On a tidal flat, as the waves hit, a silhouette sheds shape as the waves recede.

Luowei spit out the sea in a straight line and pierced a deep hole in the beach. He shook his whole body, and all the water droplets on his body shook off and became clean and refreshed.

After breaking away from the Battleship, Lowe sank into the sea and found a Sea Beast. After supplementing the food, the overall battle strength was almost restored, and then he directly swam back to the insects. country.

From his perspective, he can just see the outline of a town in front of the tidal flat, and that outline has a very tall ancient building overlooking the whole town.

He was coldly snorted and turned into an afterimage, heading straight towards the town.


“Mr. Kulo, that is the land of insects.”

On the sea, a Battleship floats.

Kuro was in the office, pointing to the outline of a long and narrow island in front of the window, and said.

Kulo sat in a chair, bit his cigar, and looked in the direction Kuro was pointing.

The island is long and narrow, and at its head, is connected to a huge Great Island, which should be the country of flowers.

“The land corridor of the country of insects connected to the country of flowers is like a head. The island as a whole looks like a long worm, so it is called the country of insects.”

The information obtained was introduced on the side.

“Is the terrain so bad?”

As the Battleship slowly approached, Kulo was a little surprised.

That long and narrow island, it seems that there is no shelter, it is all flat terrain. For big voyages, flat terrain means that you can land anywhere.

Kuro nodded and said:

“Yes, Mr. Kulo. Thirty years ago, the country of bugs was the paradise of West Blue Pirate, because you can land anywhere. The country can’t be rectified at all.”

“Until Luo Family came here and sanctioned Pirate with powerful military force, so that Pirates would never dare to land on an inch of land in the country of insects, and this place completely transformed. It’s up.”

“There are four important towns in the country of insects, namely, the town of cocoon, the town of pupa, the town of sloughing, and the town of butterfly, which also represent The land of the whole country is divided into four pieces with this as the center.”

“‘Shuzhi Town’ is the residence of’Luo’. It is the king of the country of insects in order to reward the contribution made by Luo Family. Granted to Luo Family. To grant towns is equivalent to granting 1/4 of the country of insects. In this jurisdiction, Luo Family is the king of kings here.”

Kuro see Looking at the island that gradually became clear, he said: “The purpose of our trip is to’town of sloughing’, landing from there, finding the home of’Luo’, and solving Leda Young Lady’s troubles.”

, He glanced at the sofa on the side, licking the lollipop, and Lida glanced without worry.

It’s really carefree…

I want to come too.

For Leda Young Lady, if there is any trouble, Mr. Kulo can help her solve it.

Leda Young Lady has nothing to worry about.

Daughter treatment!

Kuro felt bitter in his heart, and then look at himself, plus the injuries of the Kas group are not as important as Leda Young Lady’s troubles.

Wait, he was injured first. Kulo didn’t come out at that time. It was Cass who fell to Mr. Kulo to come out.

In other words…

He is not as good as Cass?

No! Kuro, you can’t think so.

You are the think tank that Mr. Kulo relies on. At least Mr. Kulo hasn’t let you back up lately.

You are still useful!

“That Lowe, the direction is also in that’town of slough’?” Kulo asked.

Kuro nodded: “Yes, this distance is enough for me to smell blood.”

In the previous battle, Kuro licked Lowe’s blood, and the werewolf’s power, It can be tracked through blood.

His tracking distance is not short, I couldn’t feel it before, but now that he approaches the kingdom of insects, the familiar smell of blood comes back.

Kulo thought for a while and said: “Has the nearby Marine contacted?”

“Still in contact.” Kuro replied.

As a person who wants to stay in West Blue and don’t want to go to New World, especially if I don’t want to go to New World two years later, I don’t want to participate in any major event, and I don’t want to do it now. What action is the best choice.

He is going to die in West Blue, it is best to be transparent enough to let the world forget about itself.

At the beginning, it was so dangerous to hit a Yonko on the top. If you really want to go to New World, it may not be so beautiful, especially since he now knows that his battle strength has been targeted by the senior management. time.

New World eh!

In the current Marine revolution, it is not surprising that Akinu became Fleet Admiral. According to the policy of that radical man, he must move to New World to face Yonko, plus his understanding of the future. The world must be rising winds, scudding clouds, hidden torrents.

One is not good, maybe I will explain it there.

Whitebeard is dead, there is nothing to be afraid of the dead, and Kulo is not afraid of an old and sick person.

But Kaido is different from Linlin!

Not to mention the two lunatics there, he even gave Akagami a slap in the face, and blackbeard a hand, which is equivalent to offending three Yonkos, plus one, although he did not offend, he could go crazy at any time. Schizophrenia lunatic.

Go to New World, it is probably endless. If one is not good, maybe he will explain it there.

Kulo is very self-aware of himself. He can’t handle it with Kaido alone, let alone other Yonko, as well as those Pirate powerhouses that survived the Yonko forces in New World and survived.

Those who think they are easy to handle are all fools.

Kulo’s current thinking is very clear. He is just Captain, Old Master’s watering temperament. He will definitely respect his wishes and will not force himself.

There is an Old Master standing on it, coupled with my strong desire to not return to the Grand Line, even Fleet Admiral, if you don’t apply for it, you are not eligible to transfer yourself.

Nothing similar to the top has happened since I remembered it. If you want to impose such a compulsory order on yourself, World Government will not launch it for no reason.

He can be regarded as being’distributed’ over.

After all, after doing a few waves on the Grand Line, the Government has nothing to do with such a troublesome figure. They all want to hold themselves in a certain place to ensure the peace of one party.

Next, as long as you don’t get a promotion, you can go to the headquarters to report on a job occasionally, and you will be able to live this life safely and comfortably.

What the sea, what Yonko, what does it have to do with Lao Tzu.

Who is the World Government, can he starve to death as a Marine?

Furthermore, he is ready to develop Pegasus Town. If the development is good, he will not starve to death with that part of the proceeds.

Next, start the pension plan, no, the peaceful revitalization plan of Pegasus Town will do.

Looking back, Akainu really became Fleet Admiral, and he had an excuse to ask.

West Blue Pirate is uneven, faceless facing the headquarter elders.

Don’t go back!

So for the country of insects, if you can negotiate, you can negotiate. After all, the franchise country and Marine are also considered to be one camp, so they won’t give face so much.

After all, he Lucifer · Kulo, the top battle, can also be regarded as world-famous.

The resume looks beautiful.

Ten-year-old Marine, directly under Admiral, has great battle strength. During the war, Ace was killed in disguise and Akagami was seriously injured. From the outside, he was a hard-core supporter of World Government.

Otherwise, just because he has landed a country’s land on the Grand Line, World Government will not be so easy to take it lightly.

Although I don’t want to use my reputation, since I have it, I don’t need it. Sometimes I can do some worry-free operations without credit.


Kulo spit out smoke and leaned back comfortably, “What is the face king.”

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