Donald was hired by Kuro take along to withdraw. Although he is good at strength, the procedure is to go. Although he is the base commander, he can at best start from the first class of the branch. , If you want to be promoted, strength alone is not enough.

“Then what are you doing? Join Marine too?”

After dealing with Donald, Kulo looked towards the happy Kikyo who was chatting with Lida.

“Oh? So you want to eat that kind of food, um…I will learn to learn, I should be able to do it.”

“Then please do, Bellflower elder Sister!”

The two people talked happily there, where could I hear Kulo’s words.

Kulo tugged at the corners of his mouth, “Platoonflower?”

Leda reacted and said: “Platoonflower elder sister, Kulo is calling you.”

Platoonflower one Frozen, turned his head, revealing doubts.

Sure enough, the woman didn’t hear him.

Kulo breathes deeply, suppressing the inner irritability, and slowly said: “What are you doing here?”

“Stop! Leda, you come to ask!”

As soon as Kikyo was about to open his mouth, the alert Kulo stretched out his hand and stopped Kikyo’s words.

This woman is pretty, but she is deaf and has a broken mouth that can say something completely different.

Leda repeated the words again.

This time Bellflower heard it clearly, nodded said: “In addition to wanting to go out to have a look, Lowe, the king of the land of insects, also dragged me to bring something.”

Speaking, she took out an envelope from her arms and walked forward and put it on Kulo’s desk, “This is Lowe for you.”

“He gave it to me?” Kulo I was stunned, picked up the envelope, and opened it and said: “What can this product give me?”

The envelope was opened, revealing a letter and a world bank attached to the letter. Promissory note.

In the letter, there are only a few words.

[Hey, bastard, the reward from the Martial Dao conference is given to you, the country of bugs will not renege on a debt! Also, take care of my younger sister! 】——World Number One Body technique genius, Lowe.

Kulo raised his brows and took a promissory note. There are many zeros at the beginning, there is an ‘8’.

800 million!

“What’s written, let me see.”

Seeing Kulo’s weird expression, Lida leaned over.

Kulo showed him the letter, and said: “The letter from your arrogant brother, besides, the last Martial Dao conference or something, seems to have given me money.”

The 300 million sponsored by Luo Family and the 500 million provided by the country of bugs, totaling 800 million Beli, were originally awarded to him by the Martial Dao conference.


Lida’s little head is tilted, “Big brother?”

She can be called the big brother without obstacles, because Lida Even if it is a very large person, especially after a long time with Kulo, he doesn’t care about these family factors.

As she said, she is Flo Lida, but big brother, she also recognizes it.

“800 million ah…”

Kulo is not short of money now, and he is still the base manager if he is promoted. Everything is reimbursed by public funds, and it also costs to develop a hot spring. Not much money, even if it is Lida, she now manages her own food and drink, and the salary is definitely enough.

But 800 million Beli, this is a huge sum of money.

Although there is no shortage of money, no one is too rich!

These are two Straw Hat brat!

“800 million!”

Leda also saw the promissory note and said happily: “If you have 800 million, you can eat whatever you want in the future. You can choose The highest ingredients, the best food, and you can buy a lot of beautiful things!”

“I will give you all.”

Kulo smiled and rubbed Lida’s head. “But I want to use a portion of this money as an investment in Pegasus Town. If I rely solely on the taxes of these residents, I don’t know when I will get it.”

He is now and the 153 branch of the year. Morgan is the same, as Pegasus Island is his Marine residence, the taxes are of course his own.

Marine’s taxation, World Government is completely liberalized in this area, and they are all controlled by Marine.

“Huh? Give me control? That’s good?” Lida was a little dazed. She thought that Kulo would take the money, but she didn’t care anyway, and Kulo wouldn’t treat herself badly.

“Of course the money your big brother gave is yours. Why do I want that many money? Just enough.”

Eat and drink Marine bag, if you want a weapon, he He eliminated Marine weapons very quickly, and the eliminated ones were sent to him in the treasure house of heaven. With his status, he could pass a report instantly.

His life needs are basically covered by Marine, and his money is basically used to visit the town, eat some food, buy more sets of clothes for himself, and buy some accessories for Lida.


Gold can be worth a few dollars.

He is not like Pirate’s poor and humble.

“As for your words…”

Kulo looked towards Kikyo, and said: “What kind of world do you want to see, the waves are rough? The waves are in the sea? Or just let it go.”

Leda repeats Kulo’s words again, because this woman can’t hear adults and men clearly.

Banji thought for a while, and said, “I want to cook a lot of dishes, but I am not very interested in adventures on the sea. It would be great if I can comfort myself to cook and meet the world occasionally. “

“Then join Marine, your cooking is really good, I also like to eat, I will count it for you if you have a position.”

Leda added Kulo again Repeat the words.

Kanji thought for a while, nodded and said: “Yes, please give me more advice in the future.”

She moved towards Kulo and bowed gently.

“Leda, take her around.” Kulo said.


Leda raised her hand and said with a smile to Campanulaceae: “Elder sister, Campanulaceae, I will take you to the town and buy some ingredients by the way. Today I just want to eat Platycodon elder sister’s dishes.”

Platycodon Issho: “Yes, I came across some good spices on the merchant ship when I came, so I just want to buy some of those spices.”


The two went out. Suddenly, Lida came back again and took a close look at Kulo, making him feel unfathomable mystery, and then Lida left.

“Elder sister, elder sister, accompany me to buy some clothes, I think Kulo seems to have grown taller recently…”

Leda took the hand of platycodon and walked out of the Marine base together .

As people walked away, he collapsed on the chair again, with his feet on the table, lit a cigar, and smoked slowly.

“Hey, the clothes are so tight again, have I been growing up lately?”

With the movement of his legs, he felt that his clothes were a little tight, not fat. It’s simply being longer, making the clothes look a little small.

In this case, it is not one or two times anymore.

Kulo also changed a lot of clothes during this period, all of the previous clothes were small.

His current height, if you count it, I’m afraid he has to be two meters forty-five meters tall, and it depends on the situation.

“Hey! I also have a powerhouse posture.”

Kulo laughed, spitting out smoke in satisfaction.

In this world, what is a meter or something, although it looks good, but it is still a bit less interesting than the general height of two or three meters.

Although the term powerhouse is not very lucky in this world, Kulo can still accept it as long as it is taller.

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