In the distance, there was a shout.

The densely packed crowd approached here with weapons.

As the wall fell apart, Kuro came to Kulo’s side.

“Mr. Kulo, there are a lot of people here…soldier armed by the kingdom of insects.”

“I saw it.”

Kulo looked over , I saw that the soldier in front of him was a pale man with a ferocious face wearing a black feather coat and a beak mask.

Revolutionary Army and local soldier are connected in series.

Kulo was about to speak when suddenly, a black clothed person appeared nearby.

“Kulo Captain! Stop them, the Revolutionary Army encourages the soldier to rebel, stop them!”

That’s Narga, and I don’t know where it came from. Seeing his body is full of scars, it is estimated that there should be a fight.

It is surprising that no one was beaten to death…

Kulo did not speak, and kicked away a mass of ground meat with his five fingers. , The falling rainwater suddenly gathered, like a living thing, wrapping the pieces of meat, forming a huge water mass floating in the air.

hong long long …

This area is constantly shattering and disintegrating. With Kulo as the center, on the ground of this battlefield, there is a Great pit.

The rock and soil fragments rise, enter the water mass, merge with the water mass, and finally wrap up into a huge stone ball.

“Let’s go!”

With a wave of Kulo’s arm, the big stone ball rushed to the surface of the sea very quickly, and it quickly turned into a meteor.

According to this direction, you can fly for a while to the nearby sea where there is no smoke, and then plant and sink completely.

After doing all this, Kulo looked like nothing happened, and said to Narga in surprise: “Oh~ Narga Captain.”

He looked towards the group densely The soldier who rushed over shook his head and said, “You look at me too high. I’m just a Marine Captain. How can I deal with so many soldiers. Besides, war or something is not Marine’s responsibility. In this case, let’s You should report back and let the World Government decide on your own.”

Nalga stared blankly at Kulo talking nonsense there, thinking of the big stone ball that had been floated before.

You smashed that ball just now!

These tens of thousands of people are not just a matter of minutes!

“Lucifer ·Kulo!”

Nalgar sternly said: “Do you know what it means to disobey the World Government order, don’t make mistakes!”

Kulo rolled his eyes, flicked the ashes with his cigar in his two fingers, spit out the smoke, turned and left.

“You are not convinced that you go to the World Government to sue me.”

He dropped a sentence without looking at Narga, waved his hand, and Marine gathered around him.

“How do you choose, follow me or stay here.” Kulo looked towards Kikyo.

“Huh? Do you eat pork knuckle or shrimp?”

Does Bellflower say: “Although I can do it, it’s not time to eat now.”

Kulo: “…”

“Forget it, you decide for yourself, anyway, the situation will change recently, if you want, you can come to Pegasus Island to find me.”

Kulo waved his hand helplessly and ignored her, taking the remaining Marine to prepare to board the ship.

“Lida, are you going to tell your big brother separately?”

Kulo stopped suddenly, and glanced at the lying and breathing Lowe, yes Leda asked.

“No need.”

Leda shook her head and said: “I am Flor Leda, I will always be Flor Leda, not a Luo Family person. , I’m just Marine.”

Kulo looked at her, shook his head laughed, and touched Lida’s hair, “Okay, then you will always be Marine. Kuro, organizing people to board the ship, we are back “

I don’t go back now, it’s really a quagmire to stay here.

Revolutionary Army and Marine are not in direct conflict.

Even the crow watched Kulo waiting for a group of Marines to get on the boat, still faintly relaxed, they were not ready to have a hard fight with this man, but they were not afraid, when they met this man , He had already notified Dorag.

With a few of them, holding Lucifer · Kulo and waiting until Dorag comes, this country will still be subverted by them.

But if you retreat, it’s best.

“How can it be repaired!”

Narga cursed, seeing so many people attacking, he had no choice but to retreat, Geppo stepped on and rose to the sky, ready to Flee to Kulo’s Battleship.

At this moment, Kulo’s dropped hand suddenly shook.


A big wave suddenly rose up and hit Narga in the air. The huge impact hit him directly in the harbor, which happened to be caught by a group of crows. Surrounded by people.

“Aiya, Narga Captain is not lucky, but he was overturned by a big wave. I don’t have to fire the cannon quickly to see if I can save Narga Captain.”

At this time, the Battleship has left the port, and Kulo casually ordered Marine to fire.

bang bang bang!

Soon, the side row of the Battleship fired cannonballs, but the cannons of all ships in this world seem to have the law of’basically not hitting people’. A row of shells fell either in the water or on the ground far away from the soldier, smashing into several potholes.

As for the group of soldiers, swords and guns have been pointed at Narga at this time, and they have been captured.

“How can it be repaired!”

Kulo hit the ship’s edge with a punch, angrily roared: “You Revolutionary Army, wait for me. The World Government will not let you go. Yes!”

At this time, the Battleship is getting farther and farther away, and Kulo yells: “Narga Captain, you must hold on, the World Government will definitely come to save you!”


After saying this, he turned around, and the angry face immediately calmed down. He took a puff of smoke, leaned against the railing along the boat, and said calmly: “Finally, it’s over.”

“Mr. Kulo…”

Kuro pushed down his glasses and asked, “Is it really good to do this?”

Kulo didn’t care at all: “Can the Revolutionary Army let him go? Now the right of interpretation is in my hands. I can explain it as I want. Besides, how could this behemoth like the Revolutionary Army be solved by my little Captain? You have to be careful in doing things. Basic Law, I said I can’t do it, then I really can’t.”

I really want to survive?

That doesn’t matter. You can complain. Isn’t he doing nothing? Isn’t he working hard to thoroughly investigate the Revolutionary Army?

Furthermore, Fleet Admiral and Admiral are connected to the World Government. Sengoku is about to retire. How can I control him? At best, he will be scolded.

As for Old Master…

Do you expect that old sailor to blame yourself?

What a joke.

Now it’s the transition period of Marine’s power. Everything is focused on Marine’s affairs. As for the country’s being subverted… it’s not that it hasn’t been subverted before. It’s a headache for the World Government. He Where can it be solved.

It is better to leave the headache to World Government.

“At least removing Lida’s troubles, plus the complaints from those who were driven away by me, is the best of both worlds.”

What Kulo was thinking at this time, The best thing is that World Government has to demote him in order to deal with him. That is the most wonderful thing.

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