The cruelest thing in the world is not that there is no hope, but the disappointment of having hope but shattered and turned into despair-Lucifer · Kulo.

So the philosopher is not the most bitter thing, it can’t be considered.

Kulo is very bitter now.

The bitter bile is not as bitter as his.

It’s Cass again!

It’s him again!

It’s him every time! !

On the sea, ask who Kulo has been afraid of, Kaido, he dared to fight for a few rounds, although he could not fight for the best, but he is really going to meet Kulo, will he be afraid? ?

Will it?

Will it? ! !

But I have to say that the only thing I am afraid of is not the enemy, but the ruthless blow from my own people.

It happens that the person is still his own subordinate, in principle, he has not done anything harmful to him, and this thing is correct in the eyes of others and can no longer be correct.

Since East Blue faced six million lizardmen in the game, he felt that the world was Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Kulo tremblingly took out his cigar, his hands shaking with his mobile phone, it took him a long time to light it.

“Anyway, smoke a cigar to calm down…you can’t calm down, bastard!”

Kulo couldn’t wait to slap himself twice, he weakly leaned on the chair, biting The cigar and the smoke floated up his face, his eyes seemed to be broken by someone playing with them, dull and dull.

“I was wrong. I shouldn’t kill the six million lizardmen Pirate. If I don’t kill him, I won’t be promoted. If I don’t get promoted, I won’t go to the headquarters. I don’t go to the headquarters, how could I have such a series of bad things…”

East Blue ten years, although a little cautious, but it is also Kulo’s most reassuring days, he did not solve on the surface at all Over 3 million Pirate.

It is Pirate of one or two million. Back then, I was surrounded by many Marines to win, hiding in the crowd, not showing up.

But since the lizardmen, everything has changed.

He shouldn’t have made that cut!

Seeing that Kulo looked like he was dead, Leda thought for a while and said: “Kulo, do you want me to chew some rice to make you wine?”

“Shut up Leda! The Qing Dynasty is over early, don’t say such old words!” Kulo glared over, almost murderous in his eyes.

Leda shrugged, poured another plate of steak into her mouth, and continued to eat her meal.

“Calm down, I want to calm down, I still have a chance…”

Kulo rubbed his head casually, “It’s just Commodore. Is Commodore a general? No, just a preparation Generals are like from a sergant to a second lieutenant. The warrant officer in the middle transition is to allow an ordinary Marine soldier to gradually adapt to the role of command, so that he can become a second lieutenant.”

“Captain promotion is the same, among which Commodore , There is also the transition process of Marine generals, Commodore is not a general, plus Sengoku just let me go back to the headquarters to award awards, I can still stay in West Blue, as long as it is not a serious Rear Admiral.”

Marine generals, but none of them are stationed in the Four Seas, except for patrols. The generals are either in the Grand Line branch or lead soldiers on missions outside. There is no such thing as a base commander in the Four Seas branch. Military rank is not allowed.

But Commodore can.

“So my chance, my chance…Kuro!!!”

Kulo thought and thought for a long time, thinking about it, there is nothing but not doing meritorious service, but this Lack of a specific action plan, so he shouted out the window.

“Mr. Kuro, try the freshly roasted meat.”

In the town street, a boss wrapped the barbecue with greased paper with a smile and handed it to Kuro.

I have been enjoying Kuro, who was greeted by people for several days. At this time, he was still entangled with the townspeople. He showed the atmosphere of military and civilian fish. He smiled and was about to take it with his hands. Suddenly his ears moved. The complexion changed.

“Save it for next time.”

Speaking, Kuro body flashed and disappeared from the Boss’s field of vision.


Soon, soon, Kuro opened the door of the office on the upper floor of the base with a snap.

“Mr. Kulo, are you calling me?”

After Kuro said this, his heart was stunned, because he saw Kulo’s somber face like prepare for there funeral .


Kulo spit out the smoke, put his hands on his chin, and said earnestly to him: “You know, I always use your tools People, no, if you use you as a think tank, you will make an all-out effort and come up with a solution to any problem.”

hearing this, Kuro is straight, with a trace on his face. The color of pride.

It’s a pity that Cass is not there, otherwise he should really listen to Mr. Kulo’s praise.

Hmph, Cass Shaozhi, Lida is innocent, only I, Kuro, is qualified to laugh.

He stretched out his hand slowly, stroked his hair, and moved the hairstyle that was originally a big-backed head to the back, then pushed his glasses a bit, believing: “Mr. Kulo, what happened? Is it a problem?”

Kulo picked up the cigar, brushed the ashes, and said, “That’s it. Fleet Admiral Sengoku just called and asked me what happened last time. You said me How could he be clear about what was going on, and then he told me in detail.”

“When I heard, oh, it turned out to be the last time the bug country happened.”

” He at first lied to me and told me that I was demoted. When I heard it, it was very good. I was happy. He snapped and told me that it was fake. I was not demoted. I was careless. I was not prepared. I didn’t drop, but because the kingdom of insects and Cass repelled a Revolutionary Army cadre in the Kingdom of Two Horses, I was promoted.”

“You said such a big Marine Fleet Admiral, take a word Lie to me a youngster in my twenties, is this okay? This is not good!”

Kulo spit out the smoke and said blankly: “So, I am now Commodore.”


Kuro was taken aback and happily said: “Very good, Mr. Kulo, you have finally been promoted. I always think that you are at least a Rear Admiral, but it’s just Commodore. But that’s okay, the distance between Commodore and Rear Admiral is probably only…”

murderous aura!

Kuro didn’t finish speaking, suddenly I felt hair stands on end. I took a glance and saw that Kulo’s face was turning blue at the speed that naked eye could see.

The look in your eyes is dangerous!

“…It’s probably going to be a long time to go.” Kuro changed his tone evenly.

When these words came out, Kulo’s eyes eased a lot.

He was nodded, sighed: “I want you to come up with a solution now, and you tell me how can I be demoted, whether I want to be demoted to captain, or to major. Now I haven’t gone back to award the honor, how can I get the order to be withdrawn from above.”

“Withdraw…the order?”

Kuro was stunned, a little confused.

Why do you want to withdraw the order after you have been promoted?

When you get promoted, you just want to get promoted. You don’t want to get promoted anymore. Now that you have been promoted, shouldn’t you take advantage of it now?

He knows that Mr. Kulo wants to be safe, but now this environment is very safe.

Furthermore, the safer way is to become a general, cultivate your own power, and take root in Marine thoroughly.

Although Mr. Kulo is directly under Admiral Kizaru, if he has a faction, it will be safer.

But as Kulo’s think tank, he must follow his thoughts.

“Would you… shelter a Pirate into Marine? Like Feinbodi, demoted.” Kuro asked.

It was because of this that his former subordinates entered Marine, and the original headquarter Captain Feinbodi became a third-class soldier in one fell swoop.

“You were a Pirate before! You are a captain! Do you think I have something to do?” Kulo rolled his eyes.


Two are not the same thing. People have no power and no power, and no one is covering them. Can they be the same?

Don’t talk about himself, Judicial Island can’t deal with it just by relying on the level of Old Master.

Furthermore, what kind of Marine must be admitted to Marine in order to demote himself?

Who keep on saying wants to be the 400 million bounty guilty of “Pirate King”?

Get rid of Shichibukai and force the World Government to pinch its nose to admit and challenge the authority of the World Government.

Making up Judicial Island, taking away World Government’s felon Nico Robin, letting Buster Call wash up on Judicial Island, and challenging the authority of World Government.

Hooking up with the former Pirate King deputy, it seems that I want to unite with the former Pirate King team, or challenge the authority of the World Government, and by the way challenge the bottom line of Marine.

Top war ran out to make trouble, and almost let himself overturn. This time not only challenged the authority of World Government, challenged Marine’s bottom line, but also challenged him Kulo!

Some time ago, he blatantly went to Marineford to ring the bell. For such a madman, he wants to enter Marine…

It’s probably fine.

Kulo thought for a while, if the reckless little demon wants to enter Marine, with Garp’s contacts, it might really be possible.

Those who are considered thorny in the eyes of the World Government are probably fine. Although his energy is not as high as Garp, but Old Master is on top, even if the effect is half of the effect, he estimated that he would not be able to Pirate, who demoted himself, is also very willing to join Marine and get back to the right.

Furthermore, it was really too vicious, he had already sunk the sea.

If you want to be safe, you want to be safe, but you have to talk about your conscience. He can’t do things with no conscience.

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