The new king of the Kingdom of Two Horses is called Alexander Francis. His Alexander surname is said to be very historical. Of course, this has nothing to do with Kulo. As he enters the castle, under the leadership of the guards, he finally I saw this character who looked like the’K’ in playing cards.

“Oh! Are you Lucifer ·Kulo, the new garrison base commander of Pegasus Island? I have heard your name, it is a very powerful Marine!”

On the throne, The old K stood up excitedly and extended the hand towards Kulo.

This made Kulo a little confused. He extended the hand and shook the old K.

“Meeting for the first time, King Your Majesty.” Kulo said politely.

“I am not a king yet, but I like this title very much.”

Old Khehe smiled: “Welcome you to participate in my succession ceremony. You are here. All consumption is paid by the royal family!”

“Really?” Lida’s eyes lit up.

Although she has 800 million, she is still happy if someone treats guests to dinner.

“Of course, this is the courtesy of the royal family.”

Old K said proudly: “The dinner will be done soon, and you must stay in the castle to pay it off. Give me a treat for you. Opportunity, thank you for your help and kill Pirate that invaded the port of my kingdom.”

“You are welcome, this is what Marine should do.”

Kulo is very kind. , But this old K went to the banquet hall together.

The Marine he brought, plus the Marine from Cass, and hundreds of people were seated in the banquet hall, while Kulo sat at the main table with this old K and exchanged cups. After a drink and a meal, Old K suddenly let the people in the banquet hall back and forth, leaving him alone.

“Actually, I have a request.” Old K became serious.

Here comes…

Kulo shook the wine glass, feeling speechless.

I knew that the meal was not so delicious. I participated in a succession ceremony, which included eating and drinking merrily, and was a banquet for the Quartet. He was just a Captain, and would not make a king of a franchise country like this. Courtesy, generally speaking, he can go back directly after he has participated in the succession ceremony.

“I want to ask you to save my fiancee!” Old K burst into tears and said: “My fiancee…she was taken away by Demoness.”

“Huh? Demoness?”

Kulo was drinking, and he was taken aback when he heard the word.

“Demoness?” Kuro was also taken aback.

“Kuro?” Kulo looked towards him.

Kuro nodded, said: “There is a legend on Benma Island, but I always think that it is fake. I say that there is an old Demoness here. I especially like young and beautiful women who will be taken away at night. They use their blood to make wine and regain their youth.”

“Really? There are such nonsense legends?” Kulo looked strange.

What kind of world is this? There are Ability User worlds everywhere.

It is more reliable to say that this is Ability User than to say what Demoness is.

“Wait, how old are you?” Kulo suddenly thought of something and looked towards Old K.

“My dear 43.” Old Kreplied.

“You are not getting married after forty? Diamond man…” Kulo said in surprise.

“Ah…it’s not.”

Old K said bitterly: “When the Royal Father was there, he held my marriage contract and didn’t talk about it until a few years ago. A marriage contract was delayed because of the war. Now the war is over and the Royal Father is gone, but my daughter is married. Fortunately, I found a new marriage contract and they also sent my daughter over. On the way, I was taken captive by Demoness. The father of that person is a very wealthy person. I need to marry her to ensure the longevity of the Kingdom of Shuangma.”

“The people in the kingdom are all because of The war has led to the decline of talents, and the remaining people are simply unable to shoulder the responsibility of looking for Demoness. The people I sent the past few days have no news, so when I knew you were on Pegasus Island, I moved my mind.”

“Please, please save my fiancee. I am willing to pay for this. How about the three-year tax in the port city? All I can pay now is the tax.” Old K pleaded. .

“Forget the tax…”

Kulo thought for a while and said: “But in terms of population, I do want some bases now. If you are willing, then you will be transferred. Ten percent of the domestic population gives me.”

He didn’t want to care about this at first, but after thinking about it, this is also an opportunity.

There are too few people on Pegasus Island. The town of Pegasus, regardless of the fact that all the population in the island is concentrated, but in fact there are only a few thousand people, among which the middle-aged men are more For scarce.

No one, it is impossible to show vitality.

“Population, yes! As long as I can find my fiancee!” Old K immediately agreed, with some contempt for this Marine in his heart.

No money, just people.

What is the use of that group of civilians.

“What does your fiancee look like?” Kulo asked.

Old K shook his head, “I don’t know.”


“I really don’t know, I have never seen it before, but I must be It’s cute. After all, it’s ugly to match with someone who will soon become a king. Maybe it looks like this Marine.”

Old K points to the Kikyo who is eating there. , Said with anticipation.

Kanji turned his head and gave old K a gentle smile.

What did he say?

I didn’t hear much.

Forget it, just smile.

A red glow appeared in Kulo’s eyes, and Kenbunshoku spread across the island in an instant.

Well, I didn’t find any strong breath, it was all ordinary.

“Is there a specific location?” Kulo asked.

“Yes, it seems to be in the’Gunma Plain’.”

Old K didn’t know where to get a map, pointed to a place and said.

Kulo a little bit of support: “Kuro, you lead the team, let a few new recruits go to experience and experience, Donald, Kikyo, Sazier, you two follow along, others don’t need to bring them, there are more people. If it’s inconvenient, you guys have enough mobility.”

Cass, he is not ready to let go, just under his nose, he doesn’t believe what other waves can be revealed.

“Yes, I understand.”

Kuro pushed down his glasses, stood up, and walked out with the person named.

Just to rescue one person, their team, there are Kenbunshoku, and Busoshoku, it is not easy to go to a place to explore Life Aura.

“It’s that simple? Kulo Captain, don’t you follow it?” Old K said a little worriedly.

“It’s not necessary, it’s just saving a person, it’s not as troublesome as you think.”

Kulo took a sip of wine, thought about it, and said: “Speaking of which, I was responsible for dancing just now. They are all men. There are not many women in your country.”

“Yes, there are very few women on this island, but the number of women on Pegasus Island is the same as that of men, but now on Pegasus Island… “

Old K said: “I entered into a marriage contract with the daughter of that big businessman because of their country. There are slightly more women, so they can intermarry with their own people. Of course, I heard that all women from that country It’s beautiful, it should be pretty good.”

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