
The sky was shining, and Lowe opened his eyes, only to feel pain all over his body. The one that caught his eye was an infirmary. .

“Wake up, wake up.”

A crisp voice rang from the side, and Koala approached and said: “It’s okay, Lowe.”


Lowe’s body moved, causing the pain, sucked in a cold breath, he felt a bit dull, and only then did he realize that his body was covered with bandages.

He remembered that he was attacked by Rita before.

That style…

“Attack me a thousand times in an instant?”

Lowe stretched out his hands and stared blankly at the style. , He could find the shadow of his Martial Dao from it, which should have been instantly understood, but now, no matter how much he thinks about it, he can’t understand the trick.

“Wait, Luoshen, where are we!” Lowe reacted. It seemed that it was not the time to struggle with Martial Dao, and he asked quickly.

“It’s gone.”

At the door, Sabo leaned there, hugging his hands, “When we arrived, we didn’t see his silhouette or his breath. There is nothing, it is very likely that he is dead and was killed by Lucifer Kulo himself.”

Lowe opened his eyes wide and murmured, “Did it…?”


Such a strong person, the town of rulers, who ruled their Luo Family for several decades, the Luoshen that everyone feared, is gone.

Lowe actually didn’t dare to believe this, but at this moment the state of his body had to make him not believe it.

Because of the know-how about Martial Dao, he really couldn’t understand it.

“Sabo, can you use your’dragon claw punch’ once?” Lowe looked towards Sabo.


Sabo warned: “Hey, who doesn’t know that you, Luo Family, can see through the body art at a glance, do you want to learn my’dragon claw’? “

“Please!” Lowe said solemnly.

Sabo was a little stunned. He had not been in contact with Lowe for a long time, but he knew that this man was arrogant, never lowered his head, and never said the words’please.’ .

“I see…”

Sabo sighed, nodded, with five fingers bent, index finger and second finger close together, little finger and ring finger unite, forming a dragon claw look , “Just do it once, see clearly!”


The wind is rustling.

Sabo only made one move. The claws seemed to tear the air, causing the curtains in front to float fiercely.

I can see clearly…

Luowei sees clearly, that is the dragon claw boxing, which is a physical technique that makes the fingers stronger and harder after long-term exercise. , However, cannot be absorbed.

He can see clearly because of his own Martial Dao level, which he cannot absorb…because he is missing something.

The hunger and thirst for physical skills has completely disappeared.

This also means…

Luo Shen, no more!

“Luowei, now the king is controlled by us, and Luoshen is gone. According to the plan, you should take over the position of the king of the kingdom of insects. Now, are you ready?” Sabo looked towards He said.

“Ah…that kind of thing, it doesn’t matter, you can do whatever you want.”

Lowe waved his hand and said to the duo: “Now I’m a little tired , Let me rest for a while.”

“Alright, I have a good rest, we will come to you again, and there are still many things to deal with.” Sabonodded, took Koala out.

“Really, disappeared…”

As the two disappeared, Lowe’s body gradually trembled, and his trembling hands touched his face unconsciously .

The face that can’t see the expression clearly, only a voice that I don’t know if it’s crying or laughing, I don’t know if I regret that my hunger for Martial Dao has disappeared, or I am fortunate that it is pressing on everyone. That dark mountain disappeared.

“Hey, Sabo, what’s the matter with Lowe, he looks very upset. Isn’t it his dream to be a king?”

Go out, Koala Some doubts.

Sabo’s eyes drifted far away, and he didn’t know what he was thinking of, and sighed: “Perhaps, the idea is different…”

He shook his head and put his thoughts aside. Said: “Anyway, we saved a country. Lowe will definitely keep his promise. In the future, the civilians here will not be so miserable. Maybe they can become the armed force of our Revolutionary Army. Next, let’s look at Betty. That’s it.”

“The Kingdom of Two Horses?”

Koala was stunned, and said: “Isn’t that Lucifer ·Kulo’s residence? Betty Young Lady has been there?”

“Pegasus Island and Shuangma Totto Land are not the same thing, and even if it is for help, Lucifer Kulo can’t go back at this time. When he returns, the Shuangma Kingdom will be saved.”

Sabo’s mouth evokes a smile: “When I knew that the man was here, I let Betty in the Kingdom of Two Horses start to act. No one can control, no matter whether it can be overthrown. That franchise country, our gains from coming to West Blue will not be too low.”

From Pegasus Island to here, it will take a few days, a few days, enough time for Betty to do something.


Shuangma Kingdom, formerly an island country with two islands, it is not big, and there is nothing commendable. The only special thing is that it is close to Reverse Mountain, Pirates who want to enter the Grand Line, will definitely choose the country where they are stationed and prepared.

Since the trauma of the war and Pirate, the Kingdom of Two Horses has not been able to grasp it, so it simply threw Pegasus Island to the World Government as a resident in exchange for support. As for the civilians of Pegasus Island…no one care.

This is also the reason Betty came here.

But she did not come to completely overthrow the Kingdom of Two Horses. The Kingdom of Two Horses lacks the power to resist. What she has to do is to arouse the resistance in these people’s hearts.

“Why powerhouse can be unscrupulous, the weak must bear it!”

At this time, in the Kingdom of Two Horses, a woman with purple hair wearing a red hat and sunglasses stepped on her feet At a Pirate, shouting at the civilians gathered around her:

“Because you are weak, you are willing to be looted by Pirate. Can’t you even resist a little bit of resistance?” !”

She stretched out her hand and pointed to the other side, Pirate who looked nervous and didn’t dare to step forward.

She didn’t wear any clothes in her red long-sleeved waistcoat. With her movements, the plumpness of her chest swayed.

But now, no one is paying attention to this side.

The eyes of these civilians, along with Betty’s movements, looked towards the group of Pirate.

“Are they strong?! No! Like you, they are all human beings, they have arms and legs, but they only have weapons, but you have so many more than them, why are they Don’t you dare to resist?! Are you so eager to have a hero to save you?! But heroes are also humans, they are also thirsty and hungry, and they will be injured even if they are hit by bullets. It makes no difference. Heroes just use more courage than you!”

“Take a little bit of your courage, this is your homeland, why must be robbed by Pirate? Must watch those Pirate snatch things but dare not fight back! Just a little courage, you can Fight back these Pirates and never ask anyone for help anymore. You can defend yourself!”

“You are rubbish, there is no doubt that you don’t even have the courage to defend your homeland, don’t dare People who reach out for weapons are naturally rubbish. But rubbish, the weak, also have the right to choose!”

“Fate should be controlled by yourself, choose!”

Betty shouted: “Will you wait for death or fight silently, and drive these Pirates out of your homeland! The hero is not necessarily someone else, the person who takes up the weapon, the person with courage, is also his own hero!” “


Her voice seemed to carry a strange force. A civilian was stunned for a while, and tremblingly picked up a stone, tightly Holding tightly, at that moment, he could feel infinite power bursting out of his body.

“I want to be my own hero, I want to defend my homeland!”

With his roar, the people around seemed to be lit up, not picking up rocks, Just picking up a nearby pitchfork stick or something, glare like a tiger watching his prey, watching the group of Pirate.

“Hey, what’s the matter with this woman, what is the use of these civilians taking up weapons.”

A Pirate is holding the knife tightly and looking at Betty with gnashing teeth .

The reason why they didn’t dare to step forward was not because they were afraid that there were too many people, but the woman, by the strength of oneself, killed half of their companions, and they didn’t dare to step forward at all.

“There is Marine! Marine is coming!”

Suddenly, a Pirate pointed at the sea and screamed.

I saw a Battleship slowly approaching on the sea ahead.

“Captain Cass, found Pirate Ship, it should be the Kingdom of Two Horses seeking rescue, in the Pirates that looted!”

In the Battleship, a Marine put down the Telescope and rushed Cass on the side saluted.

Cass nodded, slammed his saber from his waist, raised his yelling: “For justice! Let us kill the Pirate, don’t let the honor of Marine be put to shame!”


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