Gunma Plain, on a large plain not far from Galloping Horse City, is also a place rich in horses. You can see it on this plain every year when the time comes. The scene of the galloping horses is also a spectacle.

When they arrived at Kuro, it was dusk. The grassland was sprinkled with a golden layer under the dim sun. The breeze blew by, and the cows, sheep and horses everywhere bowed their heads, it looked like Make people relaxed and joyful.

Kuro got off the horse, patted the horse on its back, and the horse turned automatically and went to the side to graze.

“So, where are the people?”

He looked towards the three people behind him, and found that it seemed to be a question for nothing.

Kiji is a deaf man, she can’t hear her words clearly. Moreover, although her Kenbunshoku is strong, it is basically used for combat.

Donald is strong on Busoshoku, Kenbunshoku has no further comments.

As for Sazier…

I was ignored by Kuro.

“Sure enough, I still have to rely on myself.”

Kuro straightened his clothes, his body began to grow with black hair, turning into the form of a werewolf, he was lying on the ground, long and narrow His nose began to tremble against the ground.

An important ability of a werewolf is to smell the smell. As a werewolf, he doesn’t need the extremely high Kenbunshoku knowledge about finding people. He can find people by his breath alone.

“The smell of wild beast is everywhere, but if wild beast, it means that the human breath is very exceptional. Well, it’s so rushing!”

Kuro suddenly covered his nose and jumped It took a long while to get up.

“It’s the unique taste of Herb!”

He faced in one direction, “It’s very close, over there.”

Speaking, he turned there Ran over.

The remaining few people looked at each other and followed along.

Kuro, who transformed into a human-beast form, was of course faster than the rest of the others, but after a long time, he saw a raised hillside. From his direction, he was about to see the hillside. Below, there was a hole that had been hollowed out, and a door was erected on it.

“That’s it!”

Kuro pointed to that way.

At this moment, a black smoke drifted from the door and quickly spread to the grassland.

The cows, sheep and horses that were diffused by the smoke raised their heads, with a trace of scarlet in their eyes, they screamed, and collectively rushed to Kuro and them.


Donald looked in amazement, picked up the long spear on his back and held it, hitting a rushing horse with a shot, and said: “Kuro Major, what is going on?!”

whiz whiz whiz!

The platycodon grandiflora swiftly opened its bow and used its arrows, three arrows in a row, piercing the heads of the three horses rushing over.

“Okay! Look at me!”

Sazil rolled up his sleeves, squeezed his fists, and faced the horses that rushed forward. “Nail boxing·San…pu!”


A cow who did not know where he came from behind him, used its horns to fly Sazier out, and landed on the ground with a click.

He quickly got up, his face flushed, and the corner of his eyes glanced at Kikyo and Donald. Donald knew him, his Master’s apprentice, but he didn’t expect to join Marine. Kikyo is It’s the first time I saw you, but no matter what, I made such mistakes in front of the two newly joined colleagues. It really made people…

“How can it be fixed!”

Although Donald He Kikyo didn’t look at him, but Sazier still felt the humiliation. He was loudly roared, his fist was stained with black, and he punched the bison that was about to collide.

Boom! !

With just one punch, the bison was shot high and flew high.

“Nail boxing, burst nails!”

After the punch, Sazier turned around and punched again, hitting the wild horses, exploding with energy, and exploding. Come, like a nail after the explosion, a few wild horses beat a piece of blood.

At this time, Sazier raised his head and glanced at Donald and Kikyo again.

However, neither of these two looked at him.

Kuro jumped high, bounced high in the air with Geppo, and frowned as he watched the wild beast suddenly plunged underneath.

The diffused smoke can still smell an unpleasant smell, which is probably the reason why the wild beast has become violent.

And this amount…


bang bang bang!

A lot of slash, scattered and messy Landed among these wild beasts. The explosion caused by the slash and the cut exploded around, and the wild beasts in the lower area lay down one after another.

“This kind of level is not worth our time wasting, and wasting time will make Mr. Kulo think that I am useless, so I don’t want to be looked down upon by Cass!” Kuro said gloomily.

Speaking, he kicked the door of the cave with a Rankyaku, stepped on Geppo and rushed in.

“Yes, it actually took time!”

Sazil also rushed over. He doesn’t know Geppo yet, but he learned how to shave. I saw him Stepping forward, turning into an afterimage, rushing into the cave with Kuro up and down.


Suddenly, Kuro stepped forward in the sky, his body floated backward, jumped several times, and landed on the ground.

“Sazir, retreat!” He yelled at Sazier.

Sazil, who rushed forward, only felt cold, as if he was about to be split in half. Subconsciously, he stopped and kicked back like a monkey. step.


A huge and slender long naginata was so steadily pierced on the ground where he had traveled, and the blade was mostly submerged in the ground, revealing A section of cold glow glows.


Before Sazier could react, in his field of vision, a golden silhouette struck from the horizon without knowing whether it was flying or jumping. The silhouette was getting bigger and bigger, and when it arrived in front of him, it was already a giant.

bang!! !

The giant shadow fell, smashed a wave of air, and overturned the grassland. Under this vigor, Sazier was blown away and fell to the ground in the distance.

“No way, how can there be this thing!”

Donald shot a bighorn sheep that was just about to kill a rushing bighorn sheep, but saw this wild beast suddenly fell on all fours and rushed to the ground. The giant shadow made a gesture of worship, and then he eyes shrank, revealing that he could not talk.

The bellflower clenched the big bow tightly, pulling the string abnormally full, and the forehead was already covered with sweat.

“What’s going on, what…?”

Sazil raised his head and just wanted to say it, his voice changed in the end.

The golden giant shadow in front of me is a giant monster with a thick coat of fur. It is said to be an ape, but its head is like a lion. It is said to be a lion, but its body is upright like an ape.

The lion ape?

Is there such a creature? !

“What a joke! Where did this monster come from!”

Compared to these three, Kuro felt more violent.

This monster is full of violence.

“roar! !!!”

The lion ape roared at them, and the sound wave was like a violent wind, blowing the grass down suddenly, and all of them were subconsciously lifted. The hand blocked it, and the smell coming from his mouth puffed out.

This huge monster is less than ten meters tall. The huge naginata in the eyes of ordinary people is held by it with one hand and resisted on the shoulder. For its size, the naginata is really only It can be considered slender.

“Major Kuro, what can I do?”

Donald feels that his long spear is no different from a toothpick in front of it. Will this bullet break the skin if I stabbed it out?


The one who responded to him was also angry roar.

Kuro’s figure soared and turned into a werewolf more than five meters high. He stood in front of the giant lion ape. He lowered his body slightly and assumed a fighting posture. Said solemnly: “Go find that Woman, let me hold it!”

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