“Kulo, didn’t you say that you won’t be able to do it yet!”

Lida yelled angrily when she saw this scene.

Last time he said that he could combine the physiques he learned secretly to complete the “one thousand blows”. She did it, but Kulo said at the time that he didn’t know how to do it, so why did he do it now.

What she used to deal with Lowe was’One Thousand Strikes in a Flash’, but her physical strength could not be completed by one person, and she could only complete this style by absorbing Kulo’s physical strength.

“Yes, I don’t know the physical version of this trick, but I didn’t say that my sword technique won’t work either.”

Kulo turned around and said, glanced again The flesh and blood on the ground were glued, and the palm of his hand stretched out, and a mass of soil was turned up nearby, wrapped in the flesh and blood, and completely disappeared.

“Is it really dead?”

Lida walked over and looked curiously at the place where the blood foam appeared before, a trace of fear appeared on her face, “When I was a child, I was the most I’m afraid of Old Ancestor. Every time I see that deep corridor, I will be scared.”

“It’s so dead. If I don’t die, I will turn around and run.” Kulo rolled his eyes.

A Thousand Strikes in an Instant·Instant Hell Azure Dragon Slash, this move is more than just cutting a thousand knives in an instant. Kulo can do it with hard work, and it is more of a combination that cannot be avoided. The speed, and the power contained in the thousand swords, every sword is a’Flood Dragon’.

At that moment, Kulo was equivalent to a thousand murder swords. If this Luoshen was still alive, what would he not run for?

Just kidding, this move is stronger than his final Profound Truth. The physical strength he consumes is enough to release the “Huanglong” twice.

Twice “Yellow Dragon”, even Kaido’s monster was uncomfortable. This Luoshen really wanted to be so popular, he immediately flew back to the headquarters to move the soldiers.

“Go back quickly, I feel weak, plus the stamina you sucked, I have exhausted one third stamina, I have to go back and make up for it.”

Lida The physical strength of sucking is almost the physical strength of his release of the’Huanglong’ once, plus himself, this physical strength is too much.

“Huh?” Leda was hearing this, stunned for a moment, “one third?”

Kulo solemnly nodded: “How long is this battle, I will consume one third? , It’s terrifying enough!”

Leda pursed her lips and said: “MMP?”


Kulo Staring at her, “You are not allowed to swear, and who did you learn this from?!”

Leda rolled her eyes, and her expression of disgust made her fierce finger clear.


Kulo pointed to himself with a weird face, but after thinking about it, it seemed, probably, as if… no one can say this except himself.

After all, people are scolding’bastards’ and the like.

“Let’s talk less later.”

Kulo had to say something erratic.

“Speaking of which, what Old Ancestor used to deal with you, he is dead, his ability should be lifted, do you feel something is wrong?” Kulo looked at Lida.


Leda felt herself for a while, thought about it, her face collapsed, “I’m hungry.”

Although she borrowed a lot of physical strength from Kulo, this move’Thousand Strikes in a Flash’ almost exhausted her physical strength. As the Ability User of the’Essence Fruit’, if his physical strength is exhausted, she will naturally be hungry.

“That seems to be the ability to offset the ability, which is almost the same as I thought, forget it…it can be regarded as a solution to the problem.” Kulo nodded said.


At this moment, angry roar never sounded far away.

The alienated Martial Dao families with red skin and fangs roared one by one.


Kulo’s brows are clumped, and the perpetrators are dead. Why haven’t these people returned to normal?

A scarlet ghost ran in the direction of Marine, and Marine took up weapons to meet them.

peng peng peng!

The bullets fired by the firearms hit these red ghosts, only sparking sparks, apart from this, it has no effect.

Platus grandiflorum picked up the bow and arrow, stringed like a full moon, and hit the red ghost’s forehead with one arrow.


arrow passed through the head of the red ghost and knocked it down with one arrow. The red ghost fell to the ground, his body still trembling.

“This life force…wait, and the country? Quinn? Does that old glass buy Quinn’s virus?” Kulo smacked and frowned.

‘Plague’s Quinn, who has a wrong name and doesn’t have the wrong title, is worthy of this name, he must have a hand in some related places.

“Captain! These monsters are running to town!” a Marine captain said loudly.

Kulo looked towards other red ghosts, seeing them scattered around aimlessly, without command, it must have become disorderly.

There are thousands of these people.

“It looks like it’s hopeless…”

Kulo’s five-finger grip, “Lion Power·Diju!”


A circular wall suddenly rose up around the earth, covering all the scattered red ghosts in.

The red ghost attacked the Rock Wall frantically. Its strength could easily break the rock wall. However, the wall was too thick and only a few holes were punched. Turning his head and looking towards Kulo and Lida over there, he roared and rushed over.

“Let’s rain…”

A large number of raindrops suddenly landed on the sky inside the wall.

The big raindrops fell on the red ghosts, splashing water.

“Hey, Kulo, these people are not Ability Users. The sea water is useless, and you haven’t covered it.” Lida asked curiously.

“Who said I want to take them.”

Kulo glanced at these red ghosts and said: “These people have very strong life force, and they may carry viruses. What to do if something goes wrong with a throw in the sea, the best way is to bury it in the soil first, and throw the last package into the sea where there are no islands nearby, and sink it directly into the sea, but these premises must be killed first. “

He pulled out the limpid autumn water and pointed to the sky, “But the cutting of one blade after another is too troublesome. I have developed a few new tricks against the Old Blind, and I can just try it together. .”

The blade pointed at the sky for a while, and Kulo immediately sheathed the limpid autumn water.


“Profound Truth · Nianli Knife · Azure Dragon Rain.”

chi chi chi!

The red ghosts struck by the rain seem to have encountered something dense Suddenly the whole body was disintegrated and cut apart, or it was broken into pieces, or blood was covered in blood, and it was broken into bloody flesh.

Thousands of red ghosts, in the surrounding wall, turned into a hell of flesh and blood.

Use sea water with Profound Truth to attack the opponent. Kulo used it last time against Teach. This time, it’s just the same.

To deal with a large number of existences, Kulo’s methods were really not many before. Before he could get the ability, he only had the “crush”.

Ordinary people or the weak, the murderous aura emitted by the’collapse’ is enough.

Slightly stronger group, he never had the chance to meet…

When he was in East Blue, he hadn’t even encountered Pirates with more than a thousand people. In general, Pirates has a number of dozens of people and hundreds of people, and the larger ones are two-three hundred, and five hundred tops of the sky.

What? You say’East Blue Admiral’ Krieg?

He is bad luck.

As for the Grand Line, in the first half you gathered a large group of thousands of people, you try?

Either the Marine was encircled and suppressed as a target and used a cannon to smash the ship, or several headquarters Captains, such as T. Penn, slashed a ship with one knife, and then the game ended.

What? Pirate is the super strong one?

The kind is in New World.

In the first half, there is no Pirate that gathers tens of thousands of people, and every ship has a bounty of tens of millions.

Marine Headquarters is on the Grand Line. If you want to gather this kind of scale in the first half, then Marine should go home and farm.

Only New World, the Pirates who have become forces, have the ability to gather troops.

Kulo did not encounter a large-scale one in East Blue, and later gained the ability, he is not afraid anymore.

Slightly stronger, at worst, he takes the island and smashes it, and he rolls it up and throws it into the sea wherever you stand. It’s really impossible for him to fly back to the sky and move the rescuers by himself.

But this is too monotonous. For fear of accidents, Kulo has been looking for other methods.

This time in West Blue, I finally found a few.

Nianli Knife·Lion Fighting can deal with Pirates who are a little bit stronger.

Nianli Dao·Qinglongyu was used to deal with the elite Pirates.

The formidable power of raindrops is equivalent to the formidable power of knives. When it rains, the formidable power of knives is cut, and it is much larger than the formidable power of ordinary swords. After all, it is mixed with his Azure Dragon Profound Truth.

To deal with these scarlet ghosts, the’lion fight’ was enough, but they are too scattered and unsafe. What if they blow too far to die.

Kulo just used it to experiment with new tricks.

The effect…

Kulo touched the chin, looking at these flesh and blood all over the earth, nodded and said: “It’s very easy to use.”

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