Sazier performed well in the headquarter training, so he didn’t have any military rank. However, considering that he was trained by many old Marines, although he didn’t work, he still took the headquarter first-class position. After graduation, he re-entered under Kuro’s command.

He was originally directly under Kuro.

By the way, Platycodon grandiflorum is directly under Lida.

Donald’s words, Kulo is going to let him form a team with Cass and become a direct subordinate of Cass.

There is such a straightforward and obedient guy who can not only replace Cass, but also watch him.

Taking Kizaru around for a while, the two entered the office.

“By the way, Old Master, you just came here. I will send a group of craftsmen to me. I want to renovate the Marine base. Now this is the old building. It is fragile and unsafe.”

Kulo took Kizaru to his seat, found a sofa to sit down, took out a cigar and lighted it on, “Also, my cigars are running out of stock, so you can send a batch to Me.”

“Oh~you can afford it now, Kulo.” Kizaru laughed.

“That’s different. Your Admiral special offer is different from what I can buy.” Kulo shook his head and said.

“If you want it then, why don’t you come to be Admiral? In this case, everything you want in the future will be the highest specification.” Kizaru looked at him.

“cough cough cough!”

These words almost didn’t make Kulo inhale smoke into his lungs. Cigars are different from cigarettes. This thing is nothing but lungs.

“Stop making trouble with Old Master, you haven’t retired yet, and I don’t have enough credit or strength. You are not catching the ducks on the shelves. Besides, World Government absolutely impossible agrees, absolutely not. !”

Kulo’s head shook like a rattle.

What’s the joke, I haven’t given the honors yet, so you make Lao Tzu an Admiral?

I am big, I have a big mouth.

I should be Admiral if I am sick.

Next, he looked at Kizaru with a scrutinizing gaze, and said suspiciously: “I said Old Master, you won’t come to test my tone, no need, people can’t, at least you shouldn’t… I’m staying on Pegasus Island. What’s the matter, wait until you can’t do anything. I want to be more leisurely.”

That’s what I said, but wait for Kizaru to withdraw. , Kuroh would not take over. He retired and said that it would take ten years, ten years later, he does not believe in Marine and will not produce a new monster.

What can happen to him.

“Well… just ask casually.”

Kizaru shrugged, made a cup of tea for himself, and said while pouring water, “Speaking of which, Zephyr-sensei and Did you meet?”

“Well, I did, and taught me a few tricks. I heard that this old man has a bad relationship with you?” Kulo asked.

“It’s not bad.”

Kizaru picked up the teacup, took a sip, raised his eyes, thought for a while, and said, “That serious man, I can’t bear it. The old man’s style is nothing more than Sensei anyway.”

He put down the teacup and slowly said: “The World Government has recently drafted a new’Oka Shichibukai’ personnel, although it has not been completely determined. , But it should be almost done. One of them, if he joins, the faith of Zephyr-sensei, the Old Guy, may be shaken.”

hearing this, Kulo narrowed his eyes and asked knowingly: “Oh? Who?”

“Edward Weibull…”

Kizaru pouted, “The name Edward is impressive, especially that A man still has a white beard. This feature is really… good terrifying.”

“Is Whitebeard’s surname? I heard that the old ghost had no biological son before his death.” Kulo breathed out smoke, said.

“Sa, who knows.”

Kizaru said: “But what is certain is that the new recruit ship led by Zephyr-sensei was attacked by him. That. Man, has the Peak power of Whitebeard when he was young.”

“Oh~that’s really terrifying.” Kulo agreed with nodded.

“We don’t have the right to talk about the decisions made by the World Government. Now Mr. Sengoku is in contact with it, but in the eyes of the old man, it may be useless. Those people are the best at balancing. “Kizaru said with a smile.

Although Marine is a direct agency of World Government, in the face of World Government, which wants to maintain world balance and pursue’balanced power’, sometimes their choice is cerebral palsy in Marine’s view, but it is actually The above is correct for the interests of World Government.

Kulo can think of this.

Whitebeard was defeated by Marine, and Marine’s power and prestige rose sharply. This is a good thing for the World Government, which will greatly enhance their status in the world, but after the promotion, they will also It must be ensured that Marine will not be too powerful, after all, that will unite Pirate and cause turbulence in the situation.

Then the best way is Shichibukai, another balanced force.

As a strategic weapon used to deal with Yonko, too many people have been removed after the top.

I have gone to New World and are robbing the territory of the’Blackbeard’ Teach.

On top of Jinbe formally rebellious.

And Moria who was executed by their order.

Now Shichibukai, there are only three people, Hawk Eyes, Empress, and Tian Yaksha, which have been lost by more than half.

This amount must be added.

Edward Weibull, since he claims to be the son of Whitebeard, whether it is true or not, World Government will treat him as true. If he becomes Shichibukai, he can be the first to attack Pirate at sea , The second is to reduce the prestige of Marine.

After all, that is the’son of Whitebeard’, the son of the top Pirate that cost so many lives to kill, if it becomes the direct agency of the World Government’Oka Shichibukai’, Marine’s prestige will be reduced. it is good.

Of course, this is not without benefits, after all,’Whitebeard’s son “abandons the dark and casts the light” is also a blow to Pirate.

The winner at the top is still World Government.

There is one thing they don’t understand.

The good old people who have no temper will lose their temper if they are forced to the extreme.

It’s better to say that the kind of good people who have never had a temper, once they have a temper, the consequences are very terrifying.

Kulo squinted his eyes and said, “Zephyr, Old Master, you have also found out. His beliefs are now in the wind.”

“After all, it is Senior. , You have to take into account the feelings of old age, so ah, the old man is here, and I heard that West Blue has traces of the man. The old man will come to see you at the same time, and see if he can be found by the way.”

Kizaru said with a smile: “By the way, if you meet, you should do something too.”

“If I can meet…” Kulo nodded.

He doesn’t mind stabilizing Marine, the old man Zephyr is pitiful enough, there is no need to force him so much, if you really want to meet that man, you have to touch him.

After all, it has not been decided yet. If someone kills someone before the World Government makes the final decision, then Shichibukai’s target will have to be changed.

As for the so-called battle strength of Whitebeard’s Peak when he was young…

If he wants Gura Gura no Mi, then Kulo retreats and goes back to rescue soldiers.

If there is nothing…

If you encounter it, it depends on whether the Weibull is strong or not.

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