“This is Pegasus Island.”

A few days later, a ship approached Pegasus Island.

The ship is not big, it is a merchant ship with the symbol of the country of flowers on it.

On the deck, a middle-aged man wearing an open chest and a knotted waist leaned against the railing, looking at the approaching Pegasus Island with calm eyes.

Since Moe Island came back, Donald has been thinking about Kulo’s knife. It was so plain, but he couldn’t evade, couldn’t resist, he didn’t even have the courage to resist.

After returning to the country of flowers, he was dumbfounded for a long time before he picked up the gun and practiced one shot at a time.

But in my mind, it is still the style of the knife.

It’s amazing!

Although that is the dísciple of the Master’s enemy, he needs revenge.

But that knife is really amazing!

Donald is a pure warrior. It is the duty of a warrior to rectify his name as a teacher, but it is the choice of a warrior to follow the powerhouse.

So, he is going to visit Moe Island again. That person is Marine, so he will join Marine too. He wants to follow those powerhouses and look at the style of the knife!

“Master Donald, Pegasus Island is coming.”

A businessman respectfully said behind him.

Donald is a famous knight-errant in the country of flowers. He is strong, and he is very serious. He is very respected by these people who often go to sea, because he can be invited, as long as he is in In the country of flowers, they usually go to sea to trade, and they will let Donald protect it.

If Donald hadn’t used a gun, then the Martial Dao conference in the country of insects might be acquired by the people of the country of flowers.

“Well, got it, where’s Bellflower?” Donald nodded, asked.

“Helping out in the kitchen in the rear cabin, I have to say that the dishes made by Platycodon grandiflorum Young Lady are really delicious. At first, she was not very familiar with it when she boarded the ship, but after making two meals, she The food is getting more and more delicious, it’s really great…”

The businessman said in a daze: “He looks gentle and pleasant, the cuisine is delicious, and his personality is good, except for his ears. , It’s perfect.”

Donald said that he did not agree with this point.

It’s not a little hard-eared, it’s the kind that hard-ears even he has no temper.

“My name is Donald, and I am surnamed Tang. Nader means I hope I can accommodate good character. Please advise.”

“Huh? You said you can drink Call it again? Sorry, I’m not very interested in wine.”

This is the first conversation between two people.

No matter how he corrects it, this woman just won’t hear it, but after talking to her for a day, Donald couldn’t help but yell in her ear to let her hear it clearly.

This woman, he has no temper at all.

But this woman is also his employer.

Although the country of insects and the country of flowers are at war, for a knight-errant like Donald, protect people and then earn rewards, no matter which country they are.

Furthermore, this is the request of the new king of the country of insects.

“This woman is finally leaving…”

According to the general situation, if someone can’t hear his name, he will let that person not stop until he hears it clearly. In Donald’s eyes, names are sacred and meaningful, and the exchange of names is a manifestation of politeness.

No one understands the meaning of names better than him.

But he really has no way to deal with Kikyo.

For the first time in his life, in terms of not being a military force, he, a serious person, was rejected by another serious person.

“I heard that the previous Pirate of Pegasus Island was destroyed by the new Marine, and Pirate was also vigorously arrested in the vicinity. Now the Sea Territory near the Kingdom of Two Horses, there is no Pirate anymore, here for us As far as the merchant is concerned, it is very safe.”

The merchant glanced at Pegasus Island and said.

“so that’s how it is, then Marine you did good.”

Although Donald has once merged with Pirate, it does not mean that he will be Pirate as a knight-errant. , He used to have little interest in Marine Pirate or something, and everything is based on his own goals.

Including this time, he wanted to enter Marine, but also to follow the adult.

“I’m going to call Kikyo Young Lady.”

As the ship approached Pegasus Island, the merchant went to call Kikyo, and a group of people docked with the merchant ship and landed in the port.

“It’s incredible.”

The businessman looked at the bustle of the town today, and was a little surprised. “I visited once before and it was still ruled by Pirate. The environment at that time was very different. Oh, have you regained your vitality now?”

There are already many people in the town. The residents are talking and laughing there. The streets are full of stalls, like an ordinary town, no, even Better than ordinary towns.

Especially when entering the port, I saw a large number of cannons on the shore, presumably the ordinary Pirate Ship. Seeing such defenses, I dare not step forward.

This place is now very suitable for business.

The businessman touched the chin, he has a consideration in his eyes, he wants to see what is missing here, and when he comes back, he can bring a batch of commodities to trade here instead of going for Pirate as before. Convey some weapons and food.

Although it is more profitable, it is not stable.

“Is this the town?”

Kikyo looked at the to-and-fro crowds and stalls on the street with a little shock, his eyes were a little shocked, like a rural child rushing in It feels like a big city.

She has always been in the village. She has never been to a town or a town in her country. She has never been to this town on Pegasus Island. This is the first time she has visited.

The neat and tidy fruits and food, some of which are platycodons have never seen before, and the spices sold on the other side, she can smell them all the way away, which is strange , Something she has never used.

If you use those spices for cooking, will there be other different flavors?

The eyes of Kikyo widened like black pearls, full of fascination.


As they stood there watching, a smiling man with glasses, who was greeting the residents, saw this wave of new logins People.

In the past few days, it is not that there is no merchant ship login, Kuro is not surprised, but this wave of people is different, because Kuro has seen a familiar silhouette.

Kuro beckons with the hand leaned forward with a group of patrolling Marines behind him.

“Kiji? Why are you here?”

Kuro went straight to the crowd and asked loudly.

As if I didn’t hear it, Kikyo continued to look around in a novel way.

“Panji! Bellflower!”

After yelling for a few times, Kuro pursed his mouth when seeing that there was no response from Bellflower, so the woman couldn’t hear it.

“You are…”

It was Donald who was surprised when he saw Kuro.


Kuro turned his head and saw the middle-aged man, took a look up and down, and then saw his ten-word gun against his shoulder.

“A bit familiar…”

Kuro was taken aback, “That, what’s the name.”

“My name is Donald, I am surnamed Tang , I…”

“Stop! Yes, it’s you!”

Kuro waved his hand with a headache, when I remembered, it was this strange thing who kept saying his name.

What is he doing here?

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