Kulo closed his eyes, leaned against the chair with his arms and said nothing.

“Why didn’t you run?”

It was Cass who spoke.

“It’s not that I didn’t want to run past, but as long as you get close to the edge of the island, Florida will appear and bring people back.”

Mendel grabbed his hair, full of Pain: “No matter what method we use, we can’t escape.”

They can’t go out. For food, they are waiting for the merchant ship passing by. Even if the merchant pays a high price, they will have to I pinch my nose to buy, and then wait for the demon who half a month to come.

“Master Marine, you are good people. I don’t want to hurt you. Hurry and go. Florida is a demon. You will soon know that someone is here.”

“Card Si, summon Marine and prepare for battle.”

Kulo suddenly opened his eyes and instructed Kas.


Cass took the lead and went out to summon Marine.


Mendel’s eyes were full of tears, “You should go, you are really not the opponent of that devil.”

Kulo Scratching his head, “There is no way, it’s too late.”

Kenbunshoku Haki sensed that a lifeform was coming here very quickly.

Kulo certainly knows Haki.

Twenty years of cultivation has not been repaired for nothing. Although it is just a plug-in, but the plug-in is mastered to a level that is more powerful than the original, and Kulo is also considered to be a flower.

Safety comes first.

For this goal, Kulo cultivation frantically under unobtrusiveness.

Naturally, Haki was led out.

Among them, Kenbunshoku Haki, the range can cover the island!

“That Florida, if what the mayor said is true, she should also be Kenbunshoku. From her distance, she is no less accomplished than me.” Kulo thought.

This is East Blue, the kind that Haki has never heard of. Suddenly there is a Haki proficient with such a deep knowledge. Such a person is really not something East Blue people can deal with.

“But I’m not famous, and I don’t know what I’m thinking about. Sooner or later, staying in East Blue will be a scourge. If you are not famous and solve it, there will be no problem.”

Kulo made up his mind. What he wanted was the ordinary weak East Blue, and he didn’t want any ambitious powerhouse to stay here.

Go to the Grand Line if you are a powerhouse!

Go release your ambitions!

What can you do in this weak place, really.

Outside, Cass took Marine to watch.

The town is surrounded by deep jungle. Although it is daytime, there is still darkness in the depths, as if it can swallow people.


The jungle is rustling.

Cass condensed his eyes and looked towards a roof.

There is an extra white silhouette, glowing rays of light under the shining of the sun.

The body is slender, white-haired, like an upright werewolf, looking down below.

“Flo…It’s Florida!”

The townspeople screamed for collapse.


Cass extends the hand, roaring loudly.

peng peng peng!

The lead bullet moved towards the sky attack. In the next instant, the white-haired monster’s figure disappeared and quickly appeared in front of the Marines.


White-haired monster extend the hand, hitting a Marine with a heavy blow, and Marine flew out. At that moment, his body seemed to be overdrawn, abnormally pale and weak, and limp. On the ground.


The white-haired monster’s deep voice sounded: “You actually called Marine. It is unforgivable and needs to be punished!”

It swept its body and quickly bypassed these Marines, but only touched Marines with its hands, and the Marines fell weakly just like the people before them.

In an instant, dozens of Marines lost their battle strength.

The hand of the gun that Cass was holding was trembling. This monster is too strong to be able to raise the heart of confrontation.

At this time, the door of the mayor’s house was opened and Kulo walked out with a saber.

“Kulo sergant is out!”

Marine immediately became excited: “With the leadership of sergant, we will definitely win!”

“We can’t give sergant Shame!”

Those frightened Marines, when they saw Kulo come out, as if they had been beaten with blood, they gritted their teeth and rushed towards the white-haired monster.

“What’s the use of a small sergant in a branch?”

The white-haired monster extend the hand, disappeared, and quickly appeared behind Marine.

There was no sound, and the Marines slumped.

Kulo saw this scene, and an accident flashed in his eyes.


Cass roared and shot.


The bullet didn’t even touch the edge of the white-haired monster, and was hit by the instant-appearing it, hitting the abdomen, and then limp to the ground.

“Marine, Marine is gone!”

Mayor Mendel’s teeth were almost broken. He picked up a pair of scissors and rushed out tremblingly, facing the white-haired monster. Roar: “You monster, don’t you just want us to die! Tell you, even if we die, we won’t succumb to you again!”

Being yelled at by Old Town Head, those desperate The villagers gathered one after another, glaring at the white-haired monster.

Even if they die, they have to stand and die!

The white-haired monster froze there for a moment, and then the voice became deeper, “Then satisfy you!”


Marine is not Opponents, the unarmed townspeople are certainly not opponents. Soon, under the high-speed rotation of the white-haired monster, the townspeople fell one after another.

Among the people on the ground, only it and Kulo are still standing.

“You are the only one left.”

It pointed to Kulo and said with a smile: “Speaking of which, I have seen someone like you, Pirate with a red nose, Obviously he is not strong, but he puts on his airs, you are the only one, how do you deal with yourself.”

In its view, this little sergant was obviously shocked, and he didn’t dare to move.

“Well, look at this town, it’s because of you that you are in such a situation! Let’s go to hell with repentance!”

The white-haired monster rushed over in an instant and hit it with a punch To Kulo.

“I said, “Why did a female child be so evil? Didn’t you kill it alone?”


The fist was caught.

Kulo squeezed its fist and spoke gently.

“Nani, blocked… blocked?!”

When the white-haired monster stiffened, he retreated subconsciously. At this moment, Kulo turned his hand and grabbed Hold the white fur on its hand and pull it hard.

What is exposed is a beautiful girl with long, waist-length white hair.


The girl stared at the black, stared wide-eyed in Kulo’s hand, “Why did you Haki!”

Kulo dropped her hand White fur, “My subordinates are exhausted by you, right? They are still Ability User.”


The girl bowed, arms spread out , Busoshoku began to cover his elbows, a pair of bright eyes filled with a little red, “Essence·Maximum Chakra!”


The land under her feet was plowed out by a girl A deep gully, her palms opened and closed up and down, and went straight to Kulo.

But the person on the opposite side seemed to know in advance, facing this move, he just turned to the outside and easily avoided.

The girl rushed through Kulo and hit a house on the opposite side.

bang!! !

The whole house was destroyed, and the huge force and vigor drove the jungle behind the house into a huge gully.

“What a joke!”

The girl walked out of the ruins and stared at Kulo with fear.

Her Kenbunshoku can cover the entire island. With the power of Kenbunshoku Haki, she has never missed, but this man avoided her attack in advance.

In other words, Kenbunshoku is better than her!

There is also Busoshoku that can isolate his own ability…

Kulo is also frowned looking at the ruins.

Such destructive power, powerful Kenbunshoku, Busoshoku, and an Ability User…

“Why do you guys (women) like you live in East Blue? , What is your purpose!”

The two asked in unison.

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