“Sabo, please calm down!”

Looking at the blonde man’s anger and gradually unable to restrain his signs, the crow pressed on his shoulder, tiny Through the loudspeaker of the bird’s beak protector, his voice was much louder.

“If you are impulsive now, we can’t explain it to Koala Young Lady alone.”

The three words’Koala’ made the blonde man’s body stagnate.

He breathes deeply, took a deep look at Kulo, and finally closed his eyes, “I understand.”

The person here is the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo.

And one of the four commanders, the Northern Commander Crow.

Sabo has not been very good about Kulo’s senses. Although he received the news of Ace’s death at the end, he also understood the cause of the matter after dictation by some people.

Marshall D·Teach is the real culprit that caused Ace’s death, but Lucifer·Kulo will not escape the relationship so easily.

If he hadn’t been there repeatedly to hinder Ace’s rescue, perhaps, there is a great possibility that Ace would never die!

Revolutionary Army should have a broad mind, but he is a human, a youngster, and a youngster with Seven Emotions and Six Desires. When encountering enemies, Sabo can hardly not be angry.

But there is no need for the crow to persuade him, he himself knows what to do and what not to do.

“Let’s go…As long as the sea is still like this, we will meet again after all.”

Sabo held his top hat with his hand, and the brim of the hat covered his eyes, and The crows walked into the alley together.


On the street, Kulo strangely looked towards the empty alley. He shook the head and continued looking towards the front.

Following what he just said, all the Marines behind him were dispatched, either holding a knife or holding a gun, and aimed at those people. The cold weapon glowed with cold light, which made people get goose bumps. Ground.

“Hey, how dare you do this, aren’t you afraid of being sanctioned by Luo Family!”

A man shouted boldly.


Kulo digs out his ears, his face doesn’t matter: “It doesn’t matter what sanctions are not sanctions, the franchising countries must also pay attention to the law. Lao Tzu is Marine. Isn’t it normal for the participating countries to maintain order?”

“Okay, don’t you, stop quickly, Kuro, organize!”

“Okay, Kulo Sir.”

Kuro shook off Philip’s hand and walked over.

At this time, Philip woke up like a dream, and said in surprise: “Kulo? Is that Lucifer·Kulo?!”

Said, he ran away with a group of people In the past, I took a closer look at Kulo and confirmed that it was the man, saluting:

“Thank you very much for your shot, Lucifer · Kulo Captain, I am the head of West Blue 58 branch, Philip.”

“Oh…you just came here, let your people help, you stay, I have something to ask you.”

Kulo spit out smoke, Said.


Fili complied loudly, letting Marine and Kuro underneath join together, and began to identify and integrate the people who are standing now.

Under the influence of murderous aura, those people took a lot of effort just to stand. No one dared to resist Marine. Under the supervision of Kuro, they stood apart obediently.

As for guilt and innocence…

That is not really important. Kulo is not a god. How can I know who is guilty? Kuro also understands this, so the focus is on Pirate. And the gangs, and those who look fierce.

“You may have forgotten, Kulo Captain, you saved me during the war on the top!”

Fili bowed to Kulo, “I have never had a chance Say thank you, now I finally have a chance.”

When he was on the top of the war, Philip was also selected to participate. At that time, he was almost hacked to death by a Pirate. It was Kulo who rescued him. Maybe He doesn’t remember, but Philip has always remembered it in his heart.

As for Kulo, of course I don’t remember.

With that many faces of war, he doesn’t know how many people he saved easily, but I don’t remember that many.

But it does matter, so some questions are easy to ask.

“What are you doing here!” Kulo asked: “What’s the situation in this town, tell me.”

Fili scratched his head a little sorry: “I’m here Participating in the Martial Dao conference held in the Kingdom of Insects, the Martial Dao conference is not limited in identity. In addition to meeting those Pirates that have not been caught in the past, there are also thoughts about getting rewards. Is it that I am too naive? “

“I heard that the rewards of the Martial Dao conference are very rich, how rich is it?” Kulo asked.

“This is the most abundant reward ever!”

Feili said excitedly: “The winner will receive 300 million Beli provided by the nobleman’Luo’ in the town of shedding. And one of their help. In addition, the official of the Kingdom of Bugs also added 500 million Beli to this Martial Dao conference. In addition, the winner can also get a piece of Fiefdom from the Kingdom of Bugs.”

In this case, let Kulo was stunned.

300 million Beli, plus 500 million Beli, that’s 800 million!

Luo Family’s help or something is aside. With just the 800 million Beli, he is heart-stricken!

There is also Fiefdom in the kingdom of bugs, which means that the winner will directly become a nobleman.

This is not only that simple. The country of insects is a member of the World Government and becomes the nobleman of this country. It also means that as long as it is not a heinous crime, or the level of danger reaches the level of Yonko, then It means that you have won the asylum of the franchise country. As long as you don’t leave the country of insects, you will not be pursued by Marine.

No wonder Pirate is that many here.

“Eight hundred million…” Kulo touched the chin on the deck.

Kaido is only more than four billion, which is equivalent to one-fifth of Kaido.

This country of insects is really willing to pay for it.

But if it’s only this time, it is estimated that there will be war. The country of insects is fighting against the country of flowers. If powerhouses are attracted by the country of insects, there is a high probability that they will be recruited. A lot of power, and…

He glanced at Lida who was eating on the side. The Luo Family’s characteristics are expected to increase his strength through the Martial Dao conference.

Luo Family is a genius of physical skills. Both Leda and Lowe have proved this. This is the power of bloodline.

Then the Martial Dao conference, which only allows Powerhouse to participate, is not only a feast for the Kingdom of Insects, but also a feast for the Luo Family. They can learn new skills, and they can also take the opportunity to hone themselves by fighting powerhouse.

“How smart…”

Kulo tsk tsk said twice, “I want to participate in everything, 800 million Beli, that’s a lot.”

“Eh, Kulo, do you want to participate?” Leda asked suspiciously.

“I’m sick, so thankless, how about going up and calling people as a monkey one after another? If Luo Family gives me face, I might give him a face. Go up and play, as for now…”

Kulo glanced at the crowd gradually standing in line, said with a smile: “Martial Dao conference? The Martial Dao conference, which also needs to be healthy and peaceful, isn’t it? Who can participate, not criminals.”

This is the best way to get things done!

If you don’t give me face, I will destroy your Martial Dao conference!

Wait when you are half less, I see you play a snakeskin.

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