“We are all in line!”

“Marine is here!”

“All follow Marine’s orders and stand well!”

In the arresting operation, the most active ones were not Kulo and his Marine, but the weak Martial Dao family, one by one, as if they had defeated Yonko.

What Kulo did was to release his murderous aura, which made people afraid to resist.

And those weak Martial Dao family, distinguishing those who are stronger than them, it is a match and a standard, and there is no need for Kulo to use idealistic blind selection.

Pirate is good to say, the real Pirate is very spine, and will not give up the identity that makes them proud. As for the ones that can give up at any time,

Instead, it is some Martial Dao family. The physique is not so strong, but the strength is good. Kulo didn’t have that many thoughts one after another to look for, but these weak people directly pulled them out.

Carl, yes, that thin Martial Dao family that seems to fall when the wind blows, also called Carl.

It has the same name as the “Famous Martial Dao House” who was kicked by Kulo before.

At this time, he had loose hair and was embarrassed. One of his shoes ran away because of his running, but he just grabbed one person鈥檚 wrist and shouted:

“Caught it! Caught it! I caught it!”

“Beast, what did you catch!”

The man caught raised his other hand and gave it fiercely Carl slapped his body and shook his body, falling to the ground for a long time without standing up.

The people around couldn’t help laughing when they saw this.

Although the man had the courage to hit him, he did not dare to hit a second time, because he was surrounded by some Marines, and the bright long spear was facing him, so he had nothing else. Thoughts.

It鈥檚 been a long while before Carl spirit slowly recovers, jumping to point at the humanity:

“Finx! I knew you would come! Marines, this man is The strongest Martial Dao family on our island, once killed a big Sea Beast alone, can鈥檛 let him go!”

“Carl, you!”

Name The man named Finks heard Karl yelling there, his face turned extremely ugly, but surrounded by muskets, he didn’t dare to do it.

Carl proudly said: “You bullied me if Marine didn’t come. You can bully me if Marine comes? Isn’t Marine here for nothing?”

As a town In Martial Dao’s family, Carl and Finks are two extremes. Finks are strong, gentle, and have a sense of justice. They are regarded as Guardian Gods by the people in the town, and they are especially popular with female children!

And Carl, weak, cunning, swindle, was rejected by the people in the town, and most importantly, no child like him at all!

What? The weak must be innocent?

Stop joking!

Kulo knew from the first sight of this thin man that he was a bad person.

Not a bad guy, because he has no strength.

Not a good person, because there is no temperament.

It’s just the kind of bad guy who has a bit of a bad idea in his heart, but because he doesn’t have the ability to do it, it can only be rejected by others.

This kind of people are generally in various islands, mostly mixed.

However, there is nothing wrong with it.

Bad people participate in the Martial Dao conference, then this Martial Dao conference is not bad.

After all, the Martial Dao meeting that gathers Pirate and the gangs, can it be a serious meeting?

“Line up and take away.” Kulo waved his hand.

He doesn’t need to take action this time. Kuro, who understands the essence of Kulo’s service, does things very neatly.

Moreover, there is a weak Martial Dao family to assist. This time the division is much faster than the previous street.

After driving away these people, Kulo continued on the road after a wave of Pirates that had attacked the town.

The weak Martial Dao homes left this time are more numerous and converge with the last wave. Under the banner of helping Marine maintain order, grandiose’s and Marine go forward together.

The same goes for the third street.

But when the third street was cleared and the fourth street was cleared, the number of people was obviously much smaller.

“Something’s wrong, did you get the news?”

Kulo touched the chin, looking at the sparsely crowded team, fell into thought, “The number has become too small.”

“Mr. Kulo, we have driven away a lot of people.”

Kuro glanced at the weak Martial Dao team that had gathered more than 2,000 people. There are four to five thousand people who were driven away.

This is still more of the assistance of these “Marine Alliance Army”, otherwise it is impossible to be so efficient. These people gather around and fight and fight may not be good, but if you mess up or something, you can do it every time.

Under the identification of these’Sea Union Army’, those slightly stronger than them were forcibly identified and driven away.

Those who can participate, how many are left.

In addition, not every street is close to the port, it is more prosperous, and there are always some plain streets, so it is normal that there are not many people.

The main reason is that if we continue to do this, Kuro himself is a little scared, and hastened to persuade Kulo first.

“Mr. Kulo, we are almost done.”

Kuro persuaded at this time.

“Not enough, I’m not sure, what if the country of bugs hold back this breath without complaining.”

Kulo said worriedly.

Although he drove away a lot of people, at most, the Martial Dao conference lacked a little appreciation, and powerhouse still had it.

Moreover, there are still a lot of people in this town. As long as there is money to be made, the country of bugs might not complain to him, so he endured this sigh.

After all, he has a reputation, and the kingdom of insects is in the war period, if there is no time to care about him, then he will do all this for nothing.

Now there is a 50% probability at most, which is not enough.

He is Kulo, but a very stable man, he dare not say 100%, ninety-nine percent he wants it.

“Mr. Kulo, if we rush further, these crooked melons will really be left.”

Kuro glanced at the weak Martial Dao’s house.

On this group of people, he hit two thousand by himself without panting, and he doesn’t need to be transformed.

Really let this group of people come to the stage to fight, that is not to lose face to the country of insects, it is to step on the country of insects and spit.

“These people are left…”

Kulo chewed on Kuro and looked at the weak Martial Dao group who began to stir, eyes shined:

“Yes, these people are the only ones left! Drive away all those who are better than them, and drive away all consumers. The country of insects will definitely complain to me, and the merchants will also complain!”

He patted Kuro’s shoulder with excitement, “You finally used it, you deserve to be my brains!”

I didn’t say anything!

Kuro roared in his heart, I want to persuade you to stop, he doesn’t want to make this plan.

Originally, Kulo only wanted to reduce the number of people who came this time by half, but Kuro’s words reminded him. Anyway, it is half as small, so it seems that few people will do.

It is better to leave these fragile Martial Dao homes and send a special Martial Dao conference to the country of insects.

He turned his head and said to the weak Martial Dao family: “Where else is there more people, let’s go there.”

Everyone, look at me and I will look at you. One of them bravely stood up and said:

“Master Kulo, it is better to go to Entertainment Street, which is the most prosperous place in Shuzhi Town. But there is Luo Family guarded there, I am afraid…”

“Entertainment Street? Okay, right there.” Kulo nodded.

As for Luo Family, who let them don’t give face.

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