The town of Slug is a port city in the land of insects. Although the island of the land of insects is long and narrow and can be landed everywhere, the only place that is made into a port is the town of Slug.

Because this is Luo Family oversee, there is no need to worry about Pirate’s invasion.

At this time, there are a large number of ships staying in the port.

Merchant ship, civilian ship, Pirate Ship, and even Kulo have seen Battleship, densely packed, from the port to the surrounding land.

“So many boats?”

Kulo stood on the deck, stunned to himself.

This Martial Dao conference is really a grand occasion.

“Is there a special Battleship? Marine is also here?” Kulo was stunned.

“Wow, it seems to be very prosperous, there should be a lot of delicious food.”

Leda lay beside the iron fence beside the ship, looking forward to the town of Shed. With the large and small buildings, she could hear the current situation of the crowd in the town before it was close to the port.

“Eat, eat, you know how to eat, let’s have a snack, for whom I am running all the way!” said Kulo hate iron for not becoming steel.

“Dim sum? What kind of dim sum?” Leda asked back with a move of her ear.

Kulo: “…”

He pinched his eyebrows with a headache, “Let’s stop here first.”

Marine’s Battleship, arrived at the port, but the port There was nowhere to stop at all, so I had to stop at nearby land.

After the Battleship approached, in addition to the logistics and the minimally left Marine, Kulo took the others, grandiose, to the town.

At this time, the town of sloughing, because of the Martial Dao conference, the town is full of people.

“Come on! Fresh fruits, the vigorous fruits specially picked for the Martial Dao conference. If you eat them, you are guaranteed to win the championship!”

“Steel Iron Fist set, 50,000 Beli set , Is the only weapon that can be used in the Martial Dao Conference. With these weapons, you will be the first to enter the championship!”

“Barbecue, barbecue! Barbecue that supplements physical strength!”

On the streets, the yelling voices of vendors keep coming and going.

Before them, a large number of people also gathered.

“Many people…”

Lida looked at the densely packed crowd in front of her, somewhat surprised.

Hundreds of Marines gathered together can be considered a great momentum, but in this crowd, it is like a drop of water into the sea, and there is no waves.

Because there are people everywhere.

Kulo just look at it, and you can see several waves of completely different people.

Wearing a black suit and a hat, with a bad complexion, it is a Mafia, a specialty of West Blue.

The gun was fired on the waist, dressed luxuriously, with a little brother, walking among the vendors, it was an armed businessman.

There is also the Pirate who is full of roughness, has a hideous face, and can smell the ocean just by smelling it.

The people of the three parties do not interfere with each other, they are divided into three distinct waves, wandering around the town.

In addition to these three parties, there are some people who have caught Kulo’s attention.

Those people have muscle knots one by one, and from the perspective of breath, they all have a strong life force.

“Asshole, you hit me!”

A muscular man walked forward, passing by another man who was about his size, then The man turned his head and shouted.

“Huh? Obviously you hit me, bastard!”

The other person also turned his head and moved towards him with a bad face.

“How can it be repaired, do you want to fight?”

The people on both sides looked at each other fiercely, the battle seemed to be on the verge, but the people around seemed to be surprised, as if they hadn’t seen it. The same, walking directly by the side, and some people stop and watch with great interest.


Leda looked over, “I know how to do physical surgery.”

Leda can see it and gather around there Yes, they are all people who have a foundation in physical skills.

Although it doesn’t feel strong, it’s enough for ordinary people.

Such people are the most on this street. They should be people who specialize in physical skills. After all, this is the Martial Dao conference of physical skills.

But after the two stopped for a while, they were coldly snorted and turned to leave.

It seems to have complied with certain rules here, and did not engage in street fights.

Kulo’s eyes flashed with a red glow, Kenbunshoku spread out, and then quickly closed, he shook the head, and said, “There are too many people.”

Kenbunshoku The number of people in this town, Kulo, is totally uncountable.

These breaths are different, let alone a hundred thousand people.

“This is really good for making money.”

Kulo glanced around, clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

So many people gather in this town to eat, drink, shit and piss. If per capita consumption, it is estimated that the country of insects will be able to make a lot of money.

“Mr. Kulo…”

At this moment, Kuro suddenly said, “There is Marine.”

hearing this, Kulo turned his head to look, only Seen in the other corner of the street, a wave of Marine collided head-on with a wave of Pirate.

“Oh, isn’t this Philip Captain, long time no see, you are here.”

A big man headed by Pirate, wrapped in a red headscarf, has a lighter skin Dark, with the corners of the mouth hanging obliquely, it always makes people feel a little itchy in the buttocks.

He licked his lips. “It’s a coveted body.”

“Stop talking nonsense, Lunos, only here can I catch you.”

Marine named Feili wears a Marine hat with a beard on his chin. He looks righteous. He raised his fist with a finger tiger and said: “Usually I can’t catch you, but At the Martial Dao conference, I can beat you Pirate’s words, and then arrest you!”

“Hehehe, stop talking, you are here for reward.”

Pirate, named Lunos, laughed, “Don’t be beaten to death by someone from somewhere halfway, I will feel very distressed.”

“You!” Philip Captain complexion is gloomy Come down.

“Kuro?” Kulo asked.


Kuro pushed down his glasses and looked towards the Lunos. After thinking of something, he said with a disgust: “It should be [love Male] Lunos, Pirate of West Blue, Bounty Gold 42 million Beli. His reputation is not very good, because he likes men, he will hunt those burly men, apart from this is nothing heinous Place.”

When you arrive at West Blue, you must study Pirate of West Blue. Kuro, who knows Kulo’s habits well, remembers Pirate with high bounty.

And this Lunos is one of them. Although the bounty is only moderate in West Blue, for men, this person is too disgusting, so Kuro still has a deep memory of him.

“Don’t you say they don’t do it? Just now that wave of people is also…”

Kulo casually pulled a passerby and asked: “Why didn’t they do it?”



The passer-by was also burly, was pulled abruptly, just about to get angry, and then saw Kulo’s Marine uniform, and the group behind him standing straight A lot of Marine.

He swallowed his saliva, put a smile on him, and said, “You just came to the town of sloughing? You can’t do it here, except for the Martial Dao conference. If you do it in other places, it won’t. Those who are welcomed by the Nation of Insects, if they do too much, they will be sanctioned by the Luo family. After all, this is the residence of the Luo family.”

“Oh, it’s okay, it’s okay. “

Kulo waved his hand and let go of the burly passerby. He took out a cigar and bit it in his mouth. Kuro on the side took out a lighter and lit it like a dogleg.

Smoke, spit out from Kulo’s mouth.

“Let’s start with Pirate. The World Government is a member country. How can we have Pirate in the presence of Marine? This is a serious challenge to our duties.”

Kulo Righteously said: “Kuro, do him.”

I knew it was me…

Kuro helplessly nodded: “Yes, I know what to do, Mr. Kulo. “

“Don’t be too proud, Lunos!”

Philip Captain gritted his teeth and said: “You will definitely be Grab it!”

“hahaha, you can’t do it here, but…”

Lunos hehe Issho, swaying his lower body, toward Fili’s direction Shocked, “You can move something else, or you want to discuss it with me? I’m very happy.”

“Boss, that guy is not as strong as me, it’s too boring! “

“Oh hoo! Boss is teasing Marine again!”

“Hehehe, this is really heaven, we can’t do it, so we can do whatever we want “

Those Pirate behind him smiled happily, looking unscrupulously at the group of Marines on the opposite side.

This made Philip tremble all over.

Because of this, among all Pirate, the one he most wants to catch is this Lunos!

It’s disgusting!

But his ship sailed too fast, and his strength was not weak. Once Marine is captured, what awaits him…

The ending will not be too good.

“Why, but come, then I’ll pass.”

Lunos put out his tongue, licked his lips very annoyingly, and took a step.

This step made Philip subconsciously step back.

This made Pirate’s smile on the other side even more intense, and his mocking, disdainful and flirtatious look made him uneasy anymore.

“Even if the country of insects complains and is sanctioned, I will arrest…”


Fili clenched his fists and just made up his mind to attack Lunos. Suddenly, Pirate in front of him suddenly shook his body, and a cloud of blood burst out from behind, his eyes turned white. Fell down.

Before him, a man in black formal wear, glasses, and a big back combed his head half squatting, and Marine cloak on his back floated for a while.

The man stood up, pushed down his glasses, and glanced back, coldly snorted and said: “Stop disgusting, Pirate.”

“You, you… .”

Fili’s eyes widened, pointing to Kuro and trembling: “Idiot, you can’t do it!”

As the Pirate fell, the noisy hawking in the street The noise and the noise suddenly fell silent, and everyone was dumbstruck watching this scene, silent for a long time.

“Hurry up, they will catch you!”

Fili grabbed Kuro and tried to drag him away.

“Don’t let them run!”

Fili’s movements made people react. A mafia dangling a cigarette, took out a gun and pointed They said: “Catch them, you can go to Luo Family to receive the reward!”

“Anyone who breaks the rules, even Marine is useless!”

“Enclose them!”

The people on the street, whether it’s Pirate, the Mafia, or the Martial Dao who knows how to do it, or armed merchants, or even the hawkers who set up stalls, all have taken out their weapons, fanatical Run in the direction of Kuro.

“What’s going on?”

Kuro was taken aback by the frenetic sight, and asked quickly.

“You can’t do it here. Doing it is a violation of Luo Family’s rules. In addition to their sanctions, if others catch you, they can also exchange for generous rewards. Because of this, it’s already It’s been a long time since no one dared to do it in the town of sloughing.”

Fili pulled Kuro several times, but found that he couldn’t pull it, and said anxiously: “Hurry up, in this town, Marine’s identity doesn’t matter. Yes, the people of Luo Family will really kill!”

At the entrance of an alley in the street, a blonde wearing a black coat, a blue nobleman’s gown, and a top hat with a windshield The man leaned against the wall of the alley and watched this scene with interest.

“It’s really fanatical, those Marines are very bad, do you want to help?”

At the entrance of the alley, he was alone, asking as if talking to himself.

“Please think twice…”

Behind him, there was an unusually small voice, which was not noticed or even heard.

A tall silhouette appeared behind the blond man wearing a black feather coat, as if he had melted into the darkness.

“Our mission is not this, let’s not expose it, the total length. After all, Marine is also our enemy.”

Blonde man took another look at Kuro’s direction, sighed, and turned around. Go to the alley.


He hit the voice behind him all at once.

“What’s the matter, crow.”

The blond man looked up suspiciously, and looked towards the pale-skinned man under the black feather coat. He is a bald head with a vicious look in his eyes. , A man with a beak on his face.

This man has sweat on his forehead.

However, as soon as he thought of doubts, his pupils shrank, and subconsciously turned his head and looked towards one direction, cold sweat ran down.

Those people rushing to Kuro stopped in unison, turned their heads and looked towards a certain direction one by one, and began to swing around.

There is a group of Marines.

The headed person slowly pulled out a black blade, and as the black blade was unsheathed, in the eyes of the blond man, a huge black red air current erupted from his body and swept the whole street.

murderous aura!

Thick and bloody murderous aura!

Under the sweep of murderous aura, some people turned their eyes and fell straight down. The densely packed crowd suddenly became a little empty.

And those who are standing, also tremble, as if they have encountered a natural enemy, they dare not move.

Kulo spit out smoke slowly, glanced at the person in front of him, indifferently said: “Stand up well, I am Marine, to maintain order here. Standing still, in a team, guilty Stand on the left, stand on the right and Pirate stand in the middle.”

“That man…”

The crow’s solemn voice sounded, “Why are you here?”

“That man…”

The crow’s solemn voice sounded, “Why are you here?”

“That man…”


“Lucifer ·Kulo!”

Blonde man’s pupils contracted like needles, and he clenched his teeth almost as words burst out of his teeth: “Yes, it’s him, Lucifer ·Kulo , The culprit who caused Ace to die!!”

His body also began to tremble, not afraid, but with a kind of hatred excitement.

The man, the man who killed Ace in disguise, the man he wanted to meet countless times, appeared here!

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