Nalga yelled at Kulo:

“You said this woman wants to join your Marine? Don’t be kidding, Lucifer · Kulo, she is a criminal! “

“What criminals are not criminals, and have not committed World Government crimes. I said, you are a staff member of Judicial Island, an agency directly under World Government, not a staff member of Insect Kingdom. “

Kulo walked over and looked down at Narga. A puff of smoke came out of his mouth and came around his face, choking his cough.

“Find out your position, bastard.”

“And, you have to think clearly that the Revolutionary Army is in this country at this time, in case they incite civilians, like this. ..”

He pointed to Kikyo, “One more is to have more battle strength, and if I pull her into Marine in advance, then Revolutionary Army will have less battle strength, and Marine will be more. A battle strength makes one more contribution to world peace. Can you not count such simple addition and subtraction?”

“You who are not sober-headed, are you worthy to cooperate with me? It’s so stupid!”

As he said, he didn’t listen to Narga and went straight to the village.

Leda and Kuro looked at each other, Kuro beckoned, let Marine evacuate, and go to the village together.

“Kulo! Lucifer ·Kulo, I will definitely complain to you!”

Narga roared behind him.

Kulo laughed disdainfully, complaining to Laozi? Isn’t that a good thing?

Gorosei came in person, he dared to say that he did his best.

Is Old Blind really easy to deal with?

“Master Marine, is this really good?”

Shangtu who followed behind asked worriedly.

“It’s okay. Go back and continue to barbecue. I haven’t eaten enough yet.” Kulo waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

A group of people returned to the village. Kikyo took the children to clean the other deer, while a group of people sat down around the bonfire.

It is estimated that I have been with platycodon for a long time. These children have good methods of handling venison.

“Master Marine…”

The soil came over and cautiously asked, “Is what you just said is true?”

“What?” Kulo was taken aback for a moment.

“It’s about recruiting Kikyo into Marine.” Shangtu asked when he glanced at the Kikyo who was washing the venison by the river.


Kulo scratched his head and looked towards Leda, “What do you think.”



Leda nodded, “Elder sister’s cooking is delicious. If she is a Marine, she can eat it every day.”

Listening to this, Shangtu stood up, Bowing to Kulo ninety degrees, seriously said: “Please be sure to take away Kikyo, this place…is not suitable for her to survive.”

“The current situation in the country of bugs is already like this, Marine can’t enter. Come, we can’t get out, it’s already like this. If we can take Kikyo away, it will be good for her. If this goes on, Kikyo must be arrested, Master Marine, please must take her away!”

The current situation in the country of insects, like Platycodon, cannot be said to be unavailable. Other villages must also have this kind of destruction of the local’laws’. Sooner or later, they will be captured and executed by the country of insects.

However, that was before…

Kulo squinted his eyes, a trace of red glow drifted past his pupils, felt a breath, and murmured: “According to their words, It should be okay…”

He looked at the first place, and said: “I don’t care, you can ask her, if you like, you can enlist in the army specially. I am the Marine base on Pegasus Island. Long, I have this power.”

“Panji, Baiji!”

Hearing this, Shangtu turned his head and shouted at Baiji.

“Eating brace? Who is bracing?”

The ears of the bellflower moved, looking back, and softly said: “If you are bracing, I have a bit of Herb here, which can relieve my stomach. It’s uncomfortable.”

Shangtu: “…”

“I’m calling you platycodon!” A bunch of green veins emerged from the forehead of Shangtu, shouting.

Kulo helplessly, what’s going on in this country, met a blind and a deaf man.

Blind strongly makes the scalp numb, and this deaf man also makes the scalp numb. Psychologically…

Sujan stabbed the bellflower, and loudly said:” Kikyo elder sister, Shangtu grandfather is calling you, not talking about eating support.”

At this time, Kikyo heard it, she was nodded, showing an apologetic expression to Shangtu, and walked over, “Go Tu grandfather, are you looking for me?”

Shang Tu looked at her and said: “Master Marine deliberately let you enter Marine, what’s your opinion.”

“What? Smoke the meat?”

The bellflower was stunned for a moment and said: “But if it is roasted, it will ensure the flavor of the venison. If it is smoked, we lack salt.”

” It’s Marine, Marine!” Shangtu yelled at Kikyo’s ears: “It’s not smoke, they are Marine!”

“Huh? I want to be blinded?”

I apologize: “I’m sorry, but we really lack salt…”

“Elder sister platycodon, it’s not salt, and it’s not that you thought about it, but it’s asking if you want to join Marine.”

Leda said to the side: “If you join Marine, you can do whatever you want. This identity can be unimpeded in the country of insects, and you can also bring food for them. If they don’t mind, they can even take it away together.”


When Kikyo heard this, she obviously hesitated, and immediately, she shook her head: “I I can’t go, I want to participate in the Martial Dao conference tomorrow. If I win, I will get Fiefdom, so…”

She looked towards the group of children, “They will be saved. I can also cook the dishes they want for them, as long as they win the Martial Dao Contest!”

“Kanji, have you not given up yet?!”

Shangtu said to her “Have you forgotten the situation after you participated last time? You almost died there!”

“Huh? Back home? My house is here.” Kikyo is unknown.

Kulo raised her eyebrows. Whether this woman is truly deaf or falsely deaf, why they talk so much hallucinations, Leda listens accurately when she speaks.

Suddenly, Sujan walked over and asked Kulo: “Marine, what the hell is it?”


Kulo thought for a while, and said: “Probably also a’righteous partner’?”

“A righteous partner? Then take the elder sister of platycodon and go!”

Sujan With a resolute expression: “We can live on our own without dragging down the elder sister of platycodon. She has done enough for us. Elder sister of platycodon can’t be restrained by us, she should have her own life!”

This remark, Kikyo heard it, she frowns, “Sujan, you…”

“Yes, take the elder sister of Kikyo with you.”

Hina He also came over. At this time, all the children who were by the river came over, each with a firm expression.

“Elder sister, elder sister, has done too much for us.”

Hina held back the tears that fell, and said: “Even if you can’t bear it, you can’t let elder My sister will die here again.”

Kulo looked at them, silently spit out smoke, looked up towards the sky, gritted his teeth and said: “I’m so full of signals, and everything I should do Yes, if your Revolutionary Army is unsuccessful, then you are too watery!”

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