“Old Brother, you praise me too much. I am actually very weak. You can’t take it too seriously.”

Kulo extend the hand and shook it suddenly, “Try mine, lion mighty ground roll!”

hong long long …

The ground of the deep pit that was swept out of the deep gully suddenly collapsed, Turning into huge chunks of soil, the chunks of soil turned into lion heads in the air, roaring at Issho, and falling straight down.

dong dong!

However, before this thing was close to Issho’s body, it suddenly fell in the air, hit the ground, and planted several holes in the grassland.

Gravity, those lion heads that are pressed are impossible to move.

“Old Brother, my ability can’t help you.” Kulo said, his body dropped to the ground.

He still maintains control of those clods, but Issho also maintains gravity. When the two cancel out, it means nothing.

In terms of ability, he is really not Issho’s opponent at the moment.


“Old Brother, let’s try again.”

Kulo held his fist and continued to move from the ground with stones and dirt. It disintegrated, or flew into the air and turned into a lion head, or swept into the ground and turned into a lion mountain, invading Issho.


bang bang!!

It’s just that no matter Kulo just formed these lands, the Lion Rock and the Lion’s head will fall down, or they will disintegrate directly under gravity, smashing into the ground one after another, the beautiful grassland, Under this control, it became a mess.

Kulo is not annoyed, just so tirelessly using his abilities, playing with Issho up and down in the mud.


“What? You are not going to be captured by Marine?”

Sabo has arrived in the village at this time, just about to save those he thought he was about to be captured As a result, they were told that Marine was a good person, not only did not catch them, but also gave them food.

Besides, the person named’Banji’ before fainted. He was also rescued by the white-haired girl who he thought was Luo Family’s little girl.

This time, Sabo knew he had misunderstood.

“What? It turns out to be a good person.”

Sabo relaxed and said to the group of children: “We are here to save the people. This country is not suitable for you anymore. Please also evacuate with us. Don’t worry, we will protect you!”

The bellflower just woke up at this time, sitting there was a little dizzy, listening to Sabo’s words, was stunned, “What? You Want us to give you pears? Must cover us?”

She wondered: “Why do we have to say what we blinded us, and we don’t have pears.”

Sabo: “…”


“That, we are Revolutionary Army.” Sabo said again.

“Do you want to smoke pears?”

“No, we are good people!”

“Want to eat roasted pear kernels?”


“I mean, we’re here to save you!”

“Are you going to catch us for drinking?”

Kikyo’s face condensed, he picked up the bow and arrow, and pointed Sabo coldly said: “Leave! You are not welcome here!”

“…” Sabo opened his mouth, suddenly feeling powerless.

“Hey, Sabo, look over there!”

Koala’s surprised voice sounded at this moment, and Sabo turned his eyes to look, and his pupils shrank.

Outside the village, the dust is flying, the ground has disintegrated into a state of disintegration, a large amount of rock and soil fly up and down, turning the originally flat grassland into a strange rocky beach.

The landform has completely changed!

“It is rumored that Lucifer Kulo got Shiki’s power. It seems to be true.” The crow looked over there, his face solemn.

This level is not easy to deal with.

“Sabo, don’t be entangled here. The people here are fine. The Marine didn’t do anything to them, so let’s focus on the task first. Now Lucifer · Kulo is being held back. This is absolutely nothing. Good opportunity,” said the crow.

“Sabo, now is indeed the best opportunity. When we save this country, their current situation will definitely improve.” Koala also said.

Sabo’s heart moved, he glanced at the platycodon, who was looking cold at him, and then at the child who was a little confused on the side, nodded and said: “Alright, go and complete our task first. “

He said seriously to Platycodon grandiflorum: “Please bear with me, and soon you won’t be hungry anymore!”

“What? You said you are cute, but also Do you want to throw up?”

Kiji took the bow and arrow, stared at him for a while, pointed to the distance, “If you throw up, please go over there.”


A group of children raised their foreheads together, and the ears of elder sister of Platycodon grandiflorum are probably not saved.


“little brother, is it interesting to continue like this?”

Issho once again smashed a pile of floating rocks down, facing The sensed breath said: “It will only increase a meaningless burden, but little brother, you seem to have a long physical strength.”

“Not as good as Old Brother.”

Kulo smacked his lips, spit out the cigar head, and reignited one.

I’m sure, this monster is not weak.

The ability is completely useless to him, even he has the upper hand. After all, people do whatever they want, and they haven’t changed the direction of gravity to deal with themselves by those things he controls.

The sword technique cannot be distinguished by its current level alone.

But Kulo thinks that he is better than Issho if he counts the’ignorant divine wind flow’.

In terms of physical skills…

It is estimated that they are almost the same, he has a little more means than Issho.

But with that little means, the gap is not very big for this level.

This guy, like the Old Master, is in the Peak period and has complete Admiral strength.

If you want to rely on physical strength to weaken Issho’s ability, I don’t know when I will get it. As long as I have food, I guess it won’t be over until next year.

At this time, Issho moved his ears and turned to the direction of the village, slightly nodded, and said to Kulo: “Little brother, if you play enough, you can be a little serious about it, it should be fine.”

He hugged the rod knife and slowly put the blade into the sheath, a beam of purple light gradually radiated from him.

Seeing this scene, Kulo was taken aback and subconsciously looked towards the sky.

“Besides the ability to control the gravity here, things in the sky can also be manipulated. Before leaving, how about giving your excellency a farewell gift?”


His rod and knife are completely closed.

However, at this moment, his face was stunned, and he looked up to the sky, his face showing a little weirdness.

Kulo’s expression also showed a strange color, looking at the sky, for a long time to say nothing.

He thought of one thing, this guy’s Kenbunshoku can sense outer space, and the range of ability can reach there and pull down the meteorite.

And his own garbage dump, no, [Treasure House of Heaven], it seems that none of them has reached outer space.

In other words, according to this Kenbunshoku and ability range, he should feel his own inventory…

Issho faced the sky for a long while, and then slowly lowered his head towards Kulo , For a long time not to speak.

Kulo looked at him for a while, and immediately embarrassed Issho, saying: “Um, Old Brother, this is a little collection addiction, don’t care, you do your thing, don’t care about the sky.”

“The little brother’s hobbies, but surprised Zaixia, but Zaixia has been pulled down.”

In the dark night, the bright moon was suddenly obscured, and a huge shadow covered the sky, making the surroundings appear It’s bleak, and I can’t see anything anymore.

The strong pressure cap pressed down, making the air seem to be a little thicker.

Lida took a deep breath and looked up to the sky. The shadows covered almost all the sky that she could see.

It’s like the sky falling down by itself.

Like the sky!

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