the live broadcast of the war, he will not miss it. He knows Lucifer Kulo, who has a brilliant performance.

Kulo scratched his head, glanced at the people lying down behind, and spit out the smoke, “You are not bad, New World is back?”

He was really not paying attention before. Although Kenbunshoku felt it, he felt that Kuro Gakas was able to deal with it. After all, he didn’t bother him with everything, or else his subordinates would do something.

But didn’t expect to kneel so fast.

If it weren’t for Lowe to have a sense of threat with the’eye sword’ at the end, Cass probably would be gone.

His ability is strong, but in itself, he is not strong.

“I have been here, New World is also just this.”

Lowe said with a smile: “It looks like you are the base of this island.”

Powerhouse is perceptual, his Kenbunshoku attainments are not low, so he can sense that this one in front of him is currently the strongest among Marines.

And the white-haired girl who looks exactly like Rita does not seem to be weak.

“It’s just right, I haven’t hit enough.”

Lowe’s fists tightened, said with a smile: “I haven’t seen blood today, a man like you, suitable Die under my fist!”

“So troublesome…”

Kulo sighed, “Kulo sighed? You don’t look like Pirate? You just want to be wanted. Don’t you?”

“Who cares about that kind of stuff.”

Lowe said and glanced at Lida, “Don’t you want to be killed by me? Take that little girl Hand it over, I am very interested in her.”


Lida was taken aback, subconsciously stepping back, rather disgustingly said: “Idiot?”


A sharp breath emanated from behind Lowe, with a black blade extending from his shoulder, and the blade facing his neck covered by Busoshoku.

“It’s decided, you die here.”

Kulo’s voice appeared behind him.

The person in front of you, like ripples in the water, rippled for a while and turned into bubbles.

So fast!

Luo Wei’s eyes widened, and a cold sweat was dripping from his forehead. He didn’t even see this man’s movements clearly? !


The blade was close to his neck, and Lowe quickly lowered his head at this time. The blade rubbed against his neck and sparked a ball of sparks. Kick, a straight back kick is like a horse throwing its hoof.


Kulo collected the limpid autumn water and easily blocked the kick with the blade of the knife. When Lowe’s feet hit the limpid autumn water, he turned the blade directly against Luo Wei. Wei’s side swept away.

A spark flashed from Lowe’s armpit, Lowe’s hands were on the ground, and the whole person bounced high and landed on the ground in the distance, his expression became solemn.

“Haki is good for use.”

Kulo shakes the limpid autumn water, “The hardness is OK.”

That tone, as if to comment on a The fledgling brat.

“You don’t underestimate people!”

Lowe got up, Busoshoku’s arms are red and black, his voice is low and he makes a charge.

“As far as speed is concerned, I will not lose to anyone. The Rokushiki I just learned, match my physical skills, let’s see…”

“Shura said· Chi Luo Shan!”


Lowe stepped on a large pit on the ground, turning it into a black and red meteor, and headed straight to Kulo.


Lida on the side saw this scene, her eyes widened, “Kuro’s’swift shave’ is also combined with a high explosive technique, good Amazing physical skills.”

Kulo didn’t even look at it, raised one hand to the black and red meteor, “poisonous snake.”

hong long!

From under his feet, a wave of earth rose, transformed into an Orochi shape, and opened his mouth to bite at the meteor.


Only a group of soil, naturally impossible to stop Lowe’s attack, I saw a meteor flashing by, quickly disintegrating the soil through the breakthrough, but the person in front of him also disappeared.

Boom! !

A whip leg swept from the side the extremely fast silhouette that turned into a meteor, kicking his figure out.

Lowe’s legs and feet were stuck on the ground, and he was kicked backwards, plowing two deep gullies, and it was only a few meters away that he could stop.

He stood still, snorted, and put his backhand to his waist. Under Haki’s cover, there was still a little more bruise there.

“Ability User?” he asked.

Kulo retracted his feet and dispelled the Busoshoku on his toes, and said: “The speed is good, but it’s too stupid. I can’t even notice the obvious intention of blocking the field of vision.”

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