
In the office, Kulo yelled at Den Den Mushi: “Why are you not coming back? What are you doing out there!”

After waiting for a few days, Kuruo finally couldn’t help but make a call without waiting for the news of Cass’ return.

Because his Heavenly Eye skin jumped, he felt very bad, for fear that the hot-blooded idiot’s beard might be doing something out there, so he called.

Den Den Mushi made some shouts and fighting sounds.

Den Den Mushi, who already has the characteristic of a big beard, yelled a few words at this time, with some sound of a knife cutting into the flesh, and then replied: “Kulo Captain, we are cleaning and breaking into our Sea Territory. Pirate, please rest assured, we will ensure the safety of Pegasus Island and the vicinity of Double Horse Kingdom!”

What can Kulo say?

He can’t say anything.

I can’t say that you don’t fight anymore, because you can’t kill anyone in this way.

He can’t discourage the enthusiasm of his subordinates, but people make contributions to peace, which is different from his salted fish.

“Then what, you continue.”

Kulo pursed his lips, pressed the handset, and hung up the call.

The feeling of Kasna suddenly gave him a feeling of’tightening in the front and eating tightly in the back’.

“Kulo, Cass is a bit slow to solve Pirate, do you want me to go there?” Leda took out a piece of potato chips from the bag and said while chewing.

“Let Kuro go there.”

Kulo thought for a while, and said: “He is at ease for me, and I can watch that idiot Cass not let him do anything. A superfluous thing.”

If he hadn’t suddenly become Commodore, which caused a sharp rise in the sense of crisis, he would want to go there himself, and quickly sink those Pirates, so that many things would be fine.

But this can be done in front of Kuro and in front of Leda, but it cannot be done in front of Cass.

That hot-blooded idiot will report it.

“Get Kuro back, this guy has become addicted to playing with the residents recently, and he doesn’t train much. If Cass is not there, he is now the Instructor of Marine’s resident. Don’t be out of business every day.” Kulo told Li. Dadao.

You seem to be unqualified to speak of others.

Leda rolled her eyes.

Up and down effects, there are just as many subordinates as there are bosses. After staying with Kulo for a long time, not salty fish is already very good. Cass is totally different.

“Okay, I’ll go there.”

Just as Lida was about to leave, the door was knocked open and Kuro walked in.

“Kuro, you just came here, go to that…”

Kulo saw the person and was about to say it, but suddenly he was taken aback, because Kuro was behind and followed Two people.

“Elder sister of platycodon!”

Lida straightened up excitedly when she saw one of them, ran over and hugged platycodon, “You finally came, I figured it out Are you coming to participate in Marine! I have been waiting for your cooking!”

“Ah…Leda Young Lady, long time no see.” Kikyo smiled and touched Leda Head.

Lida doesn’t have any disgust at this point. First, Kikyo is the woman she admires, and second, this woman cooks very well.

“This person, hey, so familiar.” Lida rubbed Kikyo for a while before letting it go, and looked towards another middle-aged man who was resistant to a ten-character gun.

“long time no see.” Donald also said next to him, “I am Donald, my last name…”

“Stop! I know who you are! “

Leda’s white hair moved, and directly stretched out her hand to stop Donald from speaking.

The strange man who wanted to avenge the Master in Moe Island.

“Oh…It’s you, what are you doing here?”

Kulo also recognized the person, this guy, it seems that he used a’potential knife’ ‘, for the first time a new recruit, he still has a bit of impression, and the man’s weapon is quite novel, he uses a ten-character gun, the marksmanship is good.

“Master Kulo.”

Donald took a step forward, breathes deeply, put the ten-character gun down, kneeled with both legs, and bowed in the posture of’seat under the soil’ Go down, loudly said: “Please allow me to study with you!”


Kulo was stunned, “Learning with me?”


Donald lifted his head and said very seriously: “That knife, I think about that knife now, and I can still feel that huge imposing manner. I want to know that. Trick, I want to learn that trick. This is my desire as a martial artist. For this, I can do anything! Please allow me to join Marine, follow your side, don’t ask you to teach me, just let me Just look at you!”

Kulo was taken aback by the longing look in his eyes.

He has seen powerhouse, and he has seen people who desire to be strong, but it is the first time he has seen this kind of warrior’s pure gaze.

That kind of desire…he actually understands a bit.

Kulo aspires to be strong, and strong means safety.

When he had just crossed over, he was also thinking about frantically improving his strength. The state at that time was actually similar to what Donald’s eyes showed now.

After all, this world was extremely dangerous for him at the time.

In addition to frantically tempering himself, there are no other methods. Later, when he felt unable to make further progress, he gradually stopped that crazy state.

In addition to what East Blue encountered, there was really nothing that could threaten him, and gradually became indifferent. Although he hadn’t stopped the cultivation, he didn’t pursue that state so much.

Strength this thing, to reach their realm, what is lacking is not constantly cultivated.

At least for Kulo, this is the case.

There is a gap between him and the highest battle strength. There is no doubt that Akainu, precognition, Kizaru, Kaido, Linlin, these people are the first echelon in the world today.

Whether it is talent or experience, they are all first-class. After all, among these, one of Haki, physical skills, abilities, and sword technique is Peak in Peak.

Kulo knows that there is still a gap between him and them. Although the gap is not large, for the expert, this gap may be the weak spot after a few days of war, which caused The superior is better, the inferior is worse.

“Master Kulo!”

Seeing Kulo being silent there, Donald replied: “Please be sure to agree to my request and let me join Marine!”

Some words, let Kulo’s thoughts come back, he glanced at Donald, and said: “If you want to join Marine, you can do it anywhere, as long as you have reviewed it. I don’t have the right to prevent others from joining Marine. If you want to come, just go. Sign up.”

Donald’s strength is good. If he is used as a Marine, he can also make up for the low-end battle strength of Kulo.

He can’t keep Cass out all the time. He has to find someone with almost battle strength to lead the team. Originally, he liked Sazier, but that guy is not that completely stable. Donald will come. If this is the case, it can just make up for this aspect.

If these two people cooperate, Cass can be left on Pegasus Island by him and prevent him from going out.

This person has solved his troubles of the past few days.

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