After flicking Cass, Kulo relaxed.

He is Marine from the 153 branch.

That’s right, the branch ruled by that axeman Morgan.

It is also Luffy’s first stop.

Zoro is captured, which means that the plot begins. In the next few days, Luffy will come where, defeat Morgan, and liberate the 153 branches that are strongly ruled.

He doesn’t want to overlap with Luffy.

Everyone who can cause trouble will be blacklisted here. Don’t see him.

Otherwise, why would he use the patrol ship to go out to sea from time to time and stay in the branch safely until he died?

And if I go back now, what if the plot changes? What if Zoro doesn’t and Luffy, then Luffy is looking for a partner in East Blue.

In case he didn’t find a match, in case he stayed in East Blue for too long.

According to such a urgency and strength that can make trouble, few people can cure him if he really wants to make things in East Blue. If this is so exhausting to catch him, then things will not end. Up.

What if Garp hurts him? If he exposes his strength, he is called up to the headquarters and then goes to New World to arrest Pirate. This is not too much trouble.

He is not afraid, he simply does not want to change the plot.

Well, that’s it.

One day later, Battleship arrived at the location described by the Treasure Map.

“Sergant, it’s Galmorro Island.”

On the bow deck, Sergeant Cass took a Telescope and looked at a volcanic island in front of him, facing Kulo on the side. Tao.

Kulo was completely relaxed when he heard this.

He came to Galmorro Island two years ago and bought supplies this time. The island is just an ordinary town. What’s the impossible treasure?

That also means there is no danger.

“Sergant, there is a Pirate Ship!”

Suddenly, Cass called out.

“What flag?” Kulo asked hurriedly.

“The less famous Pirate flag…should not be bounty high.”

Kulo believes this. Cass is a serious person. Remember that arrest warrant is better than Bounty. Hunter is not too good, he said that if the bounty is not high, then it is not high.


“Fire and sink it.” Kulo said.

bang bang bang!

The artillery bombarded several shells near the Pirate Ship. One shell hit the Pirate Ship and exploded.

On the opposite side, there is no movement.

Pirate Ship looks like nobody.

A few more shells were fired, and the Pirate Ship still did not move. If there is Pirate on board, it should move.

But Kulo didn’t want to close the gun, why not sink it if he can sink it.

After more than a dozen shells, one of the Battleship shells hit the opponent’s ammunition depot and exploded, causing the ship to sink slowly.

Through Telescope, Kulo saw that there were no traces of living people on the ship.

Battleship approached, and a group of Marines took a boat to the wreckage of Pirate Ship. After some investigation, Marine returned to report.

“Sergant, there is no one on the boat, and there is nothing on it. This is an empty boat.”

“Know it, then don’t worry about it, stop, go to town and see .”

Kulo nodded, instructed Marine.

The small town on Germoro Island was near the foot of the volcano. Kulo stopped when he took the people ashore.

“Sergant, what’s the matter?”

Kath saw that Kulo looked wrong and asked.

“Send a team to explore and watch for danger.”

It’s not right.

Too desolate.

Kulo is cautious, he will remember every island he comes to.

This island is completely different from what he had been in the past few years. The value has obviously increased a lot, and there are no traces of animals.

The Sea Territory, which has a regular weather like the Four Seas, is not like the Grand Line that has many changes. There is no such thing as a rapid transformation of an island in a few years.

And the current vegetation is obviously the result of the lack of animal ecological cycle, which leads to its skyrocketing, and this is limited to the value that cannot be eaten.

Kulo went all the way, but didn’t even see a decent wild vegetable.

There are also no traces of large animals nearby, it’s not like there are beasts entering here.

Soon, Kulo arrived in town.

A few years ago, this small town was still crowded with people and the houses were very tidy.

But now that all kinds of plants are growing on the house, he remembers that there are still fields nearby, but now the fields are more than half barren.

At the intersection, a few yellow-faced and thin children squatted to play games. One of the children saw someone coming and was taken aback for a while and ran into the town.

“Marine, Marine is coming!”

The door of the house was opened, and the townspeople walked out of the house and gathered in front of Kulo and them.

The townspeople are also yellow and thin, each showing a long-term lack of food. A thin old man walked up to Kulo and suddenly knelt down and cried, “Master Marine, save our town!”

As the old man knelt down, the remaining townspeople also knelt down one by one, weeping constantly.

Kulo looked at the old man and said uncertainly: “Mayor Mendel?”


The mayor’s house, Kulo sat in a chair and watched his home.

It’s really a family disciple.

He was here when he came a few years earlier, but at that time the mayor’s family was still very rich.

“Don’t worry, eat slowly, there is not enough on the boat.” Kulo said kindly as he looked at the mayor who was devouring him.


The mayor is nodded without stopping, but his actions do not slow down.

These people are so hungry, the first thing they do when they see Marine come over and kneel down is to ask for food.

Fortunately, Kulo brought a lot of food.

Kulo, whose purpose is safety first, will of course be extremely prepared for cruising.

The Battleship that can be led by the rank of sergant is a small patrol ship with 80 people as standard.

That’s not said, it’s full.

The ammunition is full, the medicine is full, and the food is of course also full. In order to pursue survival, Kulo takes enough food to fill his stomach.

Enough food for 80 Marines for three months.


Mendel touched his chubby belly, he hiccuped comfortably, and his tears flowed down: “It’s been a year, we haven’t had a whole year I’ve eaten enough. Thank you so much, Marine.”

“No thanks, Mayor Mendel, it’s normal for Marine to help civilians. Besides, when I came to buy supplies a few years ago, you got a discount. A lot.”

Kulo shook his head and asked: “So, you haven’t eaten enough for a year? Why?”

As soon as these words came out, Mendel’s face showed horror. , Shook his head frantically: “You are already grateful for what you can eat, so don’t ask the reason. If you have anything in this town, you can take it away, although it is already poor.”

If he can go, of course Kulo will go.

It’s just that he looked at the mayor’s dull and numb eyes, and the sighed image of the townsfolk who had seen him before.

“We are Marine, we will not be afraid, please say…”

“Master Marine!”

Mendel glanced with emotion Kulo seemed to have made a certain determination, and said: “It’s Florida, that demon, Florida!”


“The Florida you mentioned, is it a Great Pirate?” Cass, who was standing by, couldn’t help asking.

“It’s not the problem of Pirate or Pirate, it’s the one, the rare one…it’s covered with white hairs, wandering around like a ghost, it’s a pity that I see I don’t know its face.”

Mendel feared: “Since it came here a year ago, all the food on the island has been eaten by it, and it doesn’t allow us to run. There will be ships here, but whether it’s Pirate or treasure hunters, as long as you come to this place, you will lose strength in unfathomable mystery. The demon asked us to surrender the ship and exchange the treasure for food for it to eat, leaving it for us only. A little bit of a livelihood.

I know, we are still alive now because it is still useful, maybe one day it’s useless, Florida will eat us, this is already a cursed little Island!”

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