The street where Kulo is located, because it is located at the port, the number of people is usually not low, let alone now, during the event, there are a few thousand fewer people on this street.

The people on the street, under the threat of his murderous aura and the supervision of Marine pointing the gun, obediently divided into two teams, forming two long lines.

Why are there two teams, because no one will think they are guilty.

“Mr. Kulo, it’s ready.”

Kuro walked over and said.

Kulo took a look and said with disgust: “You call a queue?”

“Mr. Kulo, there are too many people, and there is no way to screen one after another. That would be too time-consuming. “

Kuro is also very helpless, but it’s normal. They don’t have that many time to screen here, but this leads to the impossible. Some people stand to the left, and those who stand in the middle are all confessing to Pirate. People.

Pirate has a backbone after all.

“Kuro, I will teach you a truth today. Sometimes, we can be the only ones.”

Kulo walked to the team on the right who confessed his innocence. The one in the first place is A tall man in black formal wear.

Seeing Kulo coming, the head of the person swallowed saliva, standing subconsciously a little straight, like a child being checked.

No way, this person’s imposing manner is too terrifying, he dare not resist.

Ordinary people don’t understand what murderous aura is, but their instincts will make them make a decision.

Kulo stood in front of him, looked at the man, his scalp was numb, and he was uncomfortable.


Kulo asked abruptly.

The man was subconsciously nodded, and immediately reacted to something and shook his head suddenly.

“No, Master Marine, I am a good citizen.”


One hand pressed his head, suddenly waved to the side, took his body through Pirate on the left, and flew to the far left.

Kulo snorted disdainfully, “Wearing this black clothed suit in West Blue, I still dare to say that I am not a mafia? The mafia dare to think that he is not guilty? No one has Pirate, at least They admit that they are Pirate.”

These words made the Pirates standing in the middle pointed at by the gun with their heads upright.

To be praised by the enemy is the highest honor.

“Yes, I am Pirate, Pirate who set sail for my dream!” A Pirate exclaimed: “The brave seamen are not the cowards!”

Kulo nodded , I also agree with this statement.

Well, I will pick out a few Pirates Shen Hai randomly later.

“All those in black formal wear, stand to the left for me!”

Kulo shouted to the team.

Under the proliferation of murderous aura, the mafia dared not resist at all, walked out of the darkness and lined up to the far left.

No way, except for the subconsciously afraid to resist the cigar smoking man in front of them, those bright knives and guns also made them afraid to move.

“I won’t go!”

A man in a black suit was held up by a few Marines with a gun, and he did not leave. Under the influence of murderous aura, he was posing , Yelled with courage:

“I am a serious businessman and I am here to do business. You Marine has no right to treat me like this. I am not a criminal! I will go to the World Government to complain to you. Definitely!”

“Well, is there any good thing?”

Kulo waved his hand excitedly, “Drag him over.”

Several Marines He dragged the businessman to the left, his feet struggling frantically on the ground, his body dragged backwards, shouting unwillingly: “I am a serious businessman! I paid taxes for the World Government, and I sold for the Heavenly Dragon nobleman. After the merchandise, I want to see Gorosei, I want to see Gorosei!”

“Kulo Captain, maybe they are really a businessman…”

At this time, Philip hesitated to get together. He came forward and said: “If you do this, our Marine’s wind evaluation may be affected.”

“All this is for justice! Philip Captain.”

Kulo’s righteous retort: ​​“In order to prevent criminals from mixing into World Government’s participating countries, we at Marine insist on maintaining order under the risk of being complained. I believe they will understand us.”

“But if If he really sold goods to Heavenly Dragon nobles, I’m worried about your future…” Philip said worriedly.

“What kind of serious businessmen are selling goods to those scumbags.” Kulo said directly.

“Kulo Captain!” Philip was frightened in a cold sweat and jumped up to cover Kulo’s mouth.


Kulo scratched his head, “It’s easy, just treat it as if I didn’t hear it.”

Everyone in the room is sweating coldly. DC, looking at Kulo in horror.

Can you say this as well?

Is this Marine a madman?

Then you can’t provoke it.

This time, all the people in black formal wear completely lost the last bit of resistance and walked to the left obediently.

People who dare to scold Celestial Dragon, even if they do something in the land of bugs, it is normal.

When the people in black formal wear stand to the far left, Kulo starts patrolling on the team again.

The people in the team didn’t dare to look directly at Kulo. They looked straight and stood straight.

Kulo stopped and stood beside a strong man nearby.

“Well, Master Marine, I am not a Mafia, nor wearing black clothes. I am the Martial Dao family who came to participate in the Martial Dao conference.”

His face was horrible, and his face looked fierce, and he squeezed out a kind smile, which looked very funny.

Kulo nodded, looked at him up and down, “Well, it’s not a mafia, but you are so fierce. You must have stepped on ants when you walk. This is also killing lives. You are guilty, you People with this physique are all guilty. All those who are quite different from his physique will be rolled to the left for me.”

Is this a reason?

Kuro covered his face. He now understands what “idealism” is. Then, it just depends on who is upset.

“Don’t bully people too much!”

In the team, a robust man over three meters high slammed his fist into Kulo and said, “You are not allowed to insult us Martial Dao Home!”

Kulo looked at him expressionlessly, and when he got close to him, his leg raised straightly, a whip kick hit his waist and kicked him. Kicked to the left, the huge body hit a group of Pirates, and flew to the building on the left with them, knocking out a depression.


Kulo spit out smoke, indifferently said: “Relax, I am Marine, and I won’t be wrong an innocent person, and I have a sense of action. Go back to cultivate a few Good day. Kuro, I will pay him the medical bill later.”

“Yes, I know.” Kuro silently wrote down.

“Hey, that’s Karl?”

“It seems that the famous Martial Dao family was kicked by this Marine.”

“Don’t mess with it, let’s go to the left obediently, he is Marine after all, and he won’t do anything to us.”

“Then Martial Dao Conference…”

” I don’t want to be the same as Carl, Martial Dao conference or something, let’s put it aside.”

Some Martial Dao’s family whispered to each other, and finally they went to the left and stood obediently.

At this moment, the team on the left already has a scale.

Kulo compared it and looked at the number of teams on the right, which was obviously still very long, and sighed, “Not enough, there are too many people, so we need to divide it a little bit…”

Anyone who can stand is not weak, at least mentally firm.

Including those armed businessmen who can still stand under the influence of his murderous aura, how could they be ordinary people? The ordinary commoner has long been filtered by him, so this group of people, he can be bolder .

Kulo’s release of murderous aura has not reached the strongest level, otherwise there will be fewer people standing. He is considering the perspective of civilians, the release of murderous aura has just reached this upper limit, otherwise , A little higher, it is estimated that there are not many people standing, so how can he discriminate.

He swept his gaze around, and finally put him in the team. Those wearing Martial Dao suits were the most numerous and the most balanced in the team.

Kulo looked towards a person, walked over, and before he could speak, the person said nervously:

“Master Marine, I am also Martial Dao’s home, come here I’m not Pirate, I’m not a Mafia, I don’t wear black formal clothes, I don’t do business, and I don’t have the physique of the famous Martial Dao family. Practicing martial arts but not bullying, only fighting with colleagues, fighting between Martial Dao’s family is not a crime, right?”

“No.” Kulo nodded and said.

“Then can I stay in this team?” A trace of triumph flashed in the man’s eyes.

Except for him, in this team, half of the people like him were fascinated by this.

This is the victory of their ordinary Martial Dao family!


Kulo paused for a moment, then suddenly took out the cigar box from his arms and handed him one, “Smooth? Good stuff.”


“Um…Thank you Marine Lord.”

The Martial Dao family stretched out their hands and was about to take it cautiously.

Suddenly, Kulo took the palm of his hand, took the cigar back, and cursed, “Smoking! It’s not a serious thing! At first glance, there are bad thoughts in his mind. It is an accident, you guys. Types, all go with me!”

“However, limited to the case where you have not found any news about your crimes, you can be divided into a team, and you can leave by yourself or take a Battleship later. That… Philip Captain.”

“Yes, Kulo Captain!”

“You will contact the Battleship in the nearby base later, let them all come over and bring these’smoke’ Martial Dao Take the family away and safely send them back to their hometown.”

“But Master Marine, you smoke yourself, so why don’t you say that we are not good people!” The Martial Dao family immediately refused to accept it.

Kulo glared at him, “Cigarettes and cigars are our Marine’s specialties, and we have to taste them. Besides, on the sea, what Marine says is what we say! You care about that many. Let me go!”


This is a hooliganism, right?

In the public, Marine is playing a gangster.

This wave of division of ordinary Martial Dao families has immediately reduced the number of this team by more than half, and the rest are some Martial Dao families who seem to be thin and have little strength. There were also local civilians and businessmen who fell to the ground and fainted.

Kulo has to give others a face and can’t do too much, otherwise no one will compete, wouldn’t it be embarrassing.


Cooking at each other?

It’s also a competition anyway, just to save face.

Marine escorted the identified person to the port.

As soon as this group of people withdrew, the street suddenly became deserted and deserted.

Kulo also waved his hand to the rear, “I will disturb everyone’s time. We will drive out and arrest dangerous elements. As Marine, it is our duty to protect everyone’s encyclopedia. Don’t thank us.”

The rest of you, look at me and I look at you, a black line appears uniformly on their foreheads.

Also thank you?

“Hey, after the group of businessmen wake up, will they vomit blood in anger. Once people leave, there is no business.”

A thin man is like a gust of wind that can blow The fallen Martial Dao’s family pointed to those who fainted and asked.

Don’t look at him thin, but he is about to fight, there is no problem dealing with two or three ordinary people.

He is also considered Martial Dao’s family, well, a very amateur kind.

This time I came to the land of insects, mainly because I was near. I wanted to join in the fun and watch the game, but I had no other ideas.

“Leave those alone, think about it, those powerful enemies have been taken away by Marine, maybe this is our chance!”

A person watching and that person Martial Dao of Birds of a Feather suddenly felt a fanaticism in his family’s eyes, saying: “No one is vying with us, everyone is the same. Depending on the ability, maybe I can be famous too!”


The thin Martial Artist was taken aback, then ecstatic.

The powerhouse is gone, so those people who plan to meet the world, can they be more active on the platform?

In that case…

Maybe it will be famous!

This remark made the rest of the people excited one by one, cheering at the back of Kulo. “

“Master Marine, not only this street, there are also criminals in other places, we are willing to lead the way, we are willing to identify, and arrest them too! “

A group of people swarmed in the direction of Kulo.

As for what will happen to the local businessmen when they wake up.

Who cares?

“Listen, this is public opinion. “

Kulo listened to the voice behind him, and proudly said to Kuro on the side: “Marine’s justice is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.” “

Kuro looked back and chased here in the distance. The number of people would never exceed two hundred people. He also looked at the powerhouse aura he was holding on his side. Let alone the crowd of two to three thousand, they gulped silently.

Where is the heart?

This street is not far from the port. Soon they arrived at the port, Kulo To the ordinary Martial Dao family first: “You can go home if you have a boat. If you don’t have a boat, we will send you home when the Battleship comes. As for you…”

Kulo looked towards 了被He’identified’ the guilty team and the Pirate team and said: “If you can’t find your ship to sail in ten minutes, ten minutes, I will throw you all into the sea and let you swim home. “

Only one person is speaking.

On the other side, besides the ordinary Martial Dao family, there are also about a thousand people.

But this thousand people Under the cover of murderous aura, I didn’t consciously resist, but dared to resist. I didn’t have the guts. I was afraid that he would follow in the footsteps of the famous Martial Dao family Carl. He is still tied up by Marine and convulsed from time to time.

A group of people found their own boat obediently and drove it out.

However, a dozen or so boats set sail together and sailed to the sea.

These boats Among them, there are the luxuriously dressed commercial ships, the Pirate Ship with the skull and crossbones, and the iconic ships of the Mafia, as well as two sporadic ships that seem to be dedicated to Martial Dao’s family. They just came out of the sponge. Sailing in separate lanes.

After all, there is Pirate here, who knows what they will do later, although they are not afraid, but they don’t want to be surprised.

And Kulo looks at those splits Pirate Ship opened, squinting slightly.

“Kuro. “

“Yes, according to intelligence, there are two Pirates that have attacked civilians and towns. They are [Guri Pirates] and [Astaire Pirates], which are those two ships. “

Kuro pointed to two Pirate Ships sailing in different directions and frowned: “Mr. Kulo, if you chase now, you can only chase one ship. “

“That, we can also contribute! Philip said courageously.

“No need. “

Kulo twisted his neck, walked to the front and squatted down, and plunged his palm into the sea.

He closed his eyes, the corner of his mouth was hooked, and said with a smile relaxedly: “Sa, the surprising lottery part is here, we will draw two lucky Pirate Ships, and then… sink them to the bottom! “

In the last two words, his voice became muffled.

Kulo opened his eyes, a ray of magnificent light flashed through the pupils of his eyes.

“Lion Wei·Haijuan Jizo! “

On the sea, the two Pirate Ship sailing separately, a large vortex of sea water suddenly rolled up underneath them, like an open lion’s mouth, which directly twisted Pirate Ship in.

In the eyes of Marine at the port, the two Pirate Ships were torn apart by the vortex, and the people were caught in the vortex.

Then, the sea fell into calm, and I looked at it from a distance. Only a few pieces of wood debris were floating on the sea, indicating that there were ships here before.

“Finish. “

Kulo stood up, shook the water mark on his hand, and under the expressions of Filip and ordinary Martial Dao dumbstruck, said: “Philip Captain, you are here to contact Battleship, watch by the way These people, let’s go to the next street. “

“That’s right…”

He just took two steps, and suddenly remembered something, he turned his head and looked towards the ordinary Martial Dao house.

“You won’t run away, will you? “

A group of people shook their heads like rattles.

“Good child, although you smoke, I believe you will definitely be a good person again. “Kulo laughed and left with his own Marine.

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