“Pass, change one, this method won’t work.”

Kulo guessed that he couldn’t find the kind of Pirate that could demote him.

No matter how high Pirate bounty is, as long as he is willing to join Marine, he can settle it down. If he is vicious, it won’t work if he is willing to join Marine.

Kuro thought about it again, and was not sure: “Are you going to… be complained again?”

“I complained that it had a X of X!!”

Kulo couldn’t help but explode with a foul language.

He played a joke and complained. The ghost knew what the brain circuit of the World Government was. He clearly drove people away so violently. As a result, the Revolutionary Army stepped in and let the World Government think of itself. It also protected those famous people and nobles.

Can this be credited?

Seeing Kulo’s expression of anger, Kuro thought about it again, and said loudly: “Mr. Kulo, I have three safety policies, and they can all ensure your safety.”

“Tell me. “

“I teach you to do the opposite, take the initiative to find those Great Pirates, arrest them, as long as the threats are cleared, West Blue has nothing to annoy you. , Okay?”

“Oh? Can you be demoted?”

Kuro shook his head: “No, catching Pirate is doing meritorious service. This plan is mainly to make you a Rear Admiral or even Vice Admiral, enter the headquarters to support your faction. This is relatively safe.”

“Then I might as well just transfer back to the headquarters and change another.” Kulo rolled his eyes.

Kuro continued: “Then I will teach you the strategy of shrinking an inch, defend Pegasus Island, and ignore the nearby Sea Territory. Pirate will not attack the Marine base for no reason and stay in the base. , Naturally it will be very safe, okay?”

“Can you demote?”

Kuro still shook his head: “No, if this method meets Pirate who wants to challenge Marine, I still need to take action, accumulated over a long period of time, and I will still be promoted.”

“What bad idea, change another.” Kulo rolled his eyes.

“Then I will teach you the strategy of pretending to be defeated. When encountering an ordinary Pirate, pretending to be defeated, one or two times three times. After a long time, Marine will feel ashamed and stop paying attention. You can be safe too, okay?”

“What a fart!”

Leda rolled her eyes at this time, “What are you kidding Kuro? Use your pig’s brain to think about it, how can this kind of thing be agreed? Kulo will not fail, absolutely not!”

“I am not a pig’s brain, I am a dog’s brain.” Kuro Corrected: “I am the person who ate the’dog fruit’, and I am also a’dog dog person’ in essence, so the pig brain is wrong.”

You are not a good person, what are you doing?

Kulo was a little speechless at the moment, thought for a moment, and continued to ask: “Can you demote?”

“Still not, because of Admiral Kizaru’s relationship, maybe you will be transferred back directly The headquarter will be trained again, but he will be safe,” Kuro said.

“Change one for another.” Kulo waved his hand.

Kuro was a little bit snarled, resisting the urge to knock Kulo three times on the head, and said: “Neither do this, nor do that, you splash…”

” en? 鈥?/p>

鈥淪plash…unprecedented, I suddenly had no idea today. You see, I just got up, shopping outside and doing nothing, you suddenly asked me this, my teeth haven鈥檛 been brushed yet. “Kuro swallowed.

“If you can’t think of it today, I will kill you!” Kulo gritted his teeth.

Mom, I don鈥檛 have anything to do every day, and it鈥檚 fun to greet the residents there. You know that I don鈥檛 eat anymore, and sleep is not sweet anymore. What do you think of the word 鈥減romotion鈥?Nothing was right, and after looking at it for a long time, I could see from the cracks that the two words were written in’danger’!

Faced with Kulo’s anger, Kuro pursed his mouth. He felt that if he had no idea today, he might be dragged to the training ground by Kulo to’train’.

How can it be repaired!

Why is Sazier not here at this time? If he is beaten, he can still beat’Kulo’ back.



Kuro’s lenses glowed brightly, and he pushed down the glasses very confidently. Said gracefully: “Mr. Kulo, we can call Sazier Kulo back. Calculating the time, his headquarter training should be over soon.”


Kulo was stunned, “What’s the use of him?”

“His name is Kulo, Mr. Kulo!”

Kuro smiled excitedly: “Anyway, it’s all ‘Kulo’, even if you accidentally make a contribution later, you can push the credit on him.”


Kulo thought about it and burst into laughter.

It seems to be really OK.

Here is West Blue. There are not many Great Pirates. With his stable policy of until now, I can hardly meet Great Pirate. I really have to accidentally fall the blood mother and meet the country of insects. He Push directly on Sazier.

Different from Cass, when Cass is reporting to keep on saying, he said that it was his instructions and teachings, and the credit is on him.

He is not the kind of boss who swallows people, and Sazier, a little demon, looks nothing, but his ambition is not small, so give him that opportunity.

There is such a person standing in front of the stage and hiding himself behind the scenes. This is another guarantee.

As for Cass, he must find an opportunity to get rid of him. This is another guarantee.

No, it’s not right…I can’t take it away yet. Now he can control a little bit under his nose. If he goes away, he might be able to tell him something.

Today I dare to attack the Revolutionary Army, I will go to Yonko tomorrow if I decide.

Thinking about it, Kulo gave up handling Cass for the time being.

“Finally, there is a good one. I will spare you today. I will look back and see if there is a more perfect plan.”

Kuro’s idea reduced his melancholy. So a little bit.

“Then I’ll go brush my teeth first, Mr. Kulo.”

Kuro didn’t dare to stay too long, for fear that Kulo, who is now hiding his anger, would find an excuse to beat him up and hurried away. .

Leda poured the last plate of steak into her mouth. Chew and swallow casually, patted my belly, made a satisfying voice, and then turned to Kulo:

“I said Kulo, so I don鈥檛 want to be promoted? I don鈥檛 think it matters. You are already very strong. I鈥檓 strong.”

“I鈥檓 strong, Leda, I鈥檝e told you this countless times. If we live in this world, we must be in awe of the world, you know? Don鈥檛 say goodbye Yes, just you, if I don’t know anything, you suddenly give me a sneak attack, maybe my energy will be exhausted. If there is any enemy next to me, wouldn’t I be dead.” Kulo said seriously.

“Are you kidding me? I can suck you up?” Lida looked at Kulo like a ghost.

“You can鈥檛 suck it dry, right? There is a brothel outside the mountain. You can鈥檛 help but believe in evil. Look at the ghost place of the Grand Line. What the hell thing that came out, I鈥檓 promoted to go back now, I鈥檓 very tired everyday, you know, I鈥檓 just like a little bunny, and I鈥檓 worried and scared there!”

Leda is going to roll her eyes. .

Are you little bunny?

Is the kind of rabbit that can transform into a giant dragon or a fierce lion if the skin is torn apart?

Or do you treat people on the sea like grass and you can eat everywhere?

To deal with weeds and grass, rabbits are definitely enough.

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