
Kuro saw this scene as if the sky was falling, subconsciously wanted to run, but he stopped again because he was desperate I found that there seemed to be nowhere to run.

That area is bigger than the whole area of ​​the country of insects!

He is just riveting enough, and now it is impossible to run outside the insect world.

“Did that uncle take down all Kulo’s’treasury’? This is too abnormal!” Lida looked towards the sky in surprise, cold sweat spreading across her little face.

At this level, no matter who it is, there is no escape.

“Hey, just kidding!”

Sabo, who had just evacuated from the village, looked up at the sky, his face was ugly and water dripped.

Why does this thing fall in the sky!

“It’s too late!”

The crow’s eyes are full of solemnity. With his ability, he can’t escape the shrouded object that can’t see the edge at all.

As the object descended more and more, they finally saw clearly that the thing was completely a continent!

Did Skypiea fall? !

Kulo smacked his lips, his face was very relaxed, he looked up at the sky and said: “It’s really terrifying, it turns out that there is such a great power to fall collectively.”

But I haven’t tried to pull down all the things in the sky, because among the things I encountered, I haven’t reached the level of the need to destroy the country.

He can’t afford it either, it’s going to be a major event.

But he doesn’t care, because Issho doesn’t feel serious or angry in his perception.

Sure enough, that huge continent stayed in the sky, no longer falling.

Issho scratched his head: “It’s really annoying, little brother, your evil taste is really amazing.”

“Old Brother just laughed, it’s just a little self-preservation, after all. The sea is so dangerous.”

Kulo extend the hand, “Furthermore, this is also to develop the ability. My ability is not as easy as Old Brother. You can easily control it. If you don’t practice, it’s easy to go wrong. Yes.”

He shook his finger suddenly.

hong long long …

The continent of the sky, separated four great Great Island, and fell suddenly.

I felt the movement from Kulo, Issho frowned, “What does this little brother mean?”

“Isn’t that, I don’t control the power very well, fight If you can’t control what falls, it’s normal. This is unavoidable. Old Masters can’t even destroy something during the battle. Don’t mention the two monsters.”

Kulo shrugged, “So, it is natural to smash several towns.”

The explosion caused by the Old Master will definitely destroy the building. Akainu and precognition are big The destructive Ability User basically leaves the place intact as soon as the battle begins. Kulo explained this to the top.

As for what he has to do, it’s very simple.

It was originally planned to be done by Sabo, but Issho’s words are more reasonable.


The town of Butterflies, the capital of the Kingdom of Insects is located.

At the palace.

The current king of the Kingdom of Insects,’Raizo’, is a man of more than fifty years of age. At this time, he is high-spirited and vigorous.

Since the Luo Family came to the country of insects 30 years ago, the weak and inexistent country of insects has gradually changed. Up to now, it has 100,000 soldiers, and the high-end military force is not Absolutely.

In this battle, as long as the kingdom of flowers can be defeated, the kingdom of worms will stand completely on the top part of West Blue.

From then on, the country of insects can also become a powerful country.

He stood on the balcony of the palace, looking at the bright moon in the sky, behind him, a servant followed and asked softly: “His Royal Highness, it’s so late, are you still asleep?”

Raizo did not answer. Instead, he said: “After tomorrow, Luoshen will launch the final war, and our country will rise and fall, in one fell swoop.”

“We will definitely win.”

The servant said: “It took so long to prepare, Lord Luoshen will definitely not let His Royal Highness down.”

“Um…what’s the tax situation recently?” Raizo nodded asked, “Yes. I guarantee that after tomorrow’s expedition, the soldier’s supply will be problematic.”

“His Royal Highness, those people have not been able to hand over food recently. Except for the residents of the four towns, people in other places have no food to pay.” The servant said truthfully. .

“Isn’t there?”

Raizo frowned: “The country of insects does not need useless waste. Go to contact the dealers and sell everyone outside the four towns in exchange for them. Food, to ensure that the war will be won.”

“Yes, I will contact them tomorrow.” The servant lowered his head.


He tone barely fell and the sky darkened.

Raizo and his servant raised their heads subconsciously, and watched blankly as the shadow that could cover the sky fell from a high place, covering the bright moon, and then revealed its figure.

A continent!

Before Raizo could be surprised, the heavenly continent stopped.

“What is this, what’s the matter!” Raizo loudly said to his servant: “Why is this thing in the sky!”

“I, I don’t know. ..” The servant looked at the huge thing, dumbfounded.

“Quickly check, what’s going on!”

Before Raizo’s words fell, the continent staying in the sky suddenly split into an island, and suddenly fell down.

The island descended extremely fast, and it fell on the tall palace in an instant.

Boom! ! !

Once it was smashed, the area of ​​the island directly destroyed the palace, and at the same time it was destroyed, the island was divided into several pieces, moved towards the palace and scattered around, completely enclosing the kingdom.

“cough, cough!”

Raizo stood up from the ruins and glanced at the palace that was smashed and looked completely different, as well as those like himself, here The people who were still alive under the power were sluggish for a moment, and shouted: “What the hell is going on with this man!”

The situation is the same in the town of Shed, but the only difference is that the island has landed. Afterwards, a silhouette flew out of the Luo Family resident, and with a’boom’, the island suddenly disintegrated as the silhouette approached, turned into a large amount of rubble, and landed in the surrounding area.



Kulo raised his eyebrows and looked towards the direction of the town of Shed, “It failed, I remember there Only a more powerful aura is right, what Luo Family Old Ancestor, did you take it?”

The powerhouse aura in the town of sloughing, and no, including those like Luoshan, he counts them. Up.

The Luo Family people don’t seem to be in the town of sloughing, so the only one who shoots is the Luo Family Old Ancestor.

“Little brother, why do you want to do such a thing, aren’t you Marine?”

As the four islands fall into the square, Issho frowned, asked.

“I didn’t do anything, I just couldn’t control it.”

Kulo shrugged and said, “It’s not because of the current situation in the kingdom of insects. I’m right. The Marine, the supporter of the World Government, in order to verify the “suspicious” Revolutionary Army, I even used the treasure house. I think they will understand me.”

“However, after verification, I found that Old Brother is not the Revolutionary Army. Those Revolutionary Army are too hateful. They let a civilian give them the trick and almost made me arrest the good people by mistake.”

Kulo put away the limbid autumn water, To Issho: “So, I’m going to catch the real Revolutionary Army, Old Brother, what do you think?”

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