Betty turned around and saw that the Battleship on the sea was approaching quickly.


Betty’s sunglasses reflected a light, and I didn’t know where he took out a cigarette to light it on himself, took a sip, and groaned.

Sabo said that there is a powerful Marine stationed on Pegasus Island near the Kingdom of Two Horses, but it should not have arrived yet, so this should be the one who stayed behind.

The appearance of Pirate made the Kingdom of Two Horses ask for help, so Marine appeared.

“If you just stay behind, you don’t need to retreat…”

Betty thought for a while, right hand, the flag she held fluttered in the wind, facing the civilians Gao shouted: “Now Marine is here to help you, but sometimes Marine does not arrive in time. If Marine does not arrive, what will happen to you?”

When asked by her, those who were just discouraged The civilians hesitated again. Look at me and I see you, and finally they clenched their weapons.

“Yes! Marine is not omnipotent, we should rely on ourselves!”

A civilian clenched the stick in his hand, roared, and rushed towards Pirate.

At the same time, those civilians who didn’t know where they came from had a courage, and ran straight to Pirate, who was smaller than them.

Even if the weapons are not as good as them, the physique is not as good as them, and the strength is not as good as them, so what!

Everyone has the courage to resist!

“Kill them!”

Pirates rushed over when they saw the civilians, gritted their teeth, regardless of the terrifying woman, drew out the knives and the guns to fight with the civilians. Bumped into it.


It should have been able to cut off the blade of the wooden stick easily, but at this time it was blocked by the wooden stick. A civilian slammed forward, shook Pirate’s blade, and hit his head with a stick. When he hit him, he was dizzy and even before he could wake up, he was surrounded by civilians and knocked to the ground.

How can the tattered wooden stick be able to block the blade?

But this, there is no way for the Pirates to think about it, they have already fought with the civilians.

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on Betty’s mouth.

This is her, Belo Betty, the Captain of the Revolutionary Army’Eastern Army’. The ability to’inspire the fruit’ can awaken the courage in the heart, and even from this courage, the power of the human body can be inspired come out.

Haki is the power of will and courage as well as the soul. It is also the innate power of everyone in this world. The difference is only whether it can be stimulated and how much intensity.

And this infinite ability to call forth courage and stimulate the internal strength of the body can not only strengthen the civilians themselves, but also inspire Haki in them, even if it is weak, but with more people, it can show Power is endless.

“Don’t be kidding, it’s just a group of civilians!”

Among Pirate, a tall Pirate holding a double knife blocked a civilian’s attack with a single blow and took advantage of it. Kick him out, both of his hands are crossed, the two knives are in an’X’ shape, and a strong wind winds around the blade.

“I’m the Great Pirate of bounty 45 million Beli, let me solve you, Xslash!”

The tall Pirate bursts with the doctor, and is about to slash it over.

This group of civilians, impossible is his opponent!


Betty was taken aback, and was about to rush over subconsciously. She had clearly solved their captain. Didn’t expect that there is still a great guy hiding here, Too careless!

It finally inspired the courage of the civilians. If there are casualties, it will be greatly reduced. This battle must be won!

In this way, the truly courageous guy in this group will join the Revolutionary Army.

Bang peng~ peng~!!

Just as Betty was about to leave, a series of lead bullets suddenly swept past her, and instantly hit the tall man Pirate, beat your head into a sieve.


A strong white wind suddenly blew past her, blowing up the tie on her chest and red long sleeve waistcoat.

It was a group of white existence that couldn’t see clearly what it was, and it was constantly being filled with gas, even a little hot.

bang!! !

The group of white slammed into Pirates from the side, like a White Grand Beast, completely swallowing Pirate.

All the civilians looked at the cloud of white gas in amazement, neither entering nor retreating.

The white gas only paused for a while, and suddenly the whole group exploded. At this time, the group of Pirates were all lying on the ground, while the group of people standing on the ground were holding weapons in their hands and looking resolute. Marine.

“Sea, Marine?”

“Why, I was still on the sea just now…”

A civilian turned his head in disbelief. However, I saw that the Battleship, which was supposed to be some distance away, landed in the port at this time, and from the ship, many Marines began to arrive in the port.

“Captain, these Pirates are all down.”

A Marine kicked a lying Pirate. Seeing that he was not moving, he was determined to have passed out from a serious injury. Reported to the headed Beard: “Do you want to catch them?”

“Of course, this is our Marine’s responsibility!”

Cass was nodded and watched Some bewildered civilians in front of them raised their sabers, yelled:

“Don’t be afraid, if you ask why, because…we Marine is here!!!”

His voice Very vigorous, very persevering, it sounds very reassuring.

When a civilian heard this voice, he threw away the weapon subconsciously, and sat on the ground, panting, “Marine has finally come. Just now, I was scared to death.”


“Yeah, I thought I was going to work hard.”

“Fighting with Pirate, it really didn’t suit me, I was only suitable for farming.”

At this time, they think of the picture just now, they are all a little scared. If they are hit by Pirate, what should they do if they die? If they don’t have money, they can make more money, but if they die, then there will be nothing. .

Fortunately, Marine is here and fights instead of them.

Cass hearing this, with a serious expression on his face, he bowed at ninety degrees, and his posture was abnormally low: “Let the civilians worry about Pirate. This is our dereliction of duty. I am very sorry!”

“no no no, it’s good if you come here.”

“Yes, you are the most timely. If we asked for help before, no one paid any attention to us. You are good Marines. “

“If you are here, I think this place will be safe in the future.”

The civilians said one after another.

The attitude of Cass made the other half of the courageous civilians gradually let go of their fighting spirit.

Yes, with such a timely and good attitude Marine, what else are they afraid of.

In response, Cass shook his head, still did not straighten up, and sincerely said: “It is our negligence to let Pirate land on land without a timely patrol! I, and all Marines on Pegasus Island, should I apologize for this!!”

By saying this, Marine behind him bowed and shouted in unison: “I’m very sorry!!!”

“No, don’t you need to be so serious. Really, it’s good to be here, we don’t have much casualties…”

This serious gesture makes the civilians a little uncomfortable.

In recent years, although they have not experienced Marine rescue, they did exist in the past. Although Marine is reassuring, they did not apologize to people like they do now. They just catch Pirate and protect them. There has never been such an attitude.

It’s…it’s so reassuring!

“We slack off!”

Cass bowed and deeply apologized: “Thinking that he would follow Kulo Captain, he was happy to slack off, and he paid too much attention to Kulo Captain. Instead, I forgot Kulo Captain’s original teachings. I waited for “stubborn justice” and it was not reflected in this side. Going back, we must continue to practice and we can’t slack off. Otherwise, we will not be able to follow Kulo Captain’s back. !”

“Captain Cass!”

Marine moved: “You are always so righteous, I, I will follow you all my life!”

“Yes, follow Captain Cass and practice our justice!”

Marine raised his weapon, with fanaticism on his face, and the blazing atmosphere made the civilians feel more at ease.

Good Marine!

Good Marine!

The civilians were greatly moved.

“Wait, he just said Pegasus Island? Isn’t that the island that was recently handed over to the World Government? It was taken over by Marine?”

“It’s so fast, It seems that we can be completely at ease in the future!”

“Yes, if Captain Cass is there!”

“Captain Cass! Captain Cass!”

I don’t know who is taking the lead. The civilians began to call Cass’s name, louder and louder, forming a wave.

“Hey, what are you kidding me!”

Suddenly, tenderly shouted came from not far away, which interrupted the sound wave and interrupted his voice.

They looked over and saw that Betty’s teeth were about to crush the cigarette, and his face was shocked and puzzled.

The courage that was inspired by ability was directly resolved!

What a joke!

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