When Kuro was fighting the Leo Ape, Sazier and the others had already entered the cave, which was a long tunnel that led directly to the underground.

“Okay, is there really anyone here?!”

Donald was holding his nose, and said in some uncertainty.

“Mr. Kuro’s abilities can’t go wrong, just look ahead and you will know, don’t waste time, Mr. Kuro is still fighting.” Sazier shouted.

That kind of monster, even Kuro can’t have the upper hand. If they don’t hurry, if Kuro fails because of their waste of time but can’t withdraw, then the matter is big.

“Okay! I’ll make the way!”

Donald was nodded, long spear, and immediately took the lead. Sazier was alert in the middle. Although Bellflower could not hear clearly, she knew What to do, the arrow and the bow follow at the end.

The long tunnel, but there are no other wild beasts or the like that appeared. A few people hurried forward and quickly passed through this tunnel.

Suddenly, Donald crossed the long spear and pulled Sazier behind him.

“There is a sound…”

At this time, they came to a staircase. The bottom of the staircase looked like a secret room, and there was a slight noise.

Several people looked at each other and nodded one after another.

Donald breathes deeply, squeezed the long spear, stepped forward, stepped over the stairs very quickly, and rushed in.


He dragged his finger back and was about to grab the chain wrapped around the handle of the gun and flew out. However, in the next moment, his whole person Stopped, the hand holding the chain stiffened, and the long spear fell heavily to the ground.

What you see is a small room full of bottles and jars, full of pungent smell.

There is a small table in front of which seems to be a test bench. Two women are sitting there, both wearing black robe. One of them is curvaceous and looks very delicate. She has the corners of her eyes. Tears, there is a frightened aftertaste on his face.

The other is obese, with an ugly face. She is holding a pot of medicine in her hand. She stretches out her hand as if to force the woman to drink it.


Just as Donald was about to ask a question, a huge vibration rang from above, and all the bottles and cans in this room collapsed.

“It’s too late!”

Donald gritted his teeth, skipped the bottles and cans in front, and shouted: “I am Marine, I’m here to save you, Eldest Miss!”

Speaking, he grabbed the hand of the good-looking woman, and under her bewildered look, he pulled her up the stairs.

As for the ugly fat woman, it must be Demoness, but Donald has no time to talk to her now, the upper part is beginning to vibrate, but now she can’t afford it…

Bang! ! !

On the ground, a werewolf over five meters high fell heavily on the ground. The huge and slender Naginata stabbed him the moment he fell to the ground. Kuro didn’t even have the time to fall to the ground and pant. After a roll, he escaped the Naginata’s attack, and his body took the opportunity to flick his limbs to the ground and stood up again.

He panted heavily and looked at the lion ape solemnly.

After licking the blood, he seemed to be able to do well. At this time, facing the lion and ape, he also dealt some damage.

It’s just that this guy can heal wounds very quickly. Although he licked its blood, he can predict its trajectory, but it can’t prevent others from changing their wounds.

From the moment he licked the blood, he and the lion ape fought hard, but the other party was not afraid that he could see through the movement, so he attacked him purely through the injury, changing every move, but He couldn’t stand the change like this.

“Isn’t it okay…”

Kuro bowed his body, like a real wolf, spinning around the giant golden monster.

His main purpose is not to kill the monster, but to find the King Fiancee abducted by Demoness.

Why do you want to fight with such a monster? He is not idle and doing nothing.

“Mr. Kuro! We found it!”

Just as Kuro was circling the lion ape, a few people from the cave rushed out, and Sazier faced Kuro. Shouting.

Kuro turned his eyes and saw Donald grabbed a nice-looking woman and ran over. In an instant, his limbs rushed to the entrance of the cave, and his huge arm embraced several people. , With a flick of both feet, use Geppo to step on the air and rush to the sky.

The lion monkey looked at the silhouette that quickly became smaller, and did not pursue it. When the silhouette gradually disappeared from the sky, he carried the naginata on his shoulder, from beginning to end. Only a huge mouth of beast roar, and a soft voice:


Balancing Horse City, at the palace.

Kulo was still drinking wine and watching the singing and dancing, and listened to the old King K next to him.

“Kulo Captain, the Kingdom of Two Horses has always been the most famous for horse warriors and Kabuki. Although the warriors are a bit weaker now, Kabuki and the Kingdom of Two Horses are still the most powerful.”

Old K laughed a little happily: “Since my Royal Father’s generation, I have been collecting domestic kabuki actors. I think this is a very good tradition. After I take the position, I will Collect all the kabuki actors in the country to the kingdom, and then only perform for me.”

Immediately warriors and kabuki?

Now that the soldiers are out of order?

Why, is it because the grassland peoples have been able to sing and dance since the invention of the musket?

Kulo rolled his eyes and was about to raise the wine glass. Suddenly the action was a meal, and he looked towards a direction, “en?”


There was a strong wind outside the great hall. A huge black silhouette broke in from the front window, smashed the glass, rolled down a few times on the ground, and looked at the panic expressions of a group of people. Down, into a human form.

“Kuro?” Kulo said a little surprised.

At this time, Kuro staggered to his feet, panting, and his body was covered with scars and bruises.

Beside that, as Kuro’s body changed, Sazier and the others rolled out.

“What’s wrong, what’s wrong!” Old K said in a panic.

“What’s the matter? You made it like this?” Kulo asked.

Kuro is not weak now, plus Donald, Sazier, and Kikyo, in terms of being able to resist, attack, rush, and range, how can he be so embarrassed.

“I met a monster.”

Kuro gave a wry smile, and said: “On the Gunma Plain, I met a golden monster with a lion and an ape, Mr. Kulo , But fortunately, we completed the task.”

Speaking, he described the appearance and battle strength of the leo.


Kulo was stunned for a moment, “No, I have clearly sensed it, and I haven’t found any powerful aura. Why did you encounter it.”


He really didn’t perceive the strong aura, even so, in order to avoid accidents, he let Kuro lead the team in order to maintain stability.

It turned out to be like this.

Kulo’s pupils showed a trace of red glow, and Kenbunshoku spread out again, scanning the entire island again.

His Kenbunshoku did not feel it.

“Leda?” Kulo looked towards Leda who did not believe in evil.

Leda stopped eating, closed her eyes, opened it after a while, shook the head, “I can’t perceive it either.”

“It’s weird…you can avoid Kenbunshoku Is it possible that it is still the legendary Demoness, hello, old K, what do you know?” Kulo looked towards old K.

“My name is Alexander Francis, not Old K. If you ask me, I don’t know, Demoness or something, I’ve never seen it…oh!!!”

Just as the old K said, he suddenly noticed that there was a beautiful black robe woman among the group of people, her eyes lit up, she stood up, excitedly said:

“You are Is my fiancee? It’s really great, as beautiful as I thought. Fortunately, you haven’t been affected by the Demoness. The Demoness is so hateful that you want to catch you, such a beautiful woman. Don’t worry, I will definitely Do all of the country’s power to destroy that Demoness!”


The black robe woman glanced at the crowd, swallowed her saliva, raised her hand embarrassedly, weak Weak opened the mouth and said: “I am Demoness…”

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