As soon as this word came out, there was a rare silence around.

Old Ksubconsciously shrank his head, blinked his eyes, and looked up and down the black robe woman.

The black robe like silk and satin is as smooth as water, and outlines an exquisite figure. Looking at the upper and lower sides, this woman has big eyes and looks very innocent.


Old K looked at it for a while and said, “Where is Demoness? Demoness shouldn’t be the old, vicious-looking, wrinkled skin. woman? How can you be so young and beautiful.”

“Where is it, you have passed the award.”

The woman who calls herself Demoness holds her face with one hand and keeps the other hand “I’m really Demoness, but it’s not that exaggerated, but my grandma used to be what you said, but she passed away, I will take over.”

“Huh? Demoness can take over as well. Is it?” Leda asked.

“If the king can take over, why can’t Demoness take over.” Demoness said.

This seems to be right, but I feel that something is wrong…

“That, Demoness is not the kind of girl who loves the blood of girls, it will impose a curse on nothing, and occasionally give Princess A poisoned apple, or the kind of existence that turns the Prince of a certain country into a frog?” Sazier raised his hand.

“That’s awesome!”

Demoness’s eyes widened, seeming a little fascinated, “That kind of Demoness seems to be good too…”

“Enough, what are you asking.”

Kulo rolled his eyes, stood up, and said, “Hey, what are you?”

“I It’s not a thing, no, I mean, I’m a thing, no, I’m a Demoness, good at doing Herb.” Demoness was surrounded by myself for a while before reacting.

I’m sure, I’m an idiot.

“Are you really Demoness?” Old K asked.

Demoness nodded: “Yes, I am Demoness.”

“Then…what about my fiancee?”

Old Klooked towards Kuro, Kuro looked towards Donald and Sazier.

“Well, I thought that talent was coming from Demoness…” Donald scratched his head, “Isn’t it? When I saw it, wasn’t the woman pouring you with poison?”

“No, it’s just that I awkwardly turned the medicine bottle over, and the leaked smell was so unpleasant, I almost fainted, she just kindly picked me up.” Demoness scratched Scratching his head, some sorry way.

Old K looked at it for a while and asked Donald: “This Marine your excellency, why don’t you bring two people together, only one.”

“The main thing is to touch When I arrived at the monster, the enemy was too strong and I didn’t think about it too much.” Donald said honestly.

Old Knodded, looking at Donald, suddenly asked: “Since this kind of beauty is Demoness, then the woman taken away by her must be cuter and more beautiful, right?”

Donald fell silent.

Sazil thought for a while, then lowered his head and said nothing.

Only platycodon grandiflorum was confused.

Leda said Knodded’s words to Kikyo again, and Kikyo suddenly realized that she moved hard towards the old Knodded, and said with admiration and gentle tone: “What about Your Majesty, the king who pays attention to the agreement? “

“I’m not a king yet…Wait, what does this mean?!” Old K found a blind spot.

What does this have to do with the agreement or not?

Also, what kind of tone is this!

Old K leaned back, thought for a while, and suddenly said: “Um, let me make a proposal, this Demoness Young Lady…”

“Eh Me?” Demoness pointed to himself.

“Yes, do you only know how to do Herb?”

“Ah…Yes, I only know how to do Herb, except for this other will not.”

“Let’s do it, anyway, you also met monsters, and people were not rescued. Just treat the unsaved people as demons. Okay, then this Young Lady will be my fiancee. If you make mistakes, you will be wrong. , This Young Lady and I are getting married, I don’t mind at all.”

Old K stroked his curly beard, nodded and said: “That’s it. Come on. , Take this… well, what is my fiancee? I think about it…”

“Catherine.” Demoness said suddenly.

“Yes, Catherine, you will be Catherine from now on.” Old K said suddenly.

Then he was taken aback, “How do you know her name?”

“Of course we know her name when we are together. She often said that she came to the Kingdom of Shuangma You are the one who married the Royal Family of your home country.”

Demoness hit the palm with his fist and said: “Don’t worry, she will be fine, that lion ape is not so boring. “

“Do you know that monster?”

Kuro asked: “Just now you said the smell of Herb leaked from you? Those wild beasts were also your cause?”

“no no no, I’m just trying to save them.”

Demoness shook his head like a rattle, “I don’t know what’s wrong with those animals. Inexplicably enter the manic period, and the manic period is getting longer and longer. If this goes on, sooner or later, the animals will be completely manic, and that will cause disasters to this land.”

“So I dug a tunnel there, studying the habits of those animals every day, trying to cure their mania as an antidote. As for the lion ape…”

Demoness paused, “I I’m not very familiar with it, but I just ran into it occasionally. One night, I saw it dancing on the grassland. It was quite beautiful. It was really unimaginable. With such a large body, it could dance so smoothly.”

“It found me too, but didn’t do anything to me, so there won’t be any trouble with Catherine there.”

“The king’s fiancee, why is it with you?” Kuro Asked coldly.

“It’s a thief.”

Demoness said: “Catherine said she was attacked by a thief, but she managed to escape on the way. The other side seemed to treat her maid as Eldest Miss. Really Strange… Catherine is obviously such a good person, why do people always admit their mistakes?”

“Demoness rumors such as arresting people are actually rumored by thieves? What is the purpose of turning them into Legend, don’t you think of them?”

Kuro pushed down his glasses and asked Xiang Lao K, “King Your Majesty, does anyone ask you for a ransom?”

Old K Shaking his head, “Not for the time being.”

“That’s weird…” Kuro suspiciously: “Don’t pay the ransom, what should I do…”

I suspect that this Demoness is telling lies, because looking at the expressions of Sazier and Donald, I know that Catherine is a dinosaur, who would catch such an ugly woman to suck blood for youth, and that woman and this Demoness are hiding In the hole under the hillside.

Demoness doesn’t know when they will come, besides, she doesn’t know the person to take away will be her, impossible to make arrangements in advance.

What she said is true, but because of this, everything seems a little messy…

The lion ape, the thief who catches people but doesn’t want a ransom, the manic wild beast, I don’t know if it is related.

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