
Just when Kulo thought the matter was stable, the office door was knocked.


Kuro came into the office, and a Marine entered the office and saluted them, saying: “Report Captain, we have obtained the contact of the country of bugs Way, and got in touch.”

“Oh? What did the other party say?” Kulo raised an eyebrow.



Kulo was stunned, “The kingdom of insects rejected?”

Marine complied: “Yes, the relevant personnel of the Kingdom of Bugs stated that Luo Family’s matter has nothing to do with the royal family. They are independent nobles. The Kingdom of Bugs respects Luo Family’s wishes, so he asked us to contact Luo Family alone and gave Contact information.”

A king can’t control the nobles under his hands?

Kuro pushed down the glasses. From this, it can be inferred that Luo Family’s position in the country of bugs is indeed ahead.

And Kulo got the number from Marine, opened Den Den Mushi on the desk, and was ready to make a call.


The town of sloughing, the residence of Luo Family.

Although the houses in the whole town have different levels, in front of the highest building in the center, whether it is a 2-Layer building or a three-story building, all living things are equal.

The tallest building almost occupies one third area of ​​the town, and its buildings are extremely large.

At the entrance of up ahead, there is a huge door that does not need to be guarded, just because the entrance and exit are there, and the door is a huge and heavy door.

Those who open this door can enter and exit at will.

This is the rule of Luo Family.


The heavy door was pushed open by a gap at this time, and Lowe walked in through it.

At the moment he entered, he browsed knit and his face became serious and serious.

“Wisa, you are back.”

When the maids with cleaning tools saw the visitor, they knelt down, bowed their heads, and said respectfully.

Lowe didn’t care at all and passed by here.

Along the way, whether it’s a servant or a soldier in armor, when encountering Lowe, they all knelt down.

For Lowe, this is the norm.

In this city, except for the Luo Family, there are only slaves. The purpose of their existence is to serve the Luo Family.

All the way up, Lowe went straight to the top level. Unlike the fixed person below, there was only a deep corridor on the top level, which seemed very quiet. At the end of the corridor, there was a painting of Prajna. Door.

Just looking at it, I feel Ghost Qi is shuddering and shuddering.

No one is near this place.

This is the person in charge of the Luo Family, who is called’Old Ancestor’ by them. It is also the leader who led the family from the kingdom of flowers to the kingdom of insects.

Whether it is power or prestige, the Luo Family deserves to be the strongest person.

Lowe breathes deeply, slowly moved towards inside.

“Lowe, you are actually back.”

A rough voice sounded.

Behind Lowe, a tall shadow stood out. It was a rather huge, muscular bald man. With the muscles of his arms, he seemed to be able to lift a man more than two meters high. Lowe compares it.

Luo Wei didn’t even look at the rear, his face was plain: “My own home, why can’t I come back. Don’t bother me, Luo Shan, I’m not in a good mood right now.”

The giant man named Luoshan squeezed his fist and slammed it straight, said with a smile: “When you come back, you are alone, you don’t even have your clothes. It seems that you didn’t grab anything. , Even the ship is gone.”

“You failed, Lowe!”

Luo Shan’s face floated up, forming a distorted smile, “You failed, I don’t qualify to be the strongest in the family!”

“I’ll say it again, stay away from me, Luo Shan.” Lowe’s voice gradually became cold.



Following Luo Shan’s sneer, a strong wind blew from behind Luo Wei’s head.

Lowe’s legs and feet were slightly bent, his head lowered, and a thick arm swept over his head.

His elbow was stained with pitch black, his body leaned back, and his elbow instantly hit Luo Shan’s abdomen.

“I went out to the sea and my head is not awake. I have the strongest defense!”

A layer of black light appeared on Luoshan’s abdomen, it was Busoshoku Haki!


His elbow hit Luo Shan in the abdomen, Luo Shan indifferently lowered his head and looked down, “I have said, I am defensive…pu!”

He Before I finished speaking, I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth, and my saliva spurted out.

“No, impossible! It’s just a blow…why has such a strong piercing ability.”

Luo Shan shook his abdomen, shaking his body, staring at Lowe in horror .

“Just learned.”

Lowe turned his head, with contempt in his eyes, “Can’t you understand the power of Marine Rokushiki?”

“How can it be repaired!”

The contempt angered Luo Shan, and both of his hands were put together, stained with Busoshoku, and hammered down from top to bottom.

On one side of Lowe’s body, avoiding the hammer blow, his legs and feet fiercely went up and pulled up to a degree of 180 degrees with the standing feet, with the toes resting on Luoshan’s chin.


With only one foot, Luo Shan tilted his head up, and blood burst out from between his teeth.

“you guy!”

Luo Shan clenched his teeth, his forehead was stained with a thick layer of Busoshoku, and hit Lowe underneath.

“Giant dragon hit!”


Luowei disappeared in place, and jumped directly to the side of Luoshan’s head, with his legs and feet like swords. Stabbing straight to Luo Shan’s neck, he kicked Luo Shan to the side and staggered.

At the same time, he stretched out one hand, grabbed Luo Shan’s fingers, and pulled hard, and the staggered figure came straight to Lowe.

peng peng peng!

Lowe’s feet were wrapped around Busoshoku, and he quickly pounded his neck a few times, then let go of Luoshan’s thick fingers, and stretched out his five fingers. Holding his face, fiercely pinched against the wall of the corridor.

Boom! ! !

The hard steel wall was dumbfounded by this blow.

“Go back and practice again, my’cousin’.”

Lowe fell on the ground, without looking, he turned and walked into the depths of the corridor.

Behind him, the giant man slowly slipped and fell against the wall.

As it approached, the Prajna on the door seemed to come alive. In Lowe’s view, from the statue of Prajna, blood gradually flowed out. The sense of strength and terrifying made Lowe couldn’t help breathes. deeply.

He extended the hand, and just about to approach the door, he saw the door slowly opened.

Lowe paused, tidyed up his pants to make them look neater, and walked in.

Inside the door, there is a stone chamber, which is unusually crude, and it hasn’t even been thoroughly polished. In the center, there is a stone bed with armrests on both sides of the bed, which can also be used as a chair.

Lowe looked at the bed, knelt down on one knee, and bowed his head to say solemnly: “Old Ancestor…”

On the bed, a thin man with a golden blade in Malaysia is sitting The figure, his white hair almost covered his face, and the amount of hair that some people envied dropped directly to the ground.

Only in the gap between the hairline, you can see a mouth smiling there, and a mouthful of sharp teeth can be seen.

He was wearing rags, bare feet against the ground, his arms and ankles looked very dry and thin, and his five-finger nails were unusually sharp, just like demonic beasts.


Different from his appearance, his voice is very gentle, like a teenager.

This is the head of Luo Family, Luoshen.

“What’s the matter with this body? Hmmm…Is there any damage to recover completely, have you encountered a strong enemy?”

hearing this, Lowe’s head is lower, respectful Said: “Yes, I met Lucifer Kulo, not his opponent.”

“The Marine who got the power of Shiji in the rumor?”

Luo Shen’s finger moved “I can beat you, it seems that Marine has got good blood.”

“Sorry, Old Ancestor.”

Lowe said: “I will win, don’t give Luo Family is ashamed.”

“he he he he, I appreciate your courage to not fear the powerhouse in the world, yes, if you keep this courage, you will not stop. But this way Courage, you can’t fail the second time, Little Lowe.”

Luo Shen’s words were light, but it entered Lowe’s ears and made him shed a cold sweat.

“Yes, I will not lose the honor of Luo Family!” Lowe said vigorously.

“Just understand, go down and cultivate, this time you fail, forget it.”

“Bao La La La La…”

Luo Shen waved his hand, and was about to make Lowe retreat, when he listened to Den Den Mushi beside the handrail, there was a sudden sound.

He gave Den Den Mushi a stop with his arm, and put the microphone to his mouth.

The appearance of Den Den Mushi gradually changed, forming a lazy, dead fish-eyed appearance with a cigar in his mouth.

“Mosimosi, Mosimosi, can you hear it? This is Marine Captain, Lucifer · Kulo.”

I heard the voice of Den Den Mushi, the bottom Lowe lifted his head in surprise, staring at Den Den Mushi.

“Oh? Captain? What’s the matter.” Luoshen moved the microphone close to him and said slowly.

“That’s it, your younger generation may be a granddaughter or great-granddaughter, Lolita…”

“It’s Lida, idiot!”

Den Den Mushi has a crisp voice over there.

“Isn’t this for distinguishing? Who knows about Leda? Okay, let me negotiate.”

Den Den Mushi was noisy for a while, then Kulo The voice continued to ring.

“That’s what, your junior has become Marine. I heard that your family has a strange tradition. If you don’t go home, you will go hungry, but after all, your juniors are grown up and have their own choices. So, I hope you give me Lucifer · Kulo a face, unravel this tradition for your younger generation, and let her be a Marine well.”

These words make Lowe pupils Shrinking, gritted his teeth.

I can’t say such things!

This will let Old Ancestor know that Lolita is alive!

With the temperament of Old Ancestor…

Roshen paused for a while and chuckled, “Lolita…is there such a person? Forget it, okay.”

“Oh? So polite? I thought it was difficult for you to talk. After all, the king of your country will give you face, so that’s OK. I’m in the past as a guest. I’m bothering you. “Kulo said in a relaxed voice.

“Come on.”

The corners of Luoshen’s mouth bloomed, revealing a grinning smile, “As long as you win the championship at the Martial Dao Conference, I will meet your requirements. Come on, Lucifer · Kulo.”


The call was hung up.

Luo Shen was silent for a while, and suddenly laughed out loud, “he he he, hahahaha! A Marine, with my bloodline? Lowe, you have to win this time.”

Luowei swallowed a sip of water, lowered his head and did not dare to look at the eyes staring at him like a sharp blade, and said: “Yes, I will defend the honor of Luo Family again.”

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