Kolmo’s death caused Pirate to give up the resistance and be captured obediently.

In the office, the excited beard of Cass, who was simply bandaged, turned into waves.

“Sergant, six million Pirate, this is a great achievement, you can definitely go further.”

“Sergeant Cass, you have to remember, this It’s not me alone, it’s the credit of many Marines. As you can see, you have done harm to Colmo, and you killed Colmo. I just made a little insignificant contribution.”

Kulo is the way of righteous words.

“Kulo sergant…”

Cass’ moved tears are about to come down again.

Cass is an old Marine, and he exaggerates himself when he sees a lot of Pirates wiped out. It’s not his own battle strength Wushuang, or his commanding Marine superior.

And like Kulo would admit that it is the common Marine credit, it is too rare!

What a brilliance this is.

Such a Marine, absolutely cannot stop here!

“I see, Kulo sergant!”

Kulo satisfied nodded: “Then go out and check the spoils of war.”

” Yes!”

After Cass went out, the Marines were constantly carrying spoils of war from the Pirate Ship, all smiling.

Although Kolmo is dead, the bounty will be reduced by 30%, but they can also receive the money.

Pirate’s bounty order is not simply set up for Bounty Hunter. The purpose of at first is to stimulate the enthusiasm of Marines.

Later, Bounty Hunter became a profession.

“Sergeant Cass, a lot of spoils of war, plus Colmo’s head, this time everyone has done a great job!”

A Marine grinned said with a smile.

“Yes, Sergeant Cass, if I go back, I should be able to raise Level 1, it’s a Great Pirate!”

Marine said excitedly.

He is a second-class soldier.

“Asshole, don’t be complacent!”

Cass angrily roared: “Who do you think this is all! Is it you? No, it’s Kulo sergant! If It’s not that Kulo sergant took the lead. Where did you have the courage to deal with that monster! Let your superiors take the risk alone, do you still deserve to be a Marine!”

The Marines have a look of guilt on their faces.

“But even so, even like this…”

Cass burst into tears, yelled: “Kulo sergant is still thinking about us, he said that the credit is everyone’s , Kulo sergant remembers each of you’s contributions. Obviously he was hurt the most and paid the most, but he still remembers us, such a boss, such a Sir… Do you still have the face to worry about your own contribution, you are Marine’s Honor!”

“Kulo sergant…”

“wu wu wu, Kulo sergant is really a good Sir, I will follow Kulo sergant all my life!”

“Yes, there is a good Sir like sergant, even if you are a second-class soldier all your life, I am willing!”

“wū wū wū wū, Kulo sergant, I will work hard, I will not give you It’s shameful!”

The Marines also burst into tears.

“Kulo sergant, such a brilliant man, definitely can’t just be a sergant. We want East Blue to know the Daimyo of Kulo sergant!” Cass said seriously.

“Let East Blue know about Daimyo of Kulo sergant!!!”

The deck was noisy again.

“What are those idiots arguing about again.”


Kulo rubbed a match, lit a cigarette, and frowned while listening to the noise outside.

Everyone in One Piece World is sick. They cry when they cry, or make trouble when they talk about it, which is extremely exaggerated.


He threw up circles under his eyes and leaned back comfortably.

“My acting should be fine, when the time comes, everyone deserves credit for catching Colmo. If I dilute my existence, I won’t be noticeable. Pirate also caught it. The Sea Territory has calmed down, and I am safe, Aiya, perfect.”

‘Miracle’ is one of the styles of the Profound Truth of the ignorant divine wind and flowing green dragon. It should have been a trick with’jiao’ , Is for’Flood Dragon’.

The effect is to manipulate the blood of the victim’s body, causing it to hallucinate and tear it from the inside of the body.

With Colmo’s thick skin that can’t even be broken by a gun, how could it be that a weapon can cause damage, it’s all he is manipulating the blood to burst that’s all.

Do you think that Colmo’s injury was caused by you?

No, it’s me, Kulo!

After a while, Sergeant Cass knocked on the door again.

“Come in.”

“Cao Xing, the spoils of war have been counted. There are 200,000 Beli and some treasures.”

Kulo nodded, “According to the usual practice.”


Marine’s general practice, of course, is turned in, but ZFrich and imposing, Marine also rich and imposing, all spoils of war After turning in, the deduction of 30% will still be distributed to Marine in combat.

It has never failed.

This also saves the effort of swallowing spoils of war and reselling them.

So being a Marine is also a very comfortable thing, especially Marine who doesn’t have to work hard.

“In addition, there is a Treasure Map…”

Cass hesitated for a moment, or put the Treasure Map in his hand on the table.

“Treasure Map?”

Kulo was just a little interested, but when I saw that Treasure Map, it was immediately boring.

“Florida’s treasure? There are still people who believe in this.”

The Treasure Map is very simple, and it can be vaguely seen that it is the local jurisdiction of the Sea Territory. There are several routes that look like stick figures, and the target points directly to an island.

Florida’s treasure is a legend that has been circulating in recent years.

In the legend, there is a Great Pirate named Florida, who plundered the treasure of an entire kingdom and hid it on an island.

Such a Treasure Map appears once in a while, and Kulo does not know how many he has seen, and the location is different each time.

Over time, there is no who believes.

But there are always people who are lucky enough to collect such Treasure Map in an attempt to find the so-called’treasure’.

“I also feel untrustworthy.” Cass said: “Then sergant, shall we return to sail?”

Kulo nodded, opened the mouth and said: “Then we will…”


A Marine suddenly stood at the door, saluted, and said: “Kulo sergant, Sergeant Cass, the branch sent a fax, saying it was arrested Lived in Roronoa · Zoro.”

“en? That famous Pirate Hunter? What did you catch him for?” Cass frowned.

“It is said to have offended Master Helmeppo.”

“It’s Helmeppo again!” Cass said bitterly.

“Sergant, if you are a Captain, how great it would be.”

He looked towards Kulo, but listened to Kulo dryly saying: “Then we will go to the Treasure Map Take a look at the location.”


“Kulo sergant?” Cass was a little unfathomable mystery.

Kulo’s words are scorching: “Sergeant Cass, don’t underestimate this Treasure Map. The treasures of Florida will be circulated every year. If it is fake, why are there people who keep collecting it tirelessly? Treasure Map.

We are Marine, we have to be serious about everything. The fake is just a little effort, but if it’s true, it’s the treasure of a kingdom. If those people lose their property, will they If you don’t live well, will you not have enough to eat? The crime of Pirate requires Marine to end and protect civilians. This is Marine’s responsibility!”

“Yes! Kulo sergant, I will immediately change course !”

Cass’s face was solemn, and he saluted him straight.

Those who can sail are rare talents, and on this ship, no one knows sailing better than Cass.

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