
Cass straightened up and looked towards Betty. His first glance was frowned and he looked down towards the group of Pirates. , Gritted his teeth and said:

“How can it be repaired, let a lady suffer such humiliation, you Pirates, too evil!” These words made Betty stunned. Immediately, there was a blue vein on his forehead, and he shouted: “This is my own dress, and it has nothing to do with those Pirates, idiots!”

“Is it my own dress?” Sorry, it seems I misunderstood, but Pirate is still inexcusable.”

Cass waved his hand and motioned Marine to tie these Pirates and send them to Battleship.

“Hey, Marine, I finally made these civilians have the courage to resist, why did you stop me and let them have the courage to resist evil? Arrived in time, isn’t this place occupied by Pirate again?!”

Betty came over and looked up at Cass.

She is not short in height, but in front of Cass, who is about three meters tall, she is still a little short and can only reach his chest.

“I think that people should have the courage to resist, not just being raised as pigs by you!”

Betty looked towards the group of civilians, the flags in his hands are heavy A meal on the ground, “Are you so willing to give all your hopes to Marine, today this Marine, tomorrow the Marine, but one day you will not be able to rely on, just like just now, if there is no Marine, what will you do? “

These words made the civilians lower their heads one by one, showing guilt.

Yes, where did their courage to swing a knife at Pirate just now? Betty Young Lady is right. They can’t always rely on Marine. Although these Marines are very good, they can’t take care of them. when.

“I was wrong. How can I think that it is absolutely safe because of Marine.”

A civilian picked up the stick and said firmly: “Sure enough, I still have to rely on myself …”

Following his movements, other civilians were a little shaken. Some people began to lean over to pick up the weapons they had dropped.

“I don’t agree!”

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Kas looked towards Betty, said solemnly: “The most vicious person on the sea is Pirate. People who are not enlightened cannot fight Pirate. They fight forcibly. Although they are very courageous, it is not theirs. Responsibilities.”

“Kulo Captain told me that everyone has their responsibilities and positions. Their position is to live a good life, and in order to defend their lives and fight the evil on the sea, That is what we Marine has to do. It is our Marine’s duty. If civilians are allowed to protect themselves, then we are still a Marine, then our existence is meaningless!”

“There will be battles Casualties, casualties will lead to death, fighting and sacrifice with Pirate, that is Marine’s duty, not civilians’ duty, civilians, just live quietly and peacefully!”

In people’s hearts, the civilians who were ready to pick up their weapons straightened up again.

Yes, that’s Marine’s business. They are professional in fighting Pirate. They are just a group of civilians. They just want to live in peace and don’t want to fight.

Those who want to fight have already left. They either joined Marine or became Pirate.

“But if you don’t make it in time!” Betty asked loudly.

“I will definitely be there!”

Cass also replied loudly, “As long as I am here one day, I will definitely be there! Absolutely, definitely not as slack as before. ! With Marine’s honor and justice as a guarantee, we will make Pirate nearby disappear!”

That resolute look made Betty speechless for a while.

This man is neither polite nor hypocritical. The look in his eyes is very serious!

He will really do what he says!

Is this the Marine today?

Betty glanced at the group of civilians, and sure enough, the courage inspired by her, in this brief moment, because of the speech of this bearded Marine, it dispersed again.

Because it’s safe, that kind of safety… She can’t encourage her.

“Why do you, a woman, must let civilians fight?!”

Cass frowns, he didn’t agree with this woman’s words.

“Because everyone can become a hero! Instead of praying for the coming of the powerhouse, they must have the courage to brandish their weapons against injustice and evil and choose their lives freely!”

Betty said.

Cass was silent for a while, said solemnly: “Courage? It is really admirable. I saw it just now. I can only admire your courage!”

“Kulo Captain also said that the hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage, and the epic of mankind is the epic of courage!”


“This is not the reason they need to fight! “

“Fighting Pirate, fighting evil, that shouldn’t be done by civilians, it can only represent our Marine’s incompetence! We Marine are strong and trained, with guns, artillery and knives. For those of us who can fight Pirate, why should we let civilians take the lead?”

Kas said every word: “Kulo Captain once said that everything has a price. Whatever you choose, you have to pay a price. The consciousness.”

“Being a merchant, we must do well in the price and consciousness of being robbed and losing money.”

“When Pirate must do well in being arrested and killed Cost and consciousness.”

“Similarly, when Marine, there must be a cost and consciousness of being killed!”

“Only civilians who choose nothing, don’t need to have This kind of awareness!”

Cass faced the civilians, loudly said: “Kulo Captain said that it doesn’t matter what the civilians choose, but before they choose, they are the civilians!”

“Just stay in their own land and live quietly, longing for peace!”

“Wealth, power, status, justice, evil, neutrality, you can choose, it doesn’t matter what you choose , But before you choose, you are just civilians, only targets protected by Marine!”

“Our duty is to protect until you actively make a choice. The passive, forced choice, We Marine absolutely don’t allow it!”

Cass turned his head, faced Betty, and took a step forward. The scorching breath that came out of nowhere made Betty subconsciously step back.

“If you can’t make it, then you will be able to make it in time!”

“Pirate invades, then Pirate can never invade again!”

“This is Marine, this is justice!”

“Let them take up arms to defend themselves. To me, that would be a great humiliation and the greatest disapproval of our justice!”



The civilian who just picked up the weapon, at this moment, completely put down the weapon, and there is no thought of picking it up again.

I lost…

Betty eyes shrank, at this moment she fully understands that her abilities can no longer be inspired by this person’s speech.

This bearded willpower is as hard as iron!

Betty understands that their positions are the same, they are all for the protection of civilians, the difference is only in the way, this Marine is not evil, it is entirely for civilians.

For civilians, this is no problem, but for her and their Revolutionary Army, this problem is too big!

They are the same, but because this is the same, only one can survive!

This man has the power to overthrow their Revolutionary Army concept!

Where did terrifying Marine come from? !

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