“I still want to go to the Martial Dao conference.”

The bellflower hesitated for a while, but still firmed up her own ideas. She said to Kulo: “Thank you very much for letting me I joined Marine, but this group of children, this land… I really can’t rest assured.”

“Well, it’s up to you.”

Kulo shrugged, “I want to join If you look back, you can come to Pegasus Island to find me. As for the Martial Dao conference…you can be together, I happen to have something to go to the town of sloughing to find someone.”

“Kulo?” Lida looked towards him.

Kulo touched Lida’s head, “Until now, no one has called me. People over there don’t give face, so I can only find someone in person.”

“After eating, take a rest early and leave tomorrow morning.”

“Oh, got it.”

Leda complied, looking towards the town of Shed, her eyes revealed A touch of complexity.

The deer did not finish eating. Kulo and the others ate two of them after waiting for a group of Marines. The children ate one, and he did not touch the rest.

This makes Shangtu again deeply grateful.

In the middle of the night, after everyone went to rest, Kulo stood by the creek, smoking a cigar, looking at the moon, and said nothing for a long time.

“Mr. Kulo…”

At this time, Kuro walked out, came to Kulo’s side, and said: “Your previous behavior…”

“You can see it?” Kulo asked.


Kuro pushed down his glasses and said: “The direction in which the four islands fell is exactly the four towns in the country of bugs. You also deliberately let go of Revolutionary Army…Is it trying to help them?”

“You can’t say that, Kuro, it’s a coincidence, everything is too coincidental. Who knows that my ability to control is not in place, I’m testing that There was a problem with whether the Old Blind is the Revolutionary Army, and it happened to hit the town. As for the Revolutionary Army, how do I know where they are.”

Kuro did not speak, and stood quietly behind Kulo. Waiting for his follow-up.

Kulo extend the hand, looking at his fingers, slowly said: “If you explain, this kind of explanation is enough. After all, CP3 didn’t have consciousness at the time, and the right of explanation was in my hand. This was enough. , After all, I also need to abide by the rules of the world when I wait for Marine. If I do this, I am worthy of my conscience.”

Kulo is not worried about destroying the town or anything.

Are you a hawkish general to try?

It would be more exaggerated.

Although Kulo doesn’t want to admit it, he is now a Marine elite, a famous person in Marine. This kind of trivial matter is at best scolded by Sengoku.

What happened to the towns that destroyed it? You made me arrest the Revolutionary Army, but I didn’t take the initiative to arrest it.

And if you do this, the World Government will have to weigh in if it wants to mobilize him, whether it can withstand his destructiveness.

Everything is within the plan.


The link between the country of insects and the country of flowers is a long and narrow piece of land. From here, the country of insects can land in the country of flowers, and vice versa.

The war between the two countries has been going on here for some time.

The soldiers in the country of insects are all here, confronting the country of flowers, there are no big fights, local conflicts continue every day, and there will be a small war from time to time.

Relying on new weapons, they basically fight against the kingdom of flowers in battle, and the kingdom of flowers basically relies on high-end battle strength to maintain balance.

But today, the country of bugs has taken the initiative to retreat.

In the camp in the country of insects, the atmosphere is very solemn.

Within the lights, every soldier, with a scrutiny eye, is watching his passing colleagues.

In the big tent, a group of white-haired people are sitting there, looking at each other.

“How long are we going to waste here? Tomorrow is the Martial Dao conference. If you don’t go back in time, Old Ancestor will be angry.”

A man with white hair licked it. Licking his lips, said with a smile: “Luowei, it’s better to just kill half, and the Revolutionary Army will be gone. Even if there is, it will not pose a threat.”

“Shut up!”

Luo Wei glared at him, and said: “Do you want to lose the war, we have gained the upper hand!”

“That kind of thing doesn’t matter.” The white-haired man shrugged , “Old Ancestor’s order is the most important thing. Whether the war can be won or not has anything to do with us.”

“Enough! I am the master here!”

Luo Weimeng I patted the table and said solemnly: “Leave tomorrow morning, you can arrive before the Martial Dao conference. Now, let me stare at them, but don’t abuse those soldiers at will. This is the basis of the war we won!”

“Yes, yes…Old Ancestor likes you the most, you are in charge, but let’s give a little bit of face, from the bloodline, I am your Uncle.”

The white-haired man stood up and said to Lowe.

The man is middle-aged and has a circle of white beard. His hair is also white and slightly curled. In the country of insects, this is the symbol of the famous’Luo’ family, his face, and Lowe has several points of similar.


Lowe sneered at him: “Are you kidding me, Roda, the only powerhouse is respected in the Luo family, you Whether it’s your son Luo Shan, if he can beat me, he can do whatever he wants. If not, then follow my orders. We… have no family affection at all!”

” Hey, it’s really not cute. Okay, let’s go. I’ll rest.”

Lorda waved his hand, opened the curtain first, and walked out.

“I also retire.”

A Luo Family said humanely and walked out.

Next, the Luo Family in the big tent left one by one, leaving Lowe alone, sitting there alone.

He squinted his eyes, looked at the empty tent, and slowly said: “Come out.”

A crow flew from the hole above the tent. Come in, staying on Lowe’s shoulder.

“We were discovered by the World Government. The famous Marine Lucifer·Kulo is also in the land of bugs. He is very troublesome and stronger than we thought.” The crow spoke, sending out a low and faint faint. sound.

“Lucifer ·Kulo…”

Lowe chewed on the name and said solemnly: “Sure enough, he is here…”

“He has a person who is suspected to be your Luo Family, what should I do?” The black crow pecked at his own wings and said.

“Don’t worry, they won’t hinder us, but…”

Lowe’s eyes showed a hint of cold glow, “This is an opportunity, that Lucifer · Kulo, Maybe it will cause trouble to Old Ancestor. Now, it is the best opportunity. I was hesitating whether to do it tonight. They forced me to make a choice.”

The crow was silent for a while, Then he said: “In fact, there is another way, you don’t have to go this way.”

“Only this way is the safest way. I will bear all the crimes. Inform your chief of staff, The king will give it to him, Luo Family will give it to me, tonight…”

Luowei clenched his fists and said every word: “Let’s launch a coup!!”

Speaking, he stood up and walked straight outside.

“Let’s take the blood of Luo Family first to become the ladder of my way to becoming a king!”

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