The next day, watching the Kizaru Battleship leave, Kulo stood at the dock, pondering.

What we talked about yesterday, except for Edward Weibull, was the power struggle within Marine.

The battle between Akainu and precognition has become fierce. On the one hand, the World Government is in favor of it, and on the other hand, it is protected by Sengoku. The faction of Marine is divided into two factions here. Due to the existence of Sengoku, there are two factions in Marine. In faction support, precognition is better than Akainu.

But the final decision, after all, is World Government.

Akainu, who is favored by World Government, has a high probability of becoming Fleet Admiral.

However, it is certainly not that easy.

The justice and personality of the two are completely different. The O’Hara incident, but the precognition absolutely disagrees with Akainu. When Sengoku was in the past, it was easy to say that everyone normally does not care about who, major Event items are also Marine, and it is no problem to work together.

But if someone really wants to come to the top, I am afraid it will be very problematic.

Fighting is inevitable.

As for Old Master, it doesn’t matter who is Fleet Admiral anyway.

As for Kulo, he doesn’t even go to the ghost place of the current headquarters. I can’t feel it at the bottom level, but wind and rain at the top level are coming.

“If the Old Master is temporarily in West Blue, then you will not worry about the issue of the garrison on Pegasus Island. Clean up, and we will also set off. Give you a vacation and go to the Kingdom of Double Horses for fun. Play.”

Kulo said to everyone behind him.

“Oh hoo! Good food, good food!” Leda cheered, her face full of expectation.

Marines also showed fascination.

Everyday all here, either training or patrolling, and occasionally vacations are also due to incomplete facilities on Pegasus Island, so I can only go for a drink or something.

They have long wanted to go out.

Except for the people who really didn’t want to go out staying at the Pegasus Island station, the others all got on the boat with Kulo.

Now Pegasus Island has also recruited local people to become Marines, but they are still training, because their personnel are really not enough. Only 500 people are transferred from the headquarters, including one of the main ship. Ships, two auxiliary ships, and the rest are all local patrol ships.

Among them, the main ship, that is, the Kulo used as a Captain’s car, is full of 400 people, the auxiliary ship is full of 200 people, and the patrol ship is even less, which is the kind he used in East Blue back then. The patrol ship has 80 people in general, and only 100 in full.

The number of Marines on Pegasus Island cannot even be filled with ships.

Although stationing on the island is definitely enough, Kulo doesn’t think so. He thinks that more people make it safer. When others see so many Marines, they may not even have the thought of doing evil.

Pegasus Island, now also recruits a group of Marines in the local area, but there are not many people, because there are not enough people in Feima Town, these Marines still want to join on their own.

Because the family is gone…

A group of people boarded a Battleship and moved towards the Kingdom of Shuangma.

Although the Kingdom of Two Horses has experienced wars, the main wars are on Pegasus Island, their gateway. On the contrary, the mainland has not been affected by the war. The occasional Pirate intrusion is not a big problem for them. Their own Kingdom Army is generally enough.

Except for the last time, it was mainly due to some riots during the succession, which made the Kingdom of Shuangma somewhat unresponsive. In addition, there was Marine on Pegasus Island. As a franchise country, their maritime safety was originally What Marine wants to protect is just to exercise some basic powers.

The capital of the Kingdom of Twin Horses is not in the port, but in the land a little bit northerly. Its name is’Benma City’. This island is also called Benma Island, and the island is relatively flat. , Grasslands are mostly, and then some forests.

The specialty of this island is horses, nothing else.

But in this world, there are too many mounts for this thing.

There are chocobos, lizards, crabs, and Crocodile.

The horse this thing, as a means of transportation is not the main thing, but it seems a bit weak.

Such special products are basically not bought by who, and can only be used as a scenic line of Benma Island.

“This is the port city of the Kingdom of Two Horses, it’s so big…”

After driving for a while, Lida looked at the port city approaching in front of him and said in surprise With.

This port city is not small, because it is close to Reverse Mountain, and it is a safe port city. Merchants and Pirate who just want to supply often come here to buy goods, which leads to more and more prosperous. Take off from the ghost place of Falkland Islands, of course it is more prosperous here.

At the harbor, there was a Battleship staying at this time, and beside that, a group of Marines stood upright.

That was Cass. Kulo called Cass before he came. After receiving the news, he was waiting for them there.

“Kulo Captain!”

Seeing the Battleship docked, after Kulo got down, Cass suddenly saluted, “We have fulfilled our mission. We have wiped out all Pirates in the nearby Sea Territory! “

I didn’t let you kill Pirate!

No, I don’t even know you are here to kill Pirate!

Furthermore, if you kill Pirate, you kill Pirate. What are you doing with Revolutionary Army!

Also special Revolutionary Army cadre!

Kulo pulled at the corners of his mouth, resisting the urge to hack Cass to death with a knife, and saluted him, “Thanks for your hard work, Captain Cass! Besides, what you did is too dangerous, you It’s just a captain. Next time you encounter something beyond the Revolutionary Army’s duties, just report it to me.”

You are a headquarter captain. All you have to do is take a patrol ship to patrol well. Sea Territory, Revolutionary Army or something, if you have encountered it, report it to Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu will solve it. I will never give you a chance!

“Yes! I will work hard!”

Cass exclaimed.

Sure enough, I still have to work hard. Both Kuro and Lida are already majors. I am still a captain. If you want to follow Kulo Captain, you need a higher position to help you better. he.

After contact with Cass, a group of people went northward, between land and land. Of course, they could not use boats. They rented a group of horses and rode straight to Macheng. It took about half a day. , Arrived at the destination of this trip, Benma City.

As a town, its structure is pretty good. On the only hill on the flat terrain, there is a huge castle. Below the castle, there are very neatly structured and ordered buildings. , In the center of the building, there is a large street leading directly to the castle, and other roads branch off from it to separate the building.

From this point, we can see that the old king has a good command of the country.

“Is it so clean?”

Kulo rode on the horse, after entering the city gate, looking at the densely crowded street in front of him, he couldn’t help being a bit stunned.

The street, white as jade, glowing under the sun, makes people look unusually comfortable.

“This is the characteristic of the Kingdom of Two Horses.”

Kuro explained from the rear: “This City of Galloping Horses, a long time ago, was to let horses into the city so it did a lot It’s spacious. The old kings of the previous generation seemed to have serious cleanliness, which made the city very clean. Many people are willing to settle here.”

“Well…it’s pretty good. Let’s see the king first. , After you disband yourself, find a place to have fun.” Kulo nodded, riding a horse towards the palace.

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